The Halloween Armatar Contest was so successful, that we will be doing it for other holidays as well! It was a great opportunity to see all of the creative talent on Armor Games.
So now we are on the theme of Thanksgiving! I know this is a mostly Americanized holiday, and that it doesn't really reflect what happened historically... but it is still a good time of year to spend time with friends and family, and eat some delicious food!
GUIDELINES: 1. Must be appropriate. Cannot be offensive or profane in nature. Try to keep it clean! 2. The entry must be square, and at least 100x100 pixels in dimension. 3. Must scale down well to 100x100. So if it is larger, make sure that it will still look good when it is scaled down to armatar size. A few suggestions about this: - Sometimes simple is better. If you go into a lot of detail, it might not look as great when you scale it down. So just keep in mind what the final size will be. - If you are able to do vector, that can help with the sharpness of the image. However, since they are so small this probably isn't a big issue. 4. Must be completely original. You cannot use elements from other piece of artwork, the entire armatar must be 100% original. 5. Must be Thanksgiving themed.
Good luck! And I look forward to seeing some awesome armatars =)
Zega, you need to get more out... A wish bone is the collar bone in birds, which is used to amuse people when finished eating the bird. Two people grap the ends, and pull, and the person getting the largest piece when the bone breaks, will get a wish cming true, hence the name. It is an old tradition that is done many places.
Just mean that... Well, you do not know about a lot of things common to other people, like the custom of wishing someone a merry christmas beforehand, or about the wish bone? No offense.
I will blame you parents for holding back fun like that. Next time you get a whole chicken, ask if anyone wants to pull the wish bone with you. As I told, it is the collar bone of the bird, so should be located under the neck, by the breast area.
Hey, it's cool you guys chat and all but you can do that on each others profiles! And if you want to comment here, please do so if you are weighing the work here. . . like my picture! I want to know if anyone likes it!
First of all, it was not off topic, Choaz... And I think the "glitter background" is annoying to look at. Otherwise fine, but are you sure it can be resized proberly?...