ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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13,657 posts

This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
13,657 posts

Strop, hate to say this, but you are bad, BAD, at keeping secrets. *rolls over in bed, yawns, and goes back to sleep*

10,816 posts

Correction: I'm bad at keeping my secrets. Particularly 'secrets' that I don't want to keep.

But when a secret concerns others, I am ttly ninja.

13,657 posts

"Strop! 'Can't do it!"
"But they look so good!"
And then the nice pictures of Cen + Ninja suit were public

13,657 posts


It seemed so... unreasonable. There was no end on the chaos, no reason why it should continue either. A violent wave of heat shoved the attackers away from the golem, the air burning in their lungs for seconds, before a damp cold cloud moved past them. The golem used those powers, the Lady ordering it.
Dingsly swung his sword at the Lady, hitting and missing at the same time. The stony fist of the golem knocked the air out of him seconds later.

"They should have stayed." The dragon looked at the fight with sorrow in his white eyes, at least as much sorrow there could be in the blank eyes, that is. Unfair. Without purpose. He sighed, trotting to the side of the boy. The little furball looked up at him, miwing exhausted and worried from her nest on the boy's chest. Hallow sat, defeated.

Strop was humming, deaf to the screams of pain from the fight. His mind was slipping in and out of a comfortable feeling. His entire vision was fuzzy, seemingly making it even more fun, and he laughed a little.

More Fluuuaaaahhbllaahhh!!!

4,375 posts

yeah for strop dieing! Yeah for mazzelh and Kai dieing!

Yeah for ding......wait minute....WTF cen? Ding is to awsome to get Powned by some petafile!

Yes, form this day forth, the women is a petafile.

5,420 posts

I'm bad at keeping my secrets.

I will keep that in mind next time you try to tell everyone that that you had managed to lie about being a med student for over a year and plan on leaving AG.
13,657 posts

Everyone is dying, and you know it.

Well, technically he got pawned by the golem.

And I am not sure weither or not she actually have a sexual drive, as she is not alive.


10,816 posts

And then the nice pictures of Cen + Ninja suit were public


I will keep that in mind next time you try to tell everyone that that you had managed to lie about being a med student for over a year and plan on leaving AG.

Uh uh uh! I'm not a one trick pony! Who knows whether I'll be doing an April Fool's next year!
13,657 posts

Well now, that wasn't ever a secret! And Cen wasn't all "can't do it!", Cen was "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

Same thing.

And no one commented on the title vs the chapter. Hmm, interesting...
10,816 posts

Same thing.

I'm just waiting for everything to be sewn up nicely, given the metaliterary rules of intellectual property and continuity :P
13,657 posts

ARRGHH! I dun wanna write anymore!! Crappy writer's block stomping all over everything total sh! My hand is cramping up, and pain going from fingertips to shoulder nbow, and I ate too many chips so now I feel sick and STROP IS LAUGHING AT ME!!
*childish pout*

9,821 posts

Cen, you should stow away on a plane to Australia and have Strop use his ninja healing to fix your hand! Otherwise, just take some ibuprofen if you have any.

13,657 posts

It seemed so... unreasonable. There was no end on the chaos, no reason why it should continue either. A violent wave of heat shoved the attackers away from the golem, the air burning in their lungs for seconds, before a damp cold cloud moved past them. The golem used [i]those powers, the Lady ordering it.
Dingsly swung his sword at the Lady, hitting and missing at the same time. The stony fist of the golem knocked the air out of him seconds later.

"They should have stayed." The dragon looked at the fight with sorrow in his white eyes, at least as much sorrow there could be in the blank eyes, that is. Unfair. Without purpose. He sighed, trotting to the side of the boy. The little furball looked up at him, miwing exhausted and worried from her nest on the boy's chest. Hallow sat, defeated.

Strop was humming, deaf to the screams of pain from the fight. His mind was slipping in and out of a comfortable feeling. His entire vision was fuzzy, seemingly making it even more fun, and he laughed a little. [/i]

Sasquatch stared at the scene, the people fighting. He was not sure what they fought for, injustice, their own lives... Him? Or just for fighting. He knew the last reason, but for once, just this ones, he did not have it in mind as he ran towards the Lady. Silence, he couldn't yell, he couldn't do anything but charge at this being who had taken it away from him. He hit her with full force, and unlike the situation with Dingsly, the Lady was not prepared.
Sasquatch had not expected resistance, to him she was nothing but lack of light, but there was something when he ran through. It was like running through cold gel, and though it had only been a second, he was scared of ever going through again.
Pazx yelled out as he succeeded in getting a hit in on the golem. The artificial being had frozen, and the fighters used the opportunity to cut and slash at it, incited by the pieces of earthen material falling from the golem.

The Lady had frozen as well, trying to cope with the stress her immaterial body was going through. Sasquatch had caught her by surprise, and though she would not let it happen again, it was still... Her twisted mind searched for the word. Painful. Sas had stopped to look at her, apparently for no reason. If he had had his powers, she would be burning up now; he promised himself to burn her, he just had to...
He turned and ran towards the golem, now once again in motion.

Yeti stared after her brother, observing with a clear mind, analysing everything she saw.
The Lady's response when Sas had crashed through her, and how it affected the golem. If she just had knowledge! There was so much she needed to understand, and... And Sasquatch had pawned the only one having a clue. She gazed towards the smaller group, where the dragon and the human were, along with that alienguy. Maybe she could wake him up, ask him? Maybe... Maybe they should fight the dark being instead of the golem... Maybe... She sat down, being utterly exhausted.
She wanted to cry, but there was no time for that. Just stupid emotions blocking up logic thinking. And, as she thought to herself, there was always... Win or die trying.
She rose, moving slowly down the ruins of the Tower, and trotted towards the dragon and the boy.


The success from before had now turned to utter defeat. Non of the attackers could get a hit in, and they had to use all their power to dodge the waves of heat and fists of sand trying to break their skull. Sasquatch did not try to attack either. He was waiting out of sheer instinct. He knew he had to get to the golem somehow, but for now it was more than impossible.
The lady laughed again at the pity attempts on damaging her soldier. The numb pain of being run through was forgotten once again, her mind only thinking of her victory, of how to torture those beings stupid enough to oppose her. And how she would take over the Government soon. For now she was just playing. Maybe...

"It seems to be the only way." "I am tired." "You have to."

Maybe she should try and kill one of those pests. Like the one she had taken the power from. It was no longer needed, it could only cause problems. She laughed at that thought. Problems, nothing could cause problems to her any more.

"It might not work." "It has to."

She ordered the golem in her mind, directing its dumb mind at the fuzzy being. Electricity. It would kill- Flames surrounded her, burning purple flames, ripping at her essence.
The golem stopped once again in its track, small cracking noises escaping its numb limbs. The attackers were at it fast, hammering at it like their lives depending on it to break.
Sas stood for a second, waiting for a new rush of inspiration or instinct. Whatever it was, it had kept him alive this long. Then he felt the calling, and he ran at the golem, bringing his fist at the earthen body. Pain spread up against his arm, but it did not stop him from hammering at the hide. "MINE!" A small crack appeared, pulsing red.

Hallow had not expected this when he woke. He had known there was something wrong, maybe he had even had a hunch that he should have stayed in his lair, he was not sure any more. He was getting exhausted to the point of unconsciousness. So dizzy, so weak. The scream of the Lady made him a little happy somewhere in his blackening mind. He knew he was only holding her with pain, not damaging her. Not as much as she had hurt anyone else.
The last of the purple flames left him, and he sank into a comforting, welcoming darkness.

When the last of the flames left her essence, the Lady angrily turned towards the wrongdoer. The dragon, how could she forget the dragon! It was of no use now, having burned itself out, trying to hurt her. She called for the golem, telling it to crush the dragon, but there was no response.
She ordered again, then slowly turned, and new feeling, disbelief, filling her. She stared with her many eyes at the scene before her, the pulsing wound and the threads of power tying it to the siblings. They were taking back what was stolen, but... It should violate the rules! She stared at them, then once again got a hold on herself. Just make them disappear. The cold voice whispered into her mind.
She strengthened the control, ordering the golem to attack the fuzzy siblings.

The golem woke, moving slower, but definitely moving. It looked at the two beings draining it, and if it had had an actual mind, it would have felt the sorrow of the power leaving it as well. Instead it just raised an arm, swinging it and hitting both the siblings with one devastating blow. They flew through the air, landing limply in the sand. The threads broke.


"Lahlahlahlhah.... Ahh...Lalalalahh... Laaaaahhhh... Lacoughcoughcoughlaaaaaaaah!"


The world twisted. It blanked, flickered and simply acted like a very old movie. Black spots appeared everywhere, before disappearing once again. Then everything went quite.
The wound pulses again, creating more cracks in the surface of the golem.
Paradox* the voice whispered terrified. Gain control of the power, take hold of it! it ordered the Lady, forcing her powers forward to take a grip in the magic. The pulsing red broke free entirely, flying towards the siblings, parting into two different threads. It connected.
The dull greys of the Lady slided off the thread, unable to break it. The thread grew thicker, stronger, faster, singing loud about its freedom, about going home. A symphony growing louder and louder.
Dingsly pressed his hands against his ears, trying to shield himself from the violent tune. The rest did as well, those who could. Azu fell over, the pain in his sensitive ears shutting off his mind. Then it ended, abruptly, when the rest of the line of power disappeared back into Sasquatch and Yeti. None of them moved, but a calmness fell upon them.

The Lady shrieked, staring with an insane expression at the two. .KILL THEM!. She ordered the golem, that still stood, though the cracks had spread up to its chest. It turned slowly, pieces of earth falling from it, its hollow eyes seeking and finding the furred siblings.

The sky turned white.
What is going on here?


*The Paradox occurred when the magic suddenly belonged to two places, Sasquatch and Yeti (where it originally came from) and the golem, which it was given to, and therefore it belonged to it as well.
The paradox is there simply to determine the outcome, as the magic was split.

It can be explained like tossing a coin, which lands on the edge by accident, and an earthquake suddenly happening, making the coin tip over.

Here the paradox just gave the magic an opportunity to choose for itself.

13,657 posts

Note to people like Strop:
Bold in the end = new people speaking! **** YEAH!

5,420 posts

wow that was both a long, awesome, and slightly confusing piece of the story. I liked it, although still I'm a bit confused...was all of that random dialogue voices in the witches head or something?

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