What do you think about it? I find nothing wrong with the thought of cannibalism just as long as the bodies are acquired in accordance with whatever laws may be in place. And I am quite curious to what we taste like.
No, it's not good. Cannibalism is a LAST resort. Though if it were a life or death situation, I'd harden myself and do what it took to protect my faith, my country, and my family. If that meant me staying alive by eating human flesh... I might be able to.
They've proven, however, that we have a natural sort of repulsion to human flesh that causes us to become physically ill when we consume it.
Your body will eat itself on its own - you don't have to tell it to do that. It will break down the muscle protein stored in your body. However, once half of this protein is broken up, you'll die.
We find Cannibalism revolting because we have evolved an "anti-cannibalism" gene. Our ancestors who developed this gene avoided a human form of "mad cow disease." It strikes about 30 years after ingesting human brain matter. Those who found it revolting, avoided human flesh and the disease.
On the other hand, we all have many ancestors who practiced it. You can have children and pass on your genes long before the "Mad human/cow" disease hits. Cannibalism was an effective way of: 1. Taking out our enemies. 2. Using the actual energy of our enemies to live (at least for another 30 years).
Fortunately, we have evolved away from it. Ironically, none of us would be here had our ancestors not utilized it in trajic times.
^I remembered reading about it somewhere, that's what I was referring to. But eating human flesh still seems repulsive to me. Another human being that was once alive and I could possibly carry on a conversation with? It's difficult... but if I was forced to, I believe I could.
3a. Since the blood could be impure with bodily toxins from a rotting liver, you should string up the body first and before it begins full body necrosis, make a diagonal slice and draw, the blood (20%) and gore (80%) from the body, this should consist of mainly 65& water.