Granted you get all that but it seems you have to pay for it you don't have enough money and you have to sell your stuff to get the money to pay for these stuff and etc.
I wish that my wishes cannot be corrupted I wish for the same amount of Gross Domestic Product the U.S.A makes a year.....which is about 9.5 trillion dollars
Granted. With a mighty heave, I push the piano, which wheels itself at top speed in your direction, pinning you to a wall and crushing your vital organs.
I wish I could eat a fish that is not poisonous, has no bones I can choke on, or will not cause anything to crush or otherwise kill me. Oh, yes, and it has to be tasty as well.
wish granted but you lose the defition spelling bee
I wish for a pizza that you can't choke on, get poisened from, and get anything but a deliciuos taste that is not a bad taste. Trust me I went this far for nothing