Actualy Global Warming happens all the time and always has been evin before man. It is just happening at a realy high rate (faster than it should be happening).
i really think global warming is going to affect the world pretty badly. so far china and usa are leading producers along with india. they need to fix the problem.
LOL! Dude, Global warming isn't gradual at all, for all we know, the next generation could see the consequences. :S Not this one though, cause i'm in it and i'm too cool for that to happen to me :P JK ~Zihark~
You know what. Global warming is going to happen weather we like it or not. Our job is to slow it down until the next Ice Age. If thinks don;t change global warming will kill us. Just don't take a gradual worsening as "global warming." We want to get to a point where is is warming very slowly, and we just can't!
i did some research and figured out that greenhouse gases have little to play in it getting warmer
the earth is going into an interglacial period(the opposite of an ice age)and the sun is nearing its solar radiation maximum(the time that only happens every 10,000 years where the sun is at its hottest)
what i just said in the last paraagraph tells why an ice age or glaciel period will counter global warming or what i think is just one big interglacial period