zombieslayer, it is true that Earth's climate swings back and forth between ice ages and interglacial periods, but you seem to be hung up on this fact and are convinced it explains everything. I don't claim to have all the answers, but obviously, neither do you.
i've noticed the winters here in ohio getting warmer and warmer over the last decade...i don't mind actually. winter sucks...but if you think humans don't have a part to play...i have some ocean front property in arizona i would love to sell you
how could u not believe in global warming, there are melting the ice caps at a gradual rate, the heat from the sun comes to earth it hits us, it goes back up but is stop by a force of the earth so it stays at r lvl and melting everything...
lol... once u guys take grade 9 geography, you'll know what global warming REALL is. and just becasue its ggradual, doesnt mean its slow. the earth's CO-2 has increased more in teh last 5 years than it has in the whole history of earth. that means a MUCH hotter earth- which also means there will be NO ice-age to counter act it...
lol, its people like you thats f**king (i was going to put teh "c" in there but im afraid im might get a warning :S ) up our planet. go watch "a inconvinient truth" and try to listen, you might actually learn something
Wow, that took all of ten minutes to change your mind. But what kind of radical thing can you do about global warming? We can slow it down by trying to use less energy and stuff, but otherwise...
cars are a major factor of global warming (and he really did change his mind fast! lol) so by using hybrids, electric, or hydrogen cars, we can stop most of the polution. coal factories are also deadly, and those are trying to be shut down in canada, but the stupid prime-minester or whatever is like Bush and hes being gay and he keeps on procastinating, cuz there is a set due date for the closing of the factories.
Well that's what I mean. Using cars that don't release as many pollutants, shutting down factories, but those aren't really radical. They're good, but the only radical thing we could really do is like a sweeping overhaul of the industries, replacing old, dirty machines with efficient new ones.
we could bomb a couintry that pollutes alot.... but i dont suggest it. wat we need is more carbon sinks, then MAYBE once they have done their job, we can launch them into space, before they have a chance of backfiring on us.