You corrupt the previous posters wish than make your own wish. Begin!I wish for a pony! (lul)
granted but theres a tsunami and you die.i wish for infinity sour jelly beans
granted there in Japani wish for a ban proof sheild
granted but it is half the times smaller than a atom.i wish to get my wish exactly how i want it
Granted, but then you decide that you didn't wish for what was good. It sucked anyway.I wish I had the ability to defy the laws of physics
granted but it weres off in 100000th a secondi wish for the world to be mine
Granted, but the planet is overrun with zombies and you wouldn't want it anymore. I wish that I owned the entire universe forever
Granted but The universe got eaten by a giant black hole.I wish for a Wish That Cannot be corrupted
granted but that wish comes in 2 yearsi wish for all my wishes to never be corupted starting now
granted but you had only one wish. no more wishes for you. never.i wish i have awesome superpowers and that my wish cant get corrupt.
Granted, but you didn't specify what superpower it was so it became the power to have wishes corrupted.I wish for a wish.
the wish is for meI wish for dark fire
Granted, but it turns into light water.I wish that there was such thing as magic.
Granted,there always was so your wish backfires and deletes all magic from existance. WTH DID U DO THAT DARKFIRE45?I wish for frenchfries.
Granted, they're so tasty and good so Darkfire45 ate'em all just before you! So go kick him and punch him! >I wish to raid a bank without being caught!
granted, its a bank with soup!i wish i can understand the language of all species and that i have the power of telepathy.
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