ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

  • 1,813 Replies
9,434 posts

I think, if there should be a price, there should be one for each round or a REALLY big one at the end... But I'm not necessarily saying there should be one...

Also, goodiegoodies that this is becoming so popular so fast. I'm really looking forward to getting this started, and it seems like you have a great plan for how to run it, Cenere~

With what I know about your imagination, I can only imagine this to turn out very, very interesting...

2,611 posts

Can I join?ANd if I can are you alound to write about anything?

13,657 posts

You can most certainly join. Take a look at the first page/introduction, and I will answer any questions you might have.

I really hope I will not let you down, Zophia. My imagination might be somewhat good, but I still need to be able to control this, and make it interesting.

5,845 posts

Oooh, this will be fun to watch!

I'm considering entering... with my broadway cat Or maybe I'll show Pazx...

Hehee *claps* don't set me in stone but I might enter...

13,657 posts

More contestants!! (maybe)

Oh, random ugly conceptart for what you might encounter (I seem to have caught the flu once again, and is really not that active).

City? Well, yes. You might be suprised of what can be found in this deserted city:

This is more like it. Flames and fire, but who have started them?

The world have come at peace, and nature have taken over.But along with the nature, animals have entered the city.

This is odd. The streets are filled with water, and there are even fish in it. How can it be...

... Magic. (I miss that game)
Yeah, not really proud of this one, but might give you an idea of what I meant to draw, I guess...

As for creatures:

Oh well...

5,420 posts

OK first off I want to introduce my other character.I kind of made this one up on the spot.Its a new creature that is sort of tide in with the original abilities of Sasquatch.

I now introduce my newest Character:Over Growth

Click here if it cuts off

Now then I will now try to explain what they each do.

First off is:Sasquatch


He has always been extremely strong and is always constantly becoming stronger and training more everyday so he can cause many great things with this strength.He can cause a small earthquake with a single fist,and can leap over many great canyons and rivers with a single jump.This is quite a useful ability.

Ever since he defeated the evil discriminatory Barber,who had a bell pepper for a head,he gained new abilities from the cursed bell pepper head.He can now control fire,and summon a creature known as overgrowth to help him out.


Elemental control over Fire
immunity to disease
and finally he is a great swimmer


He has issues with electricity(he is afraid of it)
He has extreme anger management issues.
Controlling fire takes up some of his concentration

Next is:Over Growth


When summoned by Sasquatch he has control over any and all vegetation in the area,and almost thrives off of it.He can also get energy out of rock,and dirt though,but can not control it as well.

He is quite large so he can get across larger ravines,and such that wouldn't even seem possible,with just a small baby step.(imagine what he could do if he jumped?)


Elemental power over earth-like materials in general.
Extremely large in size
Can absorb water to make himself stronger
Even if he is defeated,he can easily be resummoned as long as Sasquatch is alive.

He is extremely weak against fire,and so if he is ever too far away from Sasquatch or if Sasquatch is busy with something else really complicated then it could become an issue.

He can not get too far away from Sasquatch or Sasquatch's control over him could be lost and he would have to be resummoned,which could take a few seconds that Sasquatch may not have at the time.Otherwise he would have to deal with an unlogical creature that can't really think for itself.

If Sasquatch ever were to be defeated,then there would be no way to control him,and so he would not be able to think as logically.He would still be alive at that time,but will be uncontrollable.

OK,I hope that is enough to help give you an idea as to what they are both about.As you can tell I kind of made them as sort of a team,that is made to work together.If that doesn't work out then I can make a few changes to it,where needed.

9,434 posts

Spoookiness, Cenere~
Now that I've finally finished(...) my entry for the Art Skills thing, I can get to work on this~

And nice, crimsonblade~
I'm really loving the way you're using the simple GIMP effects and brushes.

13,657 posts

Spoookiness, Cenere~

I have imaginationz~~

It looks good, Crimson. I will put them as a Team, then, and since Overgrowth is summoned, it should be treated as such, so no killing it, I guess.
5,642 posts

cool deal cenere! Somehow, the bleakness of the first pic reminds me of chaos edge. . .I should really update that sooner or later. . . .hmm, maybe I should have put in "The masked Malocholy (er however it's spelled) hmm, ah well.

2,611 posts

You can most certainly join. Take a look at the first page/introduction, and I will answer any questions you might have.

I will start mine in a few hours.This is the first competition I have entered on AG!
5,642 posts

here's the Nergyl Twins in close-up.
Non-flamy version:
Now for the edited in GIMP version (WARNING, may be hard on the eyes)

4,196 posts

OK, I choose to enter!

I am going to be entering my NaNoWriMo Character...Delairi...and possibly Lyle...but he is weak he kinda sucks (Must write in abilities later...)...

Hmmm...Picture...Umm...Will Do Later...


Race: Unknown...I have to make it up.

Looking at the girl, he noticed her eyes first. Her bright, electric blue eyes that seemed to see into his mind and read his thoughts. Shrugging this thought off as impossible, he studied the rest of her features. She was about 4 feet tall and had straight black hair which was tied back in a pony tail. He facial features were very pointed, similar to that of an elf that Lyle had seen in an old book in his fatherâs library back in New Candyland. However, he knew she was not elfish because she had not the height.
Pg 8 RJH '08


Grashi were not usually clever creatures, and in the land from which Delairi had escaped they could easily be defeated by a blast of magic. The magic would disrupt the cells in their bodies causing them to disintegrate. Delairi looked around and saw that the boy had stopped suddenly and she didnât have to touch his thoughts to know how scared he was, for it was evident in his pale face. Thinking quickly, she noticed a large building to the immediate left of the Grashi and used her magic to crush the bottom floor. The building toppled and crushed the Grashi.
Pg 6

Taking a deep breath, Delairi shot a small bolt of magic into the snakes face, right between its eyes. This stunned it, allowing her to put into motion the next part of her plan. Picking up a short stick from the ground she enchanted it so that it was razor sharp. Then, she carefully sliced through the snake which was blocking her path. Knowing that the pain would soon wake the snake, she quickly made a hole big enough to get through and exited the cave. As she walked through the snake, she spotted a dead rabbit. Grabbing it and cleaning the digestive juices off by magic, she carried it back out to the surface.
Pg 7

Landing at the bottom of the quarry on all fours, Delairi paused and waited for the moon. At it rose over the top of the quarry and the moonlight splashed onto her, Delairi embraced it and transformed. Where once crouched a little girl now sat a pitch black panther. More agile in her new form, she easily jumped to up to the top of the quarry and ran off into the woods. Tonight, she had business to attend to and couldnât be late.
Pg 10 RJH '08

- Changes into a Black Panther at night fall.
- Is quite magical.
- Can read minds and talk through minds.
- Can alter size.
- Can make things lighter.
- Can pretty much change anything solid.


- Water (Yet to be explained...)


I think that is all...if anyone has any questions...ask and I will answer...

5,845 posts

Strop, are you entering with, well, strop? If so, we might have more than one ninja on the field...

9,434 posts

She seems a little overpowered, kingryan (only one weakness?)~ But interesting creature.

*looks curiously at Pazx*

13,657 posts


Thoadthetoad with the Nergyl Twins (Is it a team, Thoad?)
Crimsonblade55 with Sasquatch and the summon Overgrowth (team)
Kingryan with Delairi

Since I have an assignment to do this week, and seem to have caught the flu, the date for the arrival will be Sunday 16th, with submissions closing Friday/Saturday. That way it does not get in the way of the judging of the Art skill competetion either.

*look at papers* I think that was all. *faint*

Showing 16-30 of 1813