ForumsArt, Music, and WritingMixed World Tournament - Reason (page 175)

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This tournament have been created on the basis of a discussion between Thoadthetoad, Zophia and I. We were just talking about who would win, Strop, the Nergyl Child, Zophia's Hallow or my char. So, who will win, any of you, or none.


-You know this will end up a cliche, right, Ma'm?- The white clad figure turned to look at the lanky young man behind her, her multiple eyes blinking in the light from the sinking sun. She smiles, an eerie smile, before turning her back at the humanoid again. .You should not say such a thing. Words bind, as you remember.. She looked out the window in the tall building, staring blankly at the many fields made for battle in the mixed city. It had been important to the designers that this test would push the contestants to the limit and beyond.
-This is not a good idea.- She did not even look at him, did not take his warnings seriously. [b].This will make my Lords happy. New warriors, stronger, different..
-But they don't... They will not belong here. And you know it.- His voice were angry now, but it did not touch her the slightest. .Just wait and see, little Sururrian..
She smiled once again, then waited until the sun had disappeared, and the lights had turned the main streets into rivers of light, and the alleys to dangerous traps of darkness.
It was to begin.[/b]


Mixed World Tournament.

This is a Multi Media Tournament. This means that both drawings, writings and mixes will be allowed, as long as it is self made.
The first couple of rounds will be used for trying to get to know the city, and fight of any creature that might attack you.
The next rounds might end up as a tournament between the contestants, for survival.
What will happen next, you will see.

The world is made up by different territories, which you might get to discover soon after arriving. The setting is much like that of a city, but with a twist, a grusome twist.
The beast living in this deserted city is something many would hope not to meet even in dreams, along with creatures of imagination and fiction.
And of course, there will be other, intelligent traps to get past.


They first thing to do is to either write or draw your contestant, with their equipment and pets, if there is any. Describe the contestant, how they are, their powers, strengths and weaknesses. Try to keep it as natural as possible, so your contestant will not be overpowered and without faults, or I will give them penalities sooner or later.
Also make a quick describtion or drawing of where they are at the moment before they are called. The arrival I will post as soon as the contestants are submitted.

You have untill Friday the 14th to submit your contestant to this tournament, or at least say that you will join (And is just missing a few details before you can submit)

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I'm sorry that it is so late, not because I am late, but rather because the extra time I spent on it doesn't show. I took the time to finish it at all, not just to make it nice. I wish I had time to polish it, but I don't, so here it is, in a manner of speaking.


A game. That was it. Some stupid contest. He had been fighting all this time in some sort of tournament. But all was not lost, as this tournament was clearly of Separatist or Alliance origins. Ether way, Xzeno would stop them. He didn't want to play the game anymore, but it looked like he would have to play another round, as his opponent was barreling towards him with a blade at the ready. Xzeno calmly reached for his revolver, which he didn't have. He tried not to panic as he went for his shotgun, but the huge human tackled him. Xzeno was trained in military martial arts, but he was no match for the human. The man held pressed Xzeno to the ground and lifted his sword to stab Xzeno. That one threw up a hand to block the stab, and let out an ear-splitting scream as the blade pierced his flesh and bone. Blood poured from the wound, hot and fast, as the man pulled the toothed blade out of Xzeno's hand for a second strike. Xzeno raised his shotgun with his good hand and fired blindly at the man. He hit the man's bad arm, but it was enough to throw him off. Xzeno stood up and wiped the blood out of his eyes. The man was also steadying himself, as he was bleeding badly -and not without cause- for the shotgun blast had been at quite close range. Nevertheless, the hulking human beared down on Xzeno, who pulled the trigger on his shotgun. Only this time, it would not fire! He hadn't reloaded the thing since his fight with the mouther. With a great cry, the man swung his sword so that he might decapitate Xzeno. That one ducked just in time and reached for his beamsword. The human swung the blade around for another attack. Xzeno threw his beamsword up to block just in time. This action not only protected Xzeno, but the man knocked him back with the force of the blow, giving Xzeno the extra range he needed. He fired his grenade launcher with mixed results, as he was using only one hand. He missed the human, but the explosion knocked the man off his feet. Xzeno tried to aim another shot. He totally missed this time, and the bloody hulk of a man righted himself once again. Xzeno decided his best bet would be to engage the human in a sword fight. Xzeno charged at the human, swinging for the knees. The human tried to eviscerate his arm, but his shield deflected the blow. Xzeno managed to clip the human's leg, rewarding him with a spray of blood, blinding him. The human capitalized on this by slapping the beamsword out of Xzeno's hand with the flat of his. He then struck Xzeno across the stomach, causing no injury, but shorting out his shield. Xzeno fell down and tried to come up with a plan. He was starting to feel light-headed from blood loss. The only plan he could think of was âshotgun!â, but that plan was not prone to failure. He started to put a shell into his shotgun, but the human had other plans. He loomed above Xzeno, a tower of blood and rage*, and made to impale Xzeno. That one rolled out of the way just in time, forcing the shell into his weapon. This time, he'd aim for the head. And aim he did. Unfortunately, the human ducked as he brought the gun up, causing his would-be fatal shot to miss its mark completely. The man righted himself once again and made for Xzeno, sword hand forward. Xzeno instantly knew what to do. He just followed a simple formula: Problem X arises, he uses a shotgun until it isn't a problem anymore. Though he was out of shells, he could still whack the man with the butt of the gun. He swung with the intent to kneecap the huge man, but the human tried to block the blow. He succeeded, but Xzeno knocked the sword out of his hand. Thinking Xzeno was too injured to respond, he scrabbled after the fallen sword. Xzeno had other plans. He lifted himself off of the ground, and â" with heroic effort â" he bashed Ding [pun intended] on the back of the head. The man fell down prone, and Xzeno tried again to reload his shotgun. This time he was less successful, as Dingsly immediately punched him in the face. Xzeno had been punched before, but not like that. He stumbled back a few feet, barely staying on his feet. Instead of capitalizing on the situation by pounding Xzeno to a bloody pulp, Dingsly went for his sword, still lying about ten feet away. Xzeno jumped after him, grabbing one of his legs. Dingsly feel forward, still going for his sword. Xzeno tried to get closer to the man's head. He climbed up to club the man on the head, but Dingsly almost had his weapon. Xzeno, despairing for his life, struck the human on the hand that war reaching for the sword with the butt of his gun. The human screamed in agony, throwing Xzeno away from him and clutching his injured hand. Xzeno took the opportunity to secure the man's sword. It was heavier than Xzeno expected, and he was briefly caught off guard by the heavy metal. Dingsly used the opportunity to punch Xzeno, in the stomach this time. Xzeno swore he could feel his squeedily-squooch** coming up through his nose, but he not only remained standing but he also made an attack on the human with his own weapon. Dingsly caught the blow in the ribs, but Xzeno stopped before he did any serious damage. Dingsly wasn't dead, but he was covered in blood and had more than a few broken bones. He knew when he was beat.
"You are a formidable opponent; I have met my match." said Dingsly formally.
"Yeah, whatever. Just give me your shirt to patch myself up. I'm practically sweatin' blood over here." said Xzeno, looking at his left hand, which had been run through completely with the sword.
Dingsly was surprised by Xzeno's brash nature, but he handed over the shirt regardless. Xzeno wrapped his hand in the cloth before further acknowledging the man's existence.
"Hey human, do you know what a gun is?" said Xzeno, looking for the grenade launcher he had cast aside during the fight.
"A what?" said Dingsly.
"What about..." said Xzeno, wishing he had studied more history in his misspent youth. "An energy cannon? No, those were after guns. Didn't last long. How about a crossbow?"
"I know what a crossbow is!" said Dingsly defensively.
"Oh good!" said Xzeno, holding out his grenade launcher. "Then take this. It's like a crossbow, except it has six shots and should only be used when every last [gentleman] in the room absolutely has to die."***
"Ah. Thanks?" said Dingsly, reaching for the weapon hesitantly. "Is it safe?"
"If it was safe, I wouldn't be carrying it!" said Xzeno, laughing. "Now are you OK? I have things to do besides look after you."
"I don't need you to look after me." said Dingsly, now patching up his own wounds.
"Oh good. Try to find a dude named Charlie, if you can." said Xzeno, loading a full nine shells into his shotgun. "And if he's dead, see if you can't get me his stuff. He has my revolver. Good luck, I'm gone." And with that, Xzeno walked away from Dingsly, shotgun slung over his shoulder, dreading what ever challenges awaited him.

* 10 points if you catch the reference. [Easy]
** 5 point reference. [Very Easy]
*** This reference is worth a good 100 points! [Very Hard]
Win some bonus points!

4,196 posts

"Oh good. Try to find a dude named Charlie, if you can." said Xzeno, loading a full nine shells into his shotgun. "And if he's dead, see if you can't get me his stuff. He has my revolver. Good luck, I'm gone."

You're not getting the guns lost them on the way to Narnia...
4,375 posts


KR! What did itell you about narnia! All of the jewish animals (wow that sounds really weird) are being killed!

And besides, caspium fell in a well o nthe way there, and Aslan ate the rest of the people. So sadly all that is left is...well........hitler. So have fun. Becuse as you should have known all narnian animals are jewish.

Xzeno, very nice. Though it might have been nice for you to show ding how to use it! he dosnt even live i na time with electricity. lol

2,301 posts

Wow, I've seen the double post glitch, but this? Wow. Nice!

Xzeno, very nice. Though it might have been nice for you to show ding how to use it! he dosnt even live i na time with electricity. lol
Well I assumed that Ding knew what a crossbow was, and so did Xzeno. Although the two weapons quite dissimilar, Xzeno is a crap teacher so he figured Ding would figure the rest out on his own. Or at least not blow himself up.
4,375 posts

Well ,i wouldn't be to sure, becuse I would most likely blow my self up, and I spend most of my time around explosives. lol

4,196 posts

WTF posted that 7 time!!!!

The Narnian's aren't Jewish...C.S. Lewis was a Christian....Also...Aslan isn't likely to eat them...because he only eats bad people...

5,420 posts

What King Ryan says about Narnia is true, and also 7 times is pretty bad skater kid(who got pwned?)so......yeah I think I'm just going to wait for this to all end.Seeing as how all of the submissions are done(maybe not Strops if he is still editing it) then I suppose we are just waiting on Cenere to tell us the final results....right?

10,816 posts

Wow, that was an awesome septuple post. I think I'll let that stay for posterity. But just this once, this is not an invitation to mass spam :P

Crimsonblade, I'm done for now. Any editing will be done post-tournament.

4,375 posts

XD Sorry guys. My computer dosnt show ipost things, so I click it again, and then it has like a millon of them. Strop, if you feel like it make them go poof!

And yes i know C.S. Lousi was a cristian and Alslan was a metaphor for jesus and the stone table being the cross and all. (I'm a christian so i know all of that lol) But i just like messing wiht oyou guys. lol

13,657 posts

Oh, yeah... That is today... Bah.

5,420 posts

yes cenere that is today...I think,but anyways I look forward to seeing the winner, and.......skater I already guessed how the 7x post thing happened since thats how I accidentally did a triple post once on accident before I got my new computer.I still thought it was pretty bad though,since it is after all 7 times which means you clicked the post button that many times at least.(unless its some weird glitch in the system)but still I wonder if there is a way they(AG office of course) could make it to where that wouldn't happen again.Anyways I have other things to do right now so I will just take my leave....

13,657 posts

Sorry, but no new round today...
Besides only having found one winner, (still trying to figure out if I should let the plot or the action win in the fight between Xzeno and Dingsly) not only am I tired and in a bad mood (and, again, major evil headache) I have also been hit by the block'o'writer...
I promise there will come something up tomorrow, but I really cannot get myself to make anything I would want on the internet right now.

So my first missing the deadline since I started this rpg three months ago. I hope you can forgive me. If not, well... I cannot do much about that...

9,434 posts

Oh well, that gives me a chance to pop in...

And because I'm not completely sure who the heck were down in the dungeon, let me just say this:

They follow Hallow through the corridors, some more reluctant than others. One decides he/she does not wish to follow the dragon's directions and wanders off. A monster attacks, the rest of the group is close enough to react and come to aid. They continue together, after some "serious talk".
On their way through the corridors more monsters do attack, and they have to fight, cooperate. Hallow is still recovering from the use of his breath weapon, and thus most of the fighting is actually done by the (ex)contestants.
After much walking through the dark corridors, someone spots what appears to be a window. Hallow breaks it. It's a way out.

*hopes this saves Cenere the trouble of keeping track of the prisoners, and that I didn't mess up*

2,301 posts

(still trying to figure out if I should let the plot or the action win in the fight between Xzeno and Dingsly)
Well I suppose it's pointless to say my opinion here. I (obviously) think I should win, because I liked my entree better. That being said and true enough, I would be inclined to go with the plot one, assuming it was written as well as the other (which I think it was). Ultimately, the action thing was an experiment. It didn't work as well as I had hoped. At the end of the day, you should make whichever you liked reading best win. I would make me win because mine had better grammar. Ha ha, I guess that's why I'm not the DM.
5,420 posts

Hmm...I have to admit Xzeno you do seem quite truthful at least.I will just wait until tomorrow to see what happens.The Art forum seems a bit more...dead lately though I have to admit.

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