I was just looking at the topic of the child who was named Adolf Hitler by his parents who were non-Holocaust believers. I think it's utterly ridiculous to not believe in the holocaust because theres so much evidence for it. The only reason this is happening is that people can be so blinded by Anti-semitism (hate of Jews) that they would go so far as to say that there was no Holocaust, and say that all the pain, suffering, etc. those Jews went through was made up...that disgusts me, but i want to here others opinion, so elaborate...
Doobie doobie doo, America's in the Middle East for absolutely no reason. We need to recede our fingers of "eace" so we can make another pie. Because the one we have now is falling apart.
put Jews in concentration camps and tortured/killed them i wouldn't be so happy to say my country did such a thing
well while they were not Jews,what about the Japanese concentration camps(or whatever you would like to call it).While they were not as bad(from historical reports) they still singled out a single group arrested them without any right or fair trial some were malnourished and some others were not supplied necessities such as one example i heard awhile back where a women could not breast feed her new born baby,and the people holding the camps would not supply anything but water to feed the child causing life long effects to child.Don't try and act like we have never done anything wrong in the past of our country.I would think we know better now though.
I know for a fact that none of you were alive during WWII, so how can you beleive that holocaust didn't happen? You are only hearing hearsay.
Either way the Holocaust is undeniable.When you have documents,videos(which they did not have the technology to edit back then),pictures,complete buildings!!!!and other undeniable proof then saying that none of us were eye witnesses is enough to say we can't say it is undeniable.That would be like saying a cop can't arrest a guy because he didn't see the guy shoot his wife,but instead the guy came to him confessed that he did it,wrote in her skin that he was the murderer and then gave them finger print and blood samples.I'm sorry but do you have any idea how ridiculous an argument like that would be for some none believer to try and make?
Hey the new generation is coming they will be asking questions about if it even happened sometimes the parents tell them something that never even happened! But as years go by we will lose a lot of imformation.
It's obvious it happened. Pictures, video, records, Armies freeing prisoners, real life accounts etc. What is important is that it's not forgotten, so that we remember to prevent anything even close to this from happening again. I find it really sad how families and loved ones were torn apart and treated with such low regard for human life. It's really important that everyone learns at least a little about it.
Ya I think most Germans are sensitive on the subject. There are some however that seem like they could care less, and think it's cool that their country kicked butt. Which I find really stupid. I had a professor last year who was German, and when I told him I was from Poland I could tell he got uncomfortable and he said "oooh a touchy subject" . I just wanted to have a friendly convo on Europe and about how much I like Germany. And I think he got a little too weird heh.
It's obvious it happened. Pictures, video, records, Armies freeing prisoners, real life accounts etc.
Just to play devil's advocate, many other massacres supposedly happened, but turned out to be false. Nothing on the scale of the Holocaust or genocide. But both Israel and Palestine will claim higher numbers of civilians killed very often. People will take pictures of a few dead bodies and claim the "Streets are littered with bodies" when those bodies are the only ones. Military officials will lie and civilians will make up stories of massacres to get world support. Don't always believe what you hear. Always have doubt in your mind.
Ya I know that, but In this case. It seems very hard to refute. When its everywhere. Pieces of it, all of the concentration camps. Especially the ovens, with coffin-like push carts on rails for pushing bodies into. Talking to older people who were in concentration camps, etc. The Germans have records of doing sick experiments to people, zyclon-b cans, the showers that were completely obviously gas chambers. They have records of killing people, and what by means they did it. I doubt Germany was in the mood for an elaborate hoax, just so all of their officers could be hunted and killed. I guess If I never went to Poland or Europe I would be a little more disconnected from it, but because I studied it a lot and I did travel to many of these places in Europe, Its really hard to say nah, it never happened, when its pretty obvious when you go there.
Everyone believes the moon landing happened, but for some reason we can not find the flag or the space shuttle parts left there. The only reason we needed to be first was the cold war with Russia at the time. It didn't matter if it was real or not. There is only the evidence of a Hollywood movie shown to millions.
Now if that can be faked, why not the holocaust? Fiction books are written every day. When "War of the Worlds" was read over the radio, everyone thought it was true. We worship the TV, and believe everything it says.
I personally think the moon landing was fake. But not the Holocaust. If it was fake, why do the survivors have their I.D tattoos? I have seen diaries from before the camps. Judging by what those people wrote, it couldn't be fake.
What survivors? When I was a kid, there were only 6 alive. None of them told the same story. They might as well have just made it up like all the fake Vietnam vets who told fake stories about the war.
The holocaust is really an epidemic of Typhus, a disease spread through lice.
Preventative measures against the spread of the disease include:
-shaving of the head -the aforementioned pesticide zyklon -cremation of bodies
malnutrition can be explained by the breakdown in the infrastructure of germany at the end of the war, they barely had enough to feed themselves, let alone POWs.
The Holocaust is a fabrication by the the united states and Jewish as a justification for the occupation of israel. Germany was performing a relocation of jewish people, just as the Russians also deported jews from poland to its interior.
it's easy to convince people if you teach them it early on in childhood while their brain is still developing...later on they'd question it when others told them it was real...ending up in insanity and killing themselves over confusion