You would not be able to find out if some people are having sex with/photographing their children, unless the children says so, or the photographs hit the net. Let me reformulate: What the government oes not know about, they cannot punish. So even is all porn was illegal, people wanting to make some home-porn for their eyes only, well, how would anyone else get to know? There would be random razzias at people's homes, where the police go through al the tapes in the home?
Hmm... It is like the time they tried to regulate gaming on the net, and people just logged in on international sites, because Danish gaming sites were illegal... They would not be able to do anything, if they did not have any proof.
As long as everything in the pornography is legal, I don't see why it could harm anything. Just keep out of reach, sight, and knowledge of (young) children.
Shouldn't just be young children... Young teens, which may also still be considered children, should not be involved with pornography in any way...
Why is that again... I am against pedophilia, but I have actually never understood the mental consequences it has for a child, if it is not forced to participate in the stuff, but just have an - opportunity to explore the field.... Psychology facts plz?
Ok lets be mature. I am 14 years old and i never saw porn(it is not for my age so i do not see those things) And if it were illegal it should not be magazines, sites, pictures and such. Some people apreciate porn, in fact they enjoy it. I am not gonna say that it is wrong. Because it is not. About restrictions it is a good idea. Yet people ignore restrictions.
Note:I only know these yhings because i am a guy that reads educational stuff. Do not send me messages asking me how do I know these things, I am 14 years old. It is natural
Making babies is the art of life being exposed,porno should be legal before a certain point(when they get very(very very very)drunk and start puting stuff in the hole)
@Zophia: Most likely a disturbed view on sex, as porn is rather extreme. Just like the Danish scientists said the teenagers got from watching hardcore porn before their debute.
i am 15 and have seen porn many times and don't think it is wrong the only thing that is wrong is when you get under aged sex and stuff which knocks me sick when you hear girls of 13 talking all about sex and stuff because in england it is so cool to loose your v as soon as possible, unless your a lad really we don't seem to care really just the girls are bovered.
@Cenere: I didn't mean the opportunity to explore porn... I'm just wondering what it is that goes wrong in the brain if a child willingly participate in sex... If anything.
Making babies is the art of life being exposed,porno should be legal before a certain point(when they get very(very very very)drunk and start puting stuff in the hole)
I don't think porn actors are generally drunk... Nor is the sex displayed in porn truly comparative to the "art" of making babies... And some people like stuff in the hole. Not sure which hole you're talking about, but besides nostrils and ears, all orifices are - humpable, depending on the persons preference. Actually nostrils and ears are almost as well, but I doubt they're erogenous enough to be humped...
@Zophia: I still guess there will be something - wrong, later in life. As we have discussed in the homosexuality thread, sexuality develops in the teenage years, before that, there is, well, not much but a gender difference and personality. Many children having experienced incest have the feeling there is somthing wrong with them, as they do not know what is going on, but mom or dad seem to like this, and their own body reacts too. But still there seem to be something wrong with what they are doing... But well, might as well be wrong.
Oh, with pron, half the time the actors are not even turned on, because they do it all the time, and have to do a scene again and again..
It depends how you use it. I do believe if you are *you know* ing watching it,you got problems. If you use it as an educational source (yes people do that) then I believe it is perfectly fine.
@Cenere: I have no reply to that, I just want to let you know I read it.
If you use it as an educational source (yes people do that) then I believe it is perfectly fine.
We may need to take a look at that 'educational source' thing... Porn is not realistic, or at least the vast majority of it is not. So it won't replace sex ed classes, and no one should start thinking there is something wrong with them because they can't do what the porn star did. There's lots of faked stuff in the industrial porn... But, I will agree with you a little. It is a fine source for anatomical studies, though the genitalia of the actors probably does not represent the average person...