ForumsWEPRLets talk about heaven....

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1,353 posts

I know alot of people avoid thees posts about GOD and Heaven but I just want to know peoples oppions about heaven.Do you belive there is a heaven and if you do what do you think its like?

  • 805 Replies
509 posts

okay this should be locked. there are some seriously inappropriate topics on here...and sex shouldn't be sin, master****you know whating should.

1,353 posts

What did you say KID?

254 posts

Ok. Sex is NOT a sin. Adultery is sin. Cheating on your wife is a sin. Premarital sex is a sin. Sex with your wife is not a a sin. Heck, God created sex! Satan bent it and twisted it into the idea we know today.

Secoundly. I don't know where Heaven is Located. The Bible says that when we get raptured, our bodies will come with us. So that would mean that Heaven is also physical. I think that, and i'm just musing right now, heaven is, at this point, solely a spiritual place. When the rapture occurs and the New Jerusalem is Created on Earth, heaven will become physical.

"Is God among the persons in heaven?"
I would have to say that if I invited people to my house, I would be there also...

"Is hell part of heaven?"

I wouldn't think so. Heaven is where God dwells. Hell is completely separated from God and, therefore, be separate from heaven.

"Is Heaven a place for the dead, or the extension of life?"

Define "dead". There are two types of death. Physical, and spiritual. When you die here on Earth, you are physically dead. When you don't accept God as your savior and you die, you are spiritually dead.

To answer that question, I'd say "Both" Some people are already considered physically dead when they go to heaven, yet they are still spiritually alive. For those that get raptured, I'd say it's an extension of life.

13,657 posts

Perhaps you could help bring us back to a more generalized view of heaven. I do not know much of other religioius views of 'heaven,' as I mostly hear about the Christian heaven.

I will try.
As stated earlier, the People of the Book (christians, jews, muslims, katholics, aso) is actually the only people having a Heaven. It is not described as the same thing, you probably all know the stories of the 72 virgins in the muslim Heaven, but since Heaven is parted in a superHeaven, a normal Heaven and a Hell (If I remember correctly. Correct me if I am wrong, please), it is only the really "good" muslims getting into the best Heaven. The men get 72 virgins, the women get to be virgins again.
I have not researched the jewish religion, which means I cannot tell about their Heaven, but it should be much like the Heaven of Islam and Christianity.

In Buddhism and Hinduism there is no such thing as Heaven. The Hevane to them is to stop reincarnate and get to Nirvana. It is not Heaven, it is just stopping with the cycle of lives. This is done by being a good Buddhist, much like getting into Heaven is the goal for a good Christian or Muslim.

Also, to get "back" to the Atheists. They do not believe in a God, any God at all. Thay do not believe in a Heaven either, ans as previously stated, they believe there is nothing after death.

Other believes (of the older kind) could be summed up like this: There is a "hell", where everyone goes after dying. In the Greek religion of the Olymp Hades is for everyone. If you are dead, then you go there, weither you are good or bad. Of course, only if you can pay Ceres to sail you over Styx.
In Assa, only heroes of war is to be with the Gods. All ordinary people, who did not die in war go to Hel, where they will live for eternity, or, until Ragnarok. There is no difference between "good" or "bad" people.
146 posts

Ahah, but none of you can answer THESE:

Is Hell exothermic or endothermic? O-ho-ho!
If souls are represented by fire, and Hell has lotsa fire, then...
If another religion besides Chrisianity states that if you don't believe in their God that you go to Hell... Does that mean that everybody goes to Hell?
Does God ever visit Hell?
What if Satan was being Naughty?
Or being good and not playing his role?
Does Satan ever visit Heaven?
What if God was being Good?
Does Satan really have a pointed tail?
Is Satan really a snake?
If Satan is a snake, then could his tongue be his pointed tail?
Do souls have mass?
Is God a soul?
Is Satan a soul, just represented by a snake?
If you answered "Yes" to the above, then can normal souls talk?

13,657 posts

f another religion besides Chrisianity states that if you don't believe in their God that you go to Hell... Does that mean that everybody goes to Hell?

If you, yourself believe you will go to Hell, then yes, you will. Buddhism and Hinduism are mainly not interested in converting people to their religion. They do not mind you being jew or muslim or anything, and they, well, they do not have a Hell.

And most of those questions are different from religion to religion. Half of them should not be here, since this is about Heaven, but I do not know.
For the record, no souls do not have mass. This was tested a long time ago.
5,642 posts

Nuts to your good book, I'm off to hel

Ya know, I'm liking your quotes more and more by the day (I would say love but yeeeeaaahhhh) Anyways,

God DOES exist, but like us, He has a choice too.
When people pray, He can say yes, no, or later on.
Yes, no, or later.

Well, god must be a naysayer or one HELL of a procrastinator (see what I did there?). If he was so caring, he would make everones lives a WHOLE lot better, I mean really, if he's god, then ge can do anything! If he can do anything, he could eaisily pick the best yes or no each and every time in a blink! Or maybe he's just taking the easy way and saying NO to every single prayer out there. Hell, at a time I was hopeful for years at a time for god to listen to me, and I found out that I was just talking to myself to make myself feel better. People need comfort yes, but the truth is we are just beings with the ability to theorize. Besides, what good information comes from knowing the past besides spite? What is in the past besides petty breakthroughs and blood/money hungry heathens? my conclusion is that love, peace, and god does not exist. SO BITE ME
5,642 posts

Buddhism and Hinduism are mainly not interested in converting people to their religion. They do not mind you being jew or muslim or anything, and they, well, they do not have a Hell.

Though I don't entirely agree with this statement, I will say a truth. Bhuddism does not believe in a literal hell, but actually believes (in a way) that earth is a hell. The constant wanting from man makes earth a hell. Until enlightenment with buddha, you would just be going to a different life of a higher or lesser being, depending on how well you did last life. Let's say that if you had been a bad person in a human poor man's life, you would be a grasshopper in the next life. You would also have absolutely no recollection of your past life as well. Although I really like this religion and it has no real god (to where I know), I see a couple of flaws. Though I could point them out right now, I don't really feel like it! I assure you that this is all true info, I wrote a paper on Buddhism lol.
13,657 posts

I know that much, and since I had stated it before, I did not want to repeat myself.
Reaching Nirvana is like going to Heaven, as well as continuing to reincarnate is considered Hell to them. I just wanted to say that there is no actual place in buddhism or hinduism named 'hell' and 'heaven'.
And some are aware of them having previous lives, remember the story about the goatkiller, who became a goat his next 1000 or so lives, and told a man to stop doing - evil, so he would not end up like him.

1,044 posts

Alright here is a good question:
Whom or what is God?

That last time I asked that question, someone replied "He is everyone and everything!"

So if you say that, then I have a reason to say B.S!

13,657 posts

Hmm... God is a superior being, a feeling or a state of mind. God can be part of reality as much as God can be pure belief. All mighty, all seeing.
Maybe nothing at all. A glimpse of imagination. Whatever you think God should be as much as whatever God think you should be.
Anything, everything, nothing.

146 posts

So if you say that, then I have a reason to say B.S!

Fail argument. If that's what God is, then that's what God is. The definition of God doesn't change on the whim of skepticism if he does indeed exist.
To clarify: That argument is like trying to get a petition to change the definition of a "tree". A tree is a tree, and changing the definition only changes our understanding of it.
1,353 posts

Yes lets get back on discussion do you belive in heaven and if you do what do you think its like?

14 posts

I believe in heaven and I believe that it is beyond anything we could possibly imagine as humans so we shouldn't even spend our time talking about it.

10 posts

Yes i do believe in heaven my grandpa had passed away over the summer it had made me believe in it even more its said that its the most beautiful place [wut you've always wished 4]

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