I created this topic because i thought life was a frist person game were the others are only a program,and there is always someone trying to explain it.How to now that i´m not in a alien tech center being studied while my mind is on a "game program" thinking that it's alive?
this sound a little like matrix like its a giant program, well god, its human creation, and light in the end of the tunnel is from god too, cause god was good and from the light like heaven so people thought that to come to god they should go the light way when they die to come to heaven. but yeah the world do look like a first person rpg game created by some super genous guy, well and time.... there is no time really cause we mae time to tell when things will happen.
Ok I've calmed down now, the name of this topic when I read it I fell like I'm in a life and death situation. I bet we evoloved from apes But we ACTULLY evolved from bacteria. That was the first life on Earth and then meg evolvation began. Dum da da! I got a headache so I hate reading the topic name.
I belive that Earth was created by a mixture of two theories.
1. The big bang theory
2. Christianity
I belive that god wanted life and created the big bang and he wantedto see his beloved planets evolve and thrive. Then the spotlight came to Earth, it was the planet that was full of life unlike the other planets. And right now he is wathcing down on us today.
That was my theory and I belive that happened. And there are many threads like this.
I belive that god wanted life and created the big bang and he wantedto see his beloved planets evolve and thrive. Then the spotlight came to Earth, it was the planet that was full of life unlike the other planets. And right now he is wathcing down on us today. basicly there are a couple of problems 1. god created earth and the sky first of all he did not creat planets until like the 5 day of creation. 2. bactiria came with animals and that was on the 4 day of creatcion. 3. And last of all he created earth for people like a amusement park until eve did a sin and earth became torture. So basicly God did not creat bigbang teory
well, matty360, if there is a whole universe full of galaxies and solar systems, then why would earth be the only planet with life? Christianity as a whole seems to lack any perception of the size of the Universe. There are quadrillions of planets out there, so how could ours be the only one with life?? I personally find that absurd.
I don't believe in this "God" at all. When we die, all our cells go back to nature, decomposed by other living beings. What is part of our body now will then be part of a tree, then of the fruit, then of the animal that eats it... And who knows. It's an end I accept.
Christianity, as all the other religions, was born to soothe people. Because we humans are afraid of what we don't know, death at the first place. And since our brain is much more developed than the one of the other animals (and mind you, it developed with time, and we are here just for a matter of "luck".) we think much more, we create problems that shouldn't be there, and try to find solutions to those.
And those so sure about "God"'s existance, claiming to have faith, are completely understandable. Because even if their unconscious understands how world really goes they hide behind the fairy tale of "God" saving us all if we act good. It's a choice of life wheter to hide behind a religion or to live life how it really is. And I deeply respect it.
What I hate for real is when those two kind of people fight with each other and try to convince the other part by *enforcing* things. And that happens from the christians to the atheists, and from the atheist to the christians.
400 billion is a closer estimation, though this is at the lowest end of the scale. Though I do agree with you. The universe is an amazing thing to think about in its dimensions alone. I never thought I would quote the Hitchhikers Guide the Galaxy so much but "Space is big". Though this doesn't proove or disproove god. The visible universe is 156 billion light years across (interesting note I am 1.825 x 10 to the -16 light years high). When you picture a space ship going through an asteroid field it is pretty hectic but in reality the asteroids would be thousands of miles apart.
There are quadrillions of planets out there, so how could ours be the only one with life
I will bring up the Drake Equation since it is the most famous one of this type. It is just the number of planets in a ssection of space divided by ever increasingly harsh needs for life to live.
I dont believe in god. Time obviously exists. When we dye...Well...We turn into another color o_o I dont think that the light in the end of the tunnel is a true story, i've goed through that tunnel, or at least a part of it.
The first time I read the title of the topic I thought it was a joke, a bad joke. These questions will allways have two known sides, the ones that believe in God, heaven, hell and other stuff and the people who doesn't. There is no true answer, as said before. One prashe that my teacher told me and I keep listening it over and over: "I think therefore I exist". I know I exist, but I will never be sure about anything around me.
Nobody knows what happens when we die because NO ONE IS HERE TO TELL US. HOWEVER! I've heard about an old lady who "claimed" to have died. She said she had "an out of body" experience and she saw herself in the E.R. lieng on the bed, being shocked and then finally one of the shocks brought her back to life and she woke up, back inside her body. I've heard this story a few times, but I dont know if its true, so please, if you can, tell me anything you know about it, if you've heard it before, because I'm curious.
...And yes I think time exists, because someone (As far back as the Mayans) created it. It's like saying: Does the computer I'm on right now exist? ANS: Yes, because someone created it.
BVH, I've heard many histories of the same type, almost all os these people come back to life and start philosophing like if they did that all their life. I don't believe on it, maybe they had a realist dream (I have many) and thought it was true, but it something we will never be sure, like all the other stuff being discussed here.
Time is an invention a dream a new way (in those days) how to measure every sunrise sunset. Realisticly, theortically there is no time. God we don't know when he started or ended or is still there and is looking at us right now or if he doesn't even excists. Yes I have to admit that most of the modern bibles aren't the same from the original. By the light at the end of the tunnel we don't know anything about that either but everybody hopes for that light.