I was just looking at the topic of the child who was named Adolf Hitler by his parents who were non-Holocaust believers. I think it's utterly ridiculous to not believe in the holocaust because theres so much evidence for it. The only reason this is happening is that people can be so blinded by Anti-semitism (hate of Jews) that they would go so far as to say that there was no Holocaust, and say that all the pain, suffering, etc. those Jews went through was made up...that disgusts me, but i want to here others opinion, so elaborate...
"Those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it." That is why these people "don't believe" in the Holocaust, because it is a confirmation of the horrors of Facism and genocide. If they can make us all stop believing it happened, they make the recurrence of such evils easier to commit.
Obviously. Iran wants toi recreate a united middle east under a single banner with who in charge? yep you guessed it, Iran.
Definately. Supported by their moral outrage over the movie "300". You know, because it portrayed Persians as bad guys. Apparenly they also want to pretend that Persia never invaded Europe pre-Christ. I think primarily because they want to aggrandize their own past in order to recreate a Persian empire.
I was just looking at the topic of the child who was named Adolf Hitler by his parents who were non-Holocaust believers. I think it's utterly ridiculous to not believe in the holocaust because theres so much evidence for it. The only reason this is happening is that people can be so blinded by Anti-semitism (hate of Jews) that they would go so far as to say that there was no Holocaust, and say that all the pain, suffering, etc. those Jews went through was made up...that disgusts me, but i want to here others opinion, so elaborate...
I believe the Holocaust occured because I am reasonably certain that the historical material I have read and witnessed is substantive and irrefutable, however, I suspect that none of us were there when it actually took place. We are taking other peoples' words for it.
It is very much along the same vein as taking the birth, life, crucifixion, and resurrection, of Jesus as having happened. We have no real hard evidence that such a person actually existed or did any of the things he is supposed to have done, but people don't seem to need much in the way of evidence to believe it.
but people don't seem to need much in the way of evidence to believe it.
Holocaust denyers are quite often from families who deny it too, passing that belief down generations. There is always some evidence for anything no matter how ridiculous, in this case the french jew at auschwitz i mentioned earlier, despite the fact there are huge amounts of contradictory evidence rendering their feeble arguments useless. If people want to belive something they can usually find something that backs them up.
Dude have any of you been to Auschwitz or another camp? I have and the instant you start walking around the place, you start to feel sick. I promise you any doubts anyone might have will be removed.
I went to Auschwitz and we were walking around and at the end before you leave, they have these two giant books with just columns and columns of names of people who where kept there or died there, and My mom remembered a story about her grandfather who she never knew, who disappeared along with his brother during World War Two. So she thought she check to see if maybe his name is in there. And to her surprise it was! So when we got back home to the states my Mom contacted the Red Cross International WWII tracing service, and then a few months later we got an envelope back with copies of original Nazi documents of the grandfather and his brother being taken there as political prisoners My family is not Jewish. My great grandfather and his brother most likely took part in the Warsaw uprising, and were caught, because they were caught around that time.They were taken to other camps after that where they died. The Nazis made extremely detailed records of everyone in the camps. That should be proof in itself.
The Nazis made extremely detailed records of everyone in the camps. That should be proof in itself.
Very true. It is truly remarkable really. Its a German characteristic to be very organised and the Nazi's meticulous record keeping of the victims. My grand father was held in Thekla concentration camp near Leipzig as a prisoner of war. Despite the fact he was held in a different part of the camp with the other Greek POWs.He never spoke about the things he saw because they horrified him so much and he had night terors right up until he died. You cannot argue with the many thousands of witnesses like him who lived and saw it all.
Some people don't believe in the Holocaust because they were raised in hateful environments that say the Holocaust never happened. Even with all the evidence out there you really can't tell someone what to believe no matter how serious it is.
To be honest I think video and photographic evidence is more than "hearsay". What was Anne Frank hiding from if not the Holocaust.
A lot of this evidence however is only partial and best, when the end of the war was close the Nazi's destoyed as much as possible. And the confessions of leading Nazi's was gotten under torture.
In my opinion it is impossible to deny such a heinous crime and deniers are like most conspiricy theorists disturbed and unbalanced people lookinf for more answers than are needed.
Even if not during world war two,holocausts exists.An holocaust is the sacrifice of countless life by the fire,and was originally a religious word meaning ''the sacrifice of a male beast''.Countless holocausts we're organized during the christian crusades,and there's historical reports of the happening of some during WW2.It's natural that some people don't know about it,but denying it is foolish.That is our sad realty,Joan of arc could tell you more about it that I can.
Most peole who dont believe in the holocaust know it happened are germans who are afraid and disgraced to admit it...huh if america put jews in concentration camps and tortured/killed them i wouldnt be so happy to say my country did such a thing