ForumsArt, Music, and WritingArt Skills Contest

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6,823 posts

Hello and welcome!

This is a spin-off of the original GFX Art Battle, but with some updated rules and changes. Please make sure to read the rules before entering, since they have been modified. Good luck, we look forward to seeing some creative artistic entries!

Competition Rules
1. Must be hand drawn, either on paper or in a program. It can then be manipulated in an graphics program. But unoriginal artwork cannot be used as the main focus. Copyrighted images cannot be used. All pieces containing copyrighted images will be disqualified.
2. Submissions must follow the current theme that has been chosen by a moderator for that week. If you submit more than one piece, please clarify which one you would like to be judged.
3. If your image is larger than 600 pixels wide, please provide a link to the image instead of posting it in the forum. Otherwise, the image will be cut off.
4. Artists cannot win in subsequent weeks. You can still submit, but if you won the week before, you cannot get first place again the next week.
5. After the deadline, a moderator will pick the winner, and they will be awarded a 25 AP award.

  • 6,854 Replies
625 posts

Wow that looksh awesome Wigginometry x3

2,278 posts

Thats very... shiny Wigginometry.The best entry so far though =)

13,657 posts

Hmm, the judging might be delayed until tomorrow.
Helping kittens down from trees.
Is tradition.

5,420 posts

dude they added scroll bars to all the images...that is awesome. Now we no longer need to worry about them cutting off anymore. Anyways with that out of the way I shall wait until judging is complete...again.

4,196 posts

Yay for scrollbars!!!

Pretty awesome hey!!!

I wish it was judged already! But I can wait!

625 posts

I just realized that i never gave an entry.. Only suggestions of what my entry would be so here it is.

127 posts

Wow Esuna the Sun effect on your picture is really great.
I want to know how this is possible..

625 posts

That is a lens flare set on a black background which is "soft lighted" into the rest of the stuff i did =D

13,657 posts

---No more entries---

Nope, not judging atm, but it will happen sooner or later..

13,657 posts

And again. Yes....
Look forward to the next theme.

6,921 posts

Ohhhhh! New update. That is wickedly cool. =D

Apocalypse, your drawing is pretty neat.. But what's so shiny about it?

9,434 posts

Z: *yawn* Judging. It's too hot to judge, and Cen is ill. Why the heck are we even judging, Cen?
C: Because people would try and hurt us if we didn't... Just like the fuss with the MWT. Still awesoming me out, though.
Z: Awesoming you out? Whut?
C: The fuss with the MWT.
Z: I don't understand what you mean awesomed what out. Seriously.
If you must use made-up words, at least use them a bit more clearly?
C: ... The chaos I created. I find it cool. Better?
Z: Ah. Yes, it was awesome, epically awesome.
C: And then said in present time, as I am still finding it cool.
Z: Aaaaanyway...
C: Yes, anyway. Judging.
Z: With new odd sidescrolling in the pics.

The winner of last round, ubertuna!

C: Oh yes, those ripples. It look purrrty.. If it was animated, I would be lost in it.
Z: Preeeetty~ Relatively simple, though. But I very much envy that he has a program that will make those ripples. I searched in the filters of Photoshop Elements (7.0), and I just can't find anything that will do that.
C: My version has a ripple filter. I think... I have seen it.
Z: I have an "ocean ripple", but that just distorts the syrface in a water-like manner, it doesn't make the wavy things. I know Jasc Paint Shop Pro has such a filter ... I miss that program. :<
C: I only miss it for the linetool. I miss Cs3 (I think it was) when I was trying that... We are getting a little off judging now.
Z: It's the art forum, off-topic is the norm.
C: I know, it is a little annoying sometimes. Like when you are uploading a new image and all you get is a continuation of something two people was talking about in the thread (off topic), because the topic is back up...
Z: Oh yeah... >.<


C: Ah yes. The entry of Thousand Layers. It looks... I looks like something I would think about doing, start on, and after ten minutes would delete, because I lost interest. Simply said: A lot of work, and it pays off.
Z: And bonus grats to Wigginometry for explaining it in a way that made it seem fascinatingly complicated to me. Like... I know what he did and how, but ... omg, SO MUCH WORK. Shapes. They kill patience.
C: Yes. Awesomeawesomeawesome work, too much for me to care to do it, but... I am made of lazy. And a lot of water, but still.
Z: Cenere - 98% water, 1,99% lazy, 0,01% brain.
C: I am not sure if I should feel offended or just agree...
Z: Considering that I'm joking, you should just smile and wave~
C: Smile and wave, Cenny, smile and wave....
And considering the amount of water, I am actually a jellyfish.
Z: I know^^
C: The secret is out!
Now everyone know!
Z: Dun dun DUNNN!


C: That was... thiswontwork. Wasn't it? Well, it did work.
Z: It did indeed~ Though it's somewhat more sparkly than shiny.
C: Yes, but... Well, if I saw it irl, I would probably yell "My eyes, they're burning!" from the glow. And then take as much as I could. A little sad about the background still, though.
Z: The pure-black-squariness doesn't do it good, no. But it's still nice~
C: But nice with someone listening to one's advice. I am sure Tww will do good. Just, another advice: As you are using GIMP, you should use the layers more, it would make sure you don't mess all up, if you make a mistake. I think I already said it, but it is still important.
Z: Also important, Ctrl+z.
C: Yup. *picks up icecream*
Z: Honey+chocolatey stuff?
C: Just chocolatey stuff, though there is a slight hint of honey, yes.
Z: I recall that flavor of ice cream to be very honeyish, but mkay~ Enjoy. :3
C: Thanks. Next vict.... winner?
Z: I was just about to mention it~


C: "And this, kids, is why you should never EVER look into the sun! It will make you look like a stickman and make your eyes red!"
C: And as Voidless says: Don't do drugs!
Z: Indeed~ I like that pic. Made me laugh out loud when I first saw it.
C: It made me wonder what a bunch of oddballs the regulars are with that kind of ideas. But a nice change from the mod round, indeed.
Z: Lol^^
Also at very close competition for third place with

kingryan's entry

C: Yes, another "The sun is shiny/shining". Now, why is it the bird isn't burning up, but the flower is?
Z: It's a smidgen further ahead. Or maybe it's not black feathers, but a special anti-burn substance suit thingy.
C: Like the rope is made of. Well, the "You are so grounded" made me smile a little. Because... Grounded... Because of taking the sun home?? > >.... Nope, can't explain my amusement.
Z: *chuckle* Has a misspelling, though, but nothing big~
C: Well, it is an art competition, not a spelling rally.
Z: No, but good spelling/grammar looks better, except for when purposefully distorted. Imo.

Now for honorary mentions and the dishonorable mention. Yes, there is one this week.
C: There is?
Z: There is.
But first!

Honorary mention for uber display of skill with digital paint:

The reason this did not place, is because Cenere and I agree that this is not shiny as much as it is - light, and glowy.
C: Yes. But Tiamot is really doing a fantastic job, both with this, and with the spring contest. I am envious..
Z: Granted, light does "shine", but we felt the other entries hit the theme better.
But really, exceptionally well done on the hand. o.o The beam of light looks oddly unnatural compared to the close-to-realism of the hand, though. And the general lighting of the pic doesn't totally make sense (the hand is obviously illuminated by a  somewhat bright source of light, yet it is in darkness and the beam is exaggeratedly clear). But it's still very well done.
C: What she said.
Z: *bow*

The mention of the entry from a judge that can thusly not actually be entered.

Kra^^ I like that bird~ Also, you're doing nice progress on the whole learning-to-draw-without-lineart thing.
C: I am just playing around. Is rather fun, though. But it is hard to figure out the places for shadows without the lineart, at least atm.
Z: You'll learn^^

Dishonorable mention for lack of effort:


And for the last seven entries~


C: Groovy.
Z: Shiny m~ Sasquatch needs to be more careful about what he ingests.
C: Very, but he can handle it, I'm sure. As long as he keeps from the Pacific Northwest Tree Octopus, we will be all fine.
Z: ^^
C: It is almost extinct! Like me!! There is only one of me!
Z: Yes, you is very speshul~


C: The traditional art!!11!1one! Looks very shiny, doesn't it?
Z: It does~ Big shiny gem~
C: The kind of thing I might borrow without asking and without any intention of giving it back.
Z: *chuckle* You would, wouldn't you~
C: Prolly.
Z: Also, not the only traditional art entry:


C: Ah yes, return of the Happy Pants.
Z: Yes^^ Now with useless shiny chains~
C: Very so. But it looks good, doesn't it? Those pants scare me a little with the happiness...
Z:They're a bit over enthusiastic~
C: Mm, Alice in wonderland has never been better..... I mean, yes, over enthusiastic.
Z: Heh^^


C: Beware of the shine!
Z: Beware of the url that makes me snicker!
But yes, the shine~ Looks like it would make a good background for a sig image.
C: Esuna does a lot of sig art, I think. But yes. It is interesting.
Z: It is indeed~


C: That one amuse me a little. Thought it is a little weird.
Z: I'm kinda glad someone made a pokemon reference, though. X3
C: It was nice, yes. Now we just need people to make pokemon entries in the Pokemon contest.
Z: Lol, yeah... Anyway, just two more entries to go~
C: Yes.

Z: LufffiStudios

C: Twinkle, Twinkle, giant star...
Z: *LOL*
*gathers self* Dunno why, but that really hit a laughter point, Cen. XD
C: Good I make you happy~
Z: ^^ *gives cwookie*
C: Thanks.

Z: Apocalypse

C: Oh yeah, it could have been rather well done by someone with great computer skills (mirror effect impossible, almost). More skill than anyone I know. This one is a rather good try, though.
Z: I don't get the shiny bit.
C: Uhm, the smudgedness and the line of yellow arround the sun.
Z: Hmmmmkay~

Anyway, that was the last entry. There was a lot of entries this round. o.o And we were under siege by new people?
C: It is nice, right? Oh, and as a preview for the new theme:
Torturing characters, who, me?
Z: Very nice^^
And lolses~
C: *bow*
Oh, and: Official warning for Zega for asking continuously for the new theme, even though he has been told he cannot know before the rest of you.
Z: Yes, warning. Continuing to do so may result in being banned from entering the competition. Harrassing judges = bad idea.

Theme: Eventyr*
Deadline: Next Monday, the 4th of May

*: "Eventyr" is a Danish word that can be translated to both "fairy tale" and "adventure". The theme is a mixture of the two. Go be creative.
C: Mwahahaa!
Wow, anger dizzy... And my stomach hurts just a little now, which is good. So, we're done?
Z: We are! *gives another cwookie* Until next week! D:
C: *wave*

13,657 posts

And it is now announced as well.
How long do I have to... Oh, I know! I have as many ideas as the days til the next judging, so I might just... Nah, we'll see.

6,921 posts

Me wantz merit so I hope dis winnz lololololol!

Can I haz merit?

9,434 posts

No, you can't. You don't get a merit by asking for it.

And even though that is a totally legit entry, it would be nice to see you take the warning just a tiny bit seriously and apologize for being obnoxiously begging for a theme instead of just ignoring everything around you.

Also, honestly... The rest of the entries will need to be pretty low quality for that to win. It's not that it's a bad entry, it's just that it is - well, boring and very Paint graphic infested.

Showing 4216-4230 of 6854