my name's jason but when we were kids my li'l sis pronounced it as "jahson" so it kinda' stuck with me...i put the "x" at the end to make it sound somehow cool just like the name of that big blade wielding horror flick character!
J is for Justin, and i used to like Snoop Dogg, so there was the Jdogg part. Then somehow i just decided to add party, because Jdogg alone was always taken. I Jdogg in all of my usernames, most of the time i do Jdoggparty.
well back when i was like 8 i played a game called "lankouir quest" first game that i had to have a user name. well my names tyler and i like to rock on! lol i waz 8 guys. but if u see this name anywere its me though
I actually came from my NewGrounds Profile, I just decided to use the same name here too. And, on NG, I diddn't even know there was a "hellian". I added the 00 because at the time, my email address ended with 00.
well i just tried to make it different than wat i usually use (which is MikeyX9) so i thought of marked stuff and target came... i put the 6 there for no reason which i now regret putting it there...