ForumsForum GamesWorld of Chaos RETURNS!

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The World of Chaos RETURNS!. This RPG takes place in the (fantasy) land of Kargnifath. The year is E2-7 (the 7th year of the 2nd Era) and civilizations are being constructed in the continent of Dysharg. You will take your part and help form (or destroy) the planet.

Basically there are two main factions: The Var'gul and the Ruuam.


The Ruuam are a band of humans who believed they would prosper more by being allied. The Ruuam control most of the cities in the centeral DYsharg area.


The Var'gul are are a brutish, barbaric warrior tribe of humans who believe that goals are accomplished by violence. They are constantly on the move and at war with the Ruuam.


It is a big world out there, and not everyone is in a faction. The outsiders may be hostile or not. Sometimes they might even help you.


Items play a big part in the game. There are several types of items: Equipment, Weapons, Miscellaneous, and Materials. The main currency is Gold Pieces, or gp. Some Items require certain stats, such as 10 strength or level 5, to use.


You get to choose your own stats. Stats are purchased with Free Points, which are earned when you level up. Each level you earn grants you 2 stat points.


The market allows you to buy almost anything. Choose one of the many stalls, such as the armor, weapon, tome, or food stalls and ask for what they have. You should almost always find what you are looking for and much more.


To buy an item, first head to the market. Then ask me what you want to buy, and I can tell you the merchant's price and will tell you information about the item. Here is an example:

PERSON: I'd like to buy a level 4 sword.
ME: OK...

Mithril Longsword
Req. Lv. 4
5-7 Dmg
Average Speed
80% Hit chance
10% crit chance
Cost: 90 gp

Another example of something else is this:

PERSON: Can I have a look at a magic ring? Preferably wizard stats.
Me: k

Mage's Band
Req. Lv 6
+3 Int
+5 HP
+5 MP
Cost: 100 gp

You will also come across Items in your travels and battles. Sell these in a market to other vendors for a fixed price or offer them in trade to another player.


When two players are in the same town, they can trade items to eachother. Both players must accept the trade. I must acknowledge the trade before anything is changed (who has what, ect).


When you start the game, you have to choose a class, your stats, and your weapon. Also you must choose if you want to be a part of the Ruuam, the Var'gul, or neither. NOTE: if you choose to be an outsider, just find one of the faction's cities or camps and you can join them. If you choose one faction then want to join another, you will probably have to prove your alliegance to them with a quest. Changing sides multiple times will get everyone to hate you.

OK when you start, you will want to set your ideas in. Fill in a form that looks somewhat like this:

Name: Annihalation
Age: 15
Class: Warrior
Alliegance: Ruuam
Personality/Description: Dark hair and blue eyes. Angers easily, and tends to break things when angry. Has warrior pride and hinor behind his eyes. Has seen much for his young age.

Background: His father, who was a mighty paladin and Marshal of the Hand of Justice, died while fighting valiantly in a Var'gul raid on Gloithuun Castle when Annihalation was only 12. Ever since he has been training to become a great Warrior, while seeking revenge on the Var'gul who slew his father. He hopes that one day he can wield his father's mighty sword, known as Light's Vengeance.

Stats (remember, you only get 10 freepoints to start with)
Strength: 5 (strength increases physical damage and health)
Dexterity: 3 (Dexterity increases your chance to dodge an attack)
Intellect: 2 (Intellect increases your magic power)

Exclude the words in parenthesis. This is what my character's stats are going to be like.

So start playin and enjoy your adventures in Karnigath.

  • 201 Replies
75 posts

Ragno realizes it is getting late and decides to look out to sea for a bit and then head back to town. Just as he is getting up to go back to town he notics something on the horizon. As it gets closer he believes this object to be a ship with a flag he does not recognize. Ragno sprints to town to tell the guards about this ship.

479 posts

*I head over to where the thugs were seen hanging around*

There are several ominous looking men in tattered clothing. "You are all to leave the city. You and all of your belongings must be gone by dawn tomorrow," Annihalation stated flatly in a fearless voice.
*One of the larger thugs slowly stood up from around his spot around the campfire* "And who gave a child still wet behind the ears permission to tell us what to do?" The thugs remaining around the fire said in chorus, "Aye." The soldier accompanying Annihalation spoke up. "By the order of Peacekeeper Brull, you are all to be gone by dawn tomorrow," he said in the strongest voice he could muster. The Thug grinned wickedly. "If that's the way its gotta be, then so be it. Get them, boys!"

Entering Combat

Leader Thug
Lv. 2
6 HP
1-3 Dmg
70% Hit
25% crit

Thug stabs at Soldier for 2 Damage (1 evaded by armor).
Soldier strikes Thug for 4 Damage.
Annihalation strikes Thug for 3 Damage (kill shot).

10 gp
10 EXP (15/25)

Scenario continued...

With the death of their leader, the remaining thugs readily fled the city gates. Annihalation returns to Peacekeeper Brull to inform the good news.
*Mission Success*
50 gp
25 EXP (40/25) calc- (15/50)

COMMENT: I have 40/25 EXP required to level. I have now reached level two. The Extra 15 Exp will be added to the ammount I need to reach level 3. The "calc-" means that I earned a level and that my new EXP amount has been calculated. The amount of XP needed to make a level doubles (x2) each time you level (e.g. lv 1 = 25, lvl 2 = 50, Lv 3= 100, ect).

479 posts

Scenario to Ragno
Guard: "Can you explain the detail of the ship's flag? I shall send a scout immediately to the location. Here, take this as a token of your good deed to the town."

50 gp
25 EXP (25/25) calc- (0/50)

Comment: Congratulations on advancing to level 2, you have earned 2 free points. A scenario will be added regarding Ragno's findings.

479 posts

Ok, there's been a change to how stats will be displayed. Stat updates will include your equipped main hand, off hand, Helm, armor and trinket now as well. This is what my character's is like:

Annihalation Stats Update
Lv. 2 (15/50)
Weapon: Basic Sword
Offhand: Wooden Buckler
Armor: Clothes
Helm: None
Trinket: None
12 Hp (+2)
Str: 6 (+1)
Dex: 4 (+1)
Int: 2
80% hit
10% crit

Comment: The (+1) next to my stats are showing how much they increased by. You gain 2 HP per Str point. Note: If you haven't acquired a new piece of equipment (from missions, kills, or a purchase) your gear should look as follows:

Weapon: Basic (insert your medieval weapon of choice here)
Offhand: (Wood Buckler if warrior, nothing if another class)
Armor: Clothes
Helm: None
Trinket: None

479 posts

Well, I'm goin to bed for tonight. I'll be back on tomorrow :P

Tired by a day of hard work, Annihalation makes his way to the inn. He goes up to the innkeep, who says to him, "Ahh, you. Peacekeeper Brull said that you took care of the city's thug problem. How would you like a room on the house as a show of our gratitude?
*sleeping time for me*

193 posts

Name: Atrex
Age: 18
Class: Ranger
Allegiance: Others

Personality/Description: Half-elf, with short, messy brown hair. Around 6 feet tall. Slender but muscular. Calm, quiet male who spends most of his time outdoors and away from people.

Background: Atrex comes from a human father and an elven mother, preventing him from living with the mythical elves. The elven blood in his veins gives him the stubbornness not to live with the humans. He has lived his whole life in the wild, taming creatures and becoming a master of the bow and short swords. Never has a creature been so independent.

Str: 3
Dex: 5
Int: 2

479 posts

To Atrex:

Welcome. Your presence is acknowledged. By having no allegiance and being half-elf, you neither live with the Elves of Febnort Forest or the humans. Even though you aren't an ally with anyone, many cities will still accept you if you ever wish to trade.

COMMENT: Where does your character live?

479 posts

To Atrex

Perhaps you want to do something? Do whatever you like... possibilities are endless...

479 posts


A separate forum page containing a lot of WoC info is now open. THis was made so that this page wouldn't get stuffed full of NEWS and UPDATE threads. Here is a link to the site everyone:

479 posts

[url=] sorry about that dead link.

479 posts

To Ragno

As of reaching level 2, you gained 2 Free points. A stat update is necessary from you.

75 posts

Ragno Stats Update
Lv. 2 (0/50)
Weapon: Basic Sword
Offhand: Wooden Buckler
Armor: Clothes
Helm: None
Trinket: None
12 Hp (+2)
Str: 6 (+1)
Dex: 5 (+1)
Int: 1
80% hit
10% crit

75 posts

Ragno walks over to talk to the Recruitment Officer in the Keep.

956 posts

May I join?

If so, here is my character:

Name: Marth (shamelessly copied from the Japan-only Fire Emblem character of the same name)
Age: 18
Class: Ranger (what ever class uses the bow...)
Alliegance: Var'gul
Personality/Description: A cool headed, thoughful lord who has brown eyes and black, curly hair. Although mostly loyal, money does tempt him...

Background: Has had a peaceful life, hasn't even seen the Ruuam. Has very little combat experience, except the occasional goblin raid. Due to the customs of his part of the family, he has to prove he is ready to truely inherit the title lord from his father, who was brutally scarred in the initial destruction of the Ruuam capital. Secretly holds a bit of remorse for the Ruuam despite his father's words.

Str: 2
Dex: 6
Int: 2

193 posts

Annihalation: My character lives about 30 miles east of the Ruuam capital.

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