I know alot of people avoid thees posts about GOD and Heaven but I just want to know peoples oppions about heaven.Do you belive there is a heaven and if you do what do you think its like?
God is three in one , there not three diffrent gods
Thought that's what I said some believe. Anyway the concept of the trinity is actually a recon in order to explain away the in consistence explanation of what God is like. It's not actually in the Bible that God's a trinity. Similar to the whole Earth was made 6000+- years ago or the concept of purgatory.
Evidence is irrelevant when it comes to an afterlife. No one truly knows what happens after death. It's all faith.
No it's not. Just because we don't know somethign doesn't mean we get to insert what ever we want, it just means we don't know. If your going to claim that anything beyond what we observe going on with the physical body (brain shutting down decaying etc.) you have to provide evidence that this something extra even exists.
Heh... Am I the only person who recalls John's description of heaven?
Just because we don't know somethign doesn't mean we get to insert what ever we want, it just means we don't know.
I'm not Christian. I am Muslim. This is my proof from the Qu'ran.
Every soul will taste of death. And ye will be paid on the Day of Resurrection only that which ye have fairly earned. Whoso is removed from the Fire and is made to enter paradise, he indeed is triumphant. The life of this world is but comfort of illusion. (Sura 3:185)
When Allah says "is made to enter paradise" my interpretation of this is a paradise of which is created my the person. A world that is created for the soul to live.
Because the Qu'ran I believe is the word of God. And I believe God knows what comes after death. I'm just putting my 2 cents in, and sharing my believe.
I know you're an atheist, and you probably want "scientific" proof. In religion its all based on faith. Even atheism has faith in it. You have faith that there is no God. I have faith that there is a God. I don't need to go in detail why I believe the Qu'ran is true or even why I believe God exists.
I know you're an atheist, and you probably want "scientific" proof. In religion its all based on faith.
Believing without evidence is the very definition of faith. So to claim what you presented is proof because you have faith is self contradicting.
Even atheism has faith in it. You have faith that there is no God.
It's not a matter of faith at all, it's a matter of the sheer lack of evidence to support such a being existing. If actual objective evidence was presented it would at least help validate some claim of a deity existing and I would consider it with a high chance of probability. But as it stands now god (any god) seems to be just as real as the Easter Bunny or magic flying pixies.
Examples: First-- Life. Life is too improbable to be created out of accident. And life is just too much of a perfect machine to be created by accident. I mean life is far beyond perfect, but the complexity is just to complex to be created on accident. And the life a cell. There is no explanation of what I know of what the driving force of molecules to create life. I mean before what we would call life today.
Second-- Stars to black holes. How a star dies to become a black hole. Black holes in theory are actual holes in the universe. So that means there is something outside of this universe. This could be God's domain.
Third-- Existence. Existence of itself is just too improbable to be created out accident. The probability of this universe existing is just too inconceivable to be explain by just by our laws of physics.
All science explains is how it happened. Not why. If we just based everything on science. The only logical reason why we exist is nothing. And I fail to see the logical in believing we are just here on accident. There has to be an external reason why we exist.
[quoteWell then, how did God get there in the first place? How was he created? Your answer of existence contradicts itself.[/quote]
You stumped me on this. I don't know. I really just use the Qu'ran more as a moral background.
I'm just afraid that God might be real, and throw me to hell. I believe in heaven because it gets to sleep every night to think that there might be the paradise of my dreams waiting for me when I die. I mean a paradise where I have no pain, no boredom, no negative emotion, just positive. And I have to earn that paradise, by being faithful. And I honestly could careless about the evidence. Religion keeps me movin' forward, and keeps me positive and happy. And that's all I truly care about.