I cannot stand to hear or read another thing about republicans being hicks and rednecks and that democrats just understand everything and that there sooooo much smarter. When i read movie reviews if the movie is about global warming it's a masterpiece if it's about the POSSIBILITY that conservatives are right it's TERRIBLE. And the worst is global warming let me say this we could not have caused global warming! it's not possible that a few plastic bags and some cars are destroying the planet! if dick cheney had the idea of global warming every scientist out there would try to prove global warming doesn't exist. list of idiots: barack obama he and all the other chicago politicians are like gangsters Michael moore how is this guy rich? all he does is run around like a prophet of death let me say something jet fuel isn't hot enough to melt steel but it does weaken and then bend!! bill clinton #1 for doing nothing in office
Americans are the most powerful nation in the world so wacht your tounge. (lol)
I'am not from America, I know that none of your Republicans were killed, and that just because your next President elect is a Democrat, doesn't mean that the Republicans were attacked. Just because there will be more Democrats in your House, doesn't mean that the world will come to an end. It's happened before when Republicans won the President's seat, and then there were more Republicans than Democrats. So why not just sit back and enjoy this as it unfolds?
If your not from america then please don't critizize are gov.
You have no idea if REPS. were attacked , because you don't live in america.So if your going to post in this thread please make sense.
Yah, well sir, were I come from, we are not treated like vermin, as you are treating me. So what it if I don't know everything there is to know about your precious Republicans or Democrats, why don't you go and vote for the Communist campaign.
[/quote]You have no idea if REPS. were attacked , because you don't live in america.
Unfortunatley thanks to globalaisation and the bias of western media we do know. A surprisingly large percetage of our news contains american news ( probably because we don't make enough of our own news) espeacially since there has just been an election we even got live debates on telly dunno why we can't vote. Having what is basically a two party government eill always cause friction ina country between its supporters especially in such a patriotic country as America,
If your not from america then please don't critizize are gov.
Weird. If we're in our country and we criticize our government, we aren't patriots. If someone outside our country criticizes our government, they should shut up. Good system, bro.
if u ever suported bush u are not smart because he started this war and the economy we are in now
Excuse me? I would say 9/11 started this war, and the economy please it's the mortage rates the DEMOCRATS lowered.
Weird. If we're in our country and we criticize our government, we aren't patriots. If someone outside our country criticizes our government, they should shut up. Good system, bro.
Burn flag not patriot critisize well is it constructive? Also Woodys fine to post in this thread this kid just doesn't seem to know what he's talking about.
wacht It's spelt W-A-T-C-H, where do you get your education from? America hahahah
I would say 9/11 started this war, and the economy please it's the mortage rates the DEMOCRATS lowered.
9/11 started the war in Afghanistan. We still haven't found Osama bin Laden, due to the Iraq war acting as a deterrent.
The problems with the economy can be traced back to many things, but most economists do not blame Clinton's administration. They actually trace it back to the lowered Federal Reserve interest rate that Bush asked for after 9/11, when the stock market took a plunge. This increased the amount of money that banks could lend out significantly, thus leading to the bad mortgages, etc.
The problems with the economy can be traced back to many things, but most economists do not blame Clinton's administration. They actually trace it back to the lowered Federal Reserve interest rate that Bush asked for after 9/11, when the stock market took a plunge. This increased the amount of money that banks could lend out significantly, thus leading to the bad mortgages, etc.
Well, he didn't know that :P anyway your right, but both played a role and I hate it when Bush gets blamed for EVERYTHING bad that happened during his presidency.