Perhaps you could help bring us back to a more generalized view of heaven. I do not know much of other religioius views of 'heaven,' as I mostly hear about the Christian heaven.
I will try.
As stated earlier, the People of the Book (christians, jews, muslims, katholics, aso) is actually the only people having a Heaven. It is not described as the same thing, you probably all know the stories of the 72 virgins in the muslim Heaven, but since Heaven is parted in a superHeaven, a normal Heaven and a Hell (If I remember correctly. Correct me if I am wrong, please), it is only the really "good" muslims getting into the best Heaven. The men get 72 virgins, the women get to be virgins again.
I have not researched the jewish religion, which means I cannot tell about their Heaven, but it should be much like the Heaven of Islam and Christianity.
In Buddhism and Hinduism there is no such thing as Heaven. The Hevane to them is to stop reincarnate and get to Nirvana. It is not Heaven, it is just stopping with the cycle of lives. This is done by being a good Buddhist, much like getting into Heaven is the goal for a good Christian or Muslim.
Also, to get "back" to the Atheists. They do not believe in a God, any God at all. Thay do not believe in a Heaven either, ans as previously stated, they believe there is nothing after death.
Other believes (of the older kind) could be summed up like this: There is a "hell", where everyone goes after dying. In the Greek religion of the Olymp Hades is for everyone. If you are dead, then you go there, weither you are good or bad. Of course, only if you can pay Ceres to sail you over Styx.
In Assa, only heroes of war is to be with the Gods. All ordinary people, who did not die in war go to Hel, where they will live for eternity, or, until Ragnarok. There is no difference between "good" or "bad" people.