ForumsWEPRIs GOD true?Does time exists?What happens when we die?Is the light in the end of the tunnel true?Or the humans created all this?

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195 posts

I created this topic because i thought life was a frist person game were the others are only a program,and there is always someone trying to explain it.How to now that i´m not in a alien tech center being studied while my mind is on a "game program" thinking that it's alive?

  • 183 Replies
241 posts

lol, what if you died and all you saw was game over for the rest of eterity. that would suck. also you are all figments of my imagination. if you do exist, then I am sorry for sounding like a retard.

2,820 posts

lmao imagine game over like in super paper mario, thats a little off topic tho.

3,880 posts

Is GOD true?Does time exists?What happens when we dye?Is the light in the end of the tunnel true?Or the humans created all this?


Btw, when you dye someone, they change color
2,169 posts

Though it is a fact, some people don't believe it, but God is real. Time is a factor God made in order for life to expand and make units of time, in the Bible it states that God created the earth in 6 "days" and on the 7th "day", He rested, He then made the 7th day, and consecrated it, then adding in His commandments that we should honor the Sabbath Day by keeping it holy. When we die, it is a matter of our faith that determines what happens after death, people that believe that Jesus is the true Son of God and died to take away the sins of the world, you will go to Heaven; but if a person does not believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, they will unfortunatly go to hell. The light at the end of the tunnel, I believe is them seeing two paths on the brink of death, one is the "light" is God in Heaven. Humans didn't create God, God created humans, time was created by God, and extended to further units by humans, other faiths made by humans have different manmade fates, so other faiths were made with death factors of different kinds, the "light at the end of the tunnel" would be thought of as made by humans, because they "saw" it, but the light seen, would be processed by the brain, which was made by God, so the image would not be made by humans.

1,532 posts

Huh okay you have kind of an odd opinion thinking life is one big video game... but i'll try and teach you my best...first off does God exist? yes, how else could something such as the human race create something so perfect, so amazing? Then you asked does time exist, which im not really getting, time as in 24 hours or time as in History? Aanways both is a yes With a big DUH. Then you asked what happens when we die, you either go to heaven or hell. Heaven is said to be a perfect place where everything is right, no sadness no sickness just happiness. Hell is a place of sorrow and torment. Where you spend eternity with satan and other non believers. How can you get to heaven? Mark 16:16 states "he who believes and is baptized will be saved". Beware of false religions, in my opinion Jewish, Muslim, etc. Religions that believe in the true faith: Baptist, lutheran catholic, etc. Not so sure bout mormon... there kinda whack. Then you asked is the light in the end of the tunnel true? Im not sure but i remember before my great grandma died in the hospital she said she could see a light that would dissapear and appear near the curtain, and im pretty sure she was okay in the head at that time. Your last question have the humans created this? i already answered and i hope i have done this in your favor, so if your are to believe the word of god (i hope you would) or not i have been a witness to you...good luck on your quest to do what you do and ask these questions =)

241 posts

people that believe that Jesus is the true Son of God and died to take away the sins of the world, you will go to Heaven; but if a person does not believe in Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, they will unfortunatly go to hell.

Mark 16:16 states "he who believes and is baptized will be saved"

I'm going to hell D: ... Jk
945 posts

so all forms of Christianity are wrong except baptist... Sounds about right to me

1,568 posts

the light at the end of the tunnel is your sense of vision shutting down.

8,051 posts

time has always existed in a form as revolutions or rotations

is god true? is he false? what god are you talking about?

ohh i feel like rambling....

i support m-theory and string-theory which explains how the big bang occured and how uncountable parallel dimensions exist

you can't teach a dog to do something he's not programmed to like say the word Hi
who's to say humans aren't the same?
maybe we weren't programmed to understand....

i do believe in ghosts however (i have a few at my house) but i'm puzzled as to how that happens in a scientific world, is there an EM imprint of every human who ever lived?
is that why they can detect ghosts with detecting electricity? Does it fade away?

i believe religion is a way of finding unanswerables questions with a short simple answer
an almighty being created everything

-most religions were made when the world wasn't so technologically advanced

ok i'm done rambling...

2,269 posts

first off does God exist? yes, how else could something such as the human race create something so perfect, so amazing?

I belive in God, but how do you know GOD is real, or created us? (Humans) How do you know that God is something just created by us humans to cling onto, and worship when we need someone to guide us?

I belive in god, but sometimes those questions must race your head aswell?
8,051 posts

First off does God exist?

there's too little evidence to prove one theory over another

it all depends on how you process information
2,269 posts

it all depends on how you process information

That's what the last guy said, and you know what happend to him?

BAM thats right, right in the kisser, SMACK, POW TACK TIC TICK RAAM, arrow right in the head! Who did it? Who? That's right noone knows!
2,770 posts

I just thought I would jump in to say that god is a fictional thing created by man because of his fear of the unknown. They fear what they don't know and can't explain, so they say it is the work of god. It's a simple and weak minded solution to problems. But weak people need to cling to something, and at least they cling to something with good morals.

10,816 posts

That's what the last guy said, and you know what happend to him?

What the heck dude?
4,196 posts

Yeh I am confused at that too...

There are many arguments that can cone from the 'Does God Exist' question...and in the end it just comes down to what you believe...

I believe in God...but that is my view...others are entitled to their own opinion...

As I said before...Time is relative between two points...Oh I hate the theory of makes my head pop...

Showing 16-30 of 183