Id say the real danger is one of disillusionment. Ie people beliving that sex will be exactly like porn, it could leave them disappointed.
Exactly what I meant... Well, that, and that some things seen in porn should not be expected to happen for you IRL... Honestly real sex aint that great... Err, just my opinion.
Not that it is of relevance to this thread, but yes. Bad choice of partner, but I'll stick with saying that it's not the actual sex that's the great part... ... Does the fact that I'm female help me defend my statement here?
Okay, just have to say: It is okay to watch porn when you are a virgin, I meant RIGHT BEFORE having sex... But well... Mockeryenough? Darn it, as long as you know what is acceptable to ask for, when you are new to it, I do not care, but there have been a freaking debate here that teenagers could not differentiate between the porn and the reality, having hard core sex from the very beginning of their relationship. But bah.
Never gonna be with a guy again either... Unless something totally unexpected in a scale I can't imagine happens...
@Cenere: Sorry...
@Drace: I dunno, I think it's a relatively common myth that girls enjoy the cuddling more than the sex. I'm saying myth, because it's not necessarily a fact...