i only know the first 2 lvls, need help for the third, i keep dying, but here is the first 2 lvls, quite simple actually.
Lvl 1: send out your normal packs of guys 3 times, entrenching them and locking them in there. wait. the enemy will surrender.
Lvl 2: entrench 3 packs of normals and lock them in. if you can beat back the enemy, make 1 more normal and send them and 2 entrenched with him to take the other trench and lock them their. wait. they will surrender. a safer way to do this is the exact same as lvl 1, EXACTLY THE SAME! NO CHANGES!
Lvl 3: i dont know, i cant beat it, if i can get some help, it would be much appreciated.
the mines are a great problem, since they are killing only you and not the enemy. i suggest useing a pair of sniperunits to pick off the guys in the trenches, without entering the minefield, but only IF the sniper has range enough to do so without entering the field. also, if you dont feel like using tanks, just to make the game a bit more challenging, i suggest you use the sturmtroppern or assault teams to take it out. take cover in a trench, then wait for the tank to come, then whack it with the greenies. remember, the officer also has an effect on the grenades damage, so have one of them come to the trench too. preserve all your firesupport for the tank, yet the gas as absolutely no effect, so use that on others.' another small note, is that firesupport does not give exp
btw, when you own 2 or 3 trenches, fill them with assaults/sturmtroppern then order a last troop. when the troop reaches the first one, empty it and make them run. do the same at 2nd and 3rd trench. that means you got 2x3+1 or 3x3+1 which is 7 and 10 units rushing. this is a very daring move, and you might loose all your morale in the go. but if not, they are enough to clear the complete stage. you btw might wanna have a sniper helping them
Well I have a little problem with Warfare 1917; My XP says 7550 NN XP and will not let any points be added. I'm stuck at 0 points and I can not upgrade. THis glitch has held me back the last few days so if anyone can help me, I will be glad to know.
lvl 6: Storm the front trench with 2 gunner squads and 1 sniper. Get a whole bunch of riflemen in the back to support everytime they kill your front trench. They will charge over and over, and it will kill them.
Lvl 7: Do the same thing; but this time you should put all gunners, and in the back areas, you need 1 captain, to boost your morale, and 2 riflemen squads to cover. They will kill themselves.
For lvl 8 and 9, you can storm them with tanks and grenadiers, snipers in the back, riflemen in the middle, and captains in the waay back to look good. xD use fire support to kill the enemy tanks. It's pretty easy.