Move them!!! kill them!!! I can't tell you how many times I've died because there was a rollover ad!!! also move the click ads, mainly because when you're playing a point and click game 83% percent of in game deaths occur when one accidentally clicks an ad
I did have one pop up in the middle of me playing something, but that was the only one that I noticed. Then again, I really don't have much time to play games on here anymore I do agree that the ads need to be a bit more separated from the game window, as I have clicked on those a bunch of times. We certainly need the ads to generate revenue, but if they get in the way of gameplay, then we are killing the primary purpose of this site
i hate the smiley face adds...please ag GET MORE SPONSORS!!! oh and get a deal with yahoogames to put the last stand 2 on there because at school i cant play..
The ads can be quite annoying, (I've heard the Smiley ad go,"Say Something! Whaaaat?" one too many times.) the pop up ads and the rollover ones sometimes interfere with my games. Maybe there can be a pop-out window for the game you can select, then, when you are done playing, you close the window, rate/comment the game on the original window, and continue on your merry way.
Move them!!! kill them!!! I can't tell you how many times I've died because there was a rollover ad!!! also move the click ads, mainly because when you're playing a point and click game 83% percent of in game deaths occur when one accidentally clicks an ad
I agree 100 percent with Koshionos, the reason why is because i was playing an online game once (stick arena) and i accidentally rolled over 1 and got killed twice.
You can get a Firefox add on (assuming you have Firefox) that blocks all these adds. It's called Add Block Plus and you can get filter subscriptions (I got a USA one) and it blocked mostly every add I used to see.
Right... I think the ads were laid out in such a way that users would click them. I mean, just look at them. There's an ad bar above and below your game, perfect for when you screw up clicking and click the ads - thus making you interested in Zwinky or a whole new MMORPG! They're also a heck of a lot more noticeable since your play area is smack dab in the middle. It's meant to be like that! (OR SO I THINK!)
And face it, you can't remove them. Unless, you guys are willing to get mommy and daddy to enter their credit card number, ad revenue is how you make the site stay .com, instead of "freewebs/angelfire/.081/tripod/"
moegreche u said u need them for revene thats a lie u get 20$ per click on this website u must get a good few grand a day minus the office suit price u lot much get a good few hundred dollars a day :} my freind ownz a website he makes like 50grand a hour cos he sells cars lol