I cannot stand to hear or read another thing about republicans being hicks and rednecks and that democrats just understand everything and that there sooooo much smarter. When i read movie reviews if the movie is about global warming it's a masterpiece if it's about the POSSIBILITY that conservatives are right it's TERRIBLE. And the worst is global warming let me say this we could not have caused global warming! it's not possible that a few plastic bags and some cars are destroying the planet! if dick cheney had the idea of global warming every scientist out there would try to prove global warming doesn't exist. list of idiots: barack obama he and all the other chicago politicians are like gangsters Michael moore how is this guy rich? all he does is run around like a prophet of death let me say something jet fuel isn't hot enough to melt steel but it does weaken and then bend!! bill clinton #1 for doing nothing in office
FAIL new york times is one of the most liberal newspapers they could easily just say this. and factcheck just said that what she said was somewhat true but it wasn't as bad as she claimed
Even if the New York Times is considered liberal, the facts are there. She's kind of a real person. And factcheck said that all the numbers Kilkenny came up with are accurate, and if you knew anything about economics, you would realize that Palin's actual policies place her far from the "fiscal conservative" she claims to be.
Time for my fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C2CjR-kvVM this is a bit long but it's genius. Also at the inauguration there were throw shoes at bush contests (yea real mature) and they said quote on quote (news guy---->"what's your biggest fear about obama?" (1 of 100000 other people who said the same thing------> "that the right wing nuts will convince him to make bad decisions"
....Perhaps you can argue that they aren't WHOLLY Bush's fault, but you do have to admit that the sitting president tends to have a certain degree of culpability in things that happened while he was in office.
It was definitely GWB's decision to continue the Iraq war for eight years. Arugably he had no choice but to start it, but he's definitely part of the reason it's still going on.
Personally, I think republicans are being attacked because their actions are perceived to be flawed -- hating on gays and abortion, warmongering, etc. That's a perfectly valid reason for attacking a politician. In fact, it's the only reason to attack a politician.
I've looked over that "economic stimulus bill" soooooo how is this going to help? by spending billions on global warming research? (yes that is included in the bill) among many other things that don't belong in there. but democrats and I'm not lying, always have a second reason for things and this is it *example* ----> (We shall now stop global warming, AND COMPLETELY IGNORE REPUBLICANS THOUGHTS ON THE MATTER, with this lovely BILLION dollar thing-a-majig that is included in something about helping you poor people out of whatever the heck is wrong) the second reason? ignoring republicans, why? I don't know they just close minded as hell.
Omg it's funny democrats don't care if we raise taxes they don't even pay them!
Amen bother. Amen. Except the Republicans tend to want to lower taxes.
All the scandals going on. Its ridiculous. The USA is becoming such a corrupt country. If all the politicians were Republicans, they would be out of their job and in jail. However because the politicians that are corrupt are Democrats, its as though they never did it.
The main reason for that would probably be because most people ...uh...ended up not liking the Republicans. The timing of it is such that right now, people are more worried about the larger issues that they are more willing to overlook these things in the face of urgent concerns and a need for unity.
For a very good metaphor of what's going on right now in Washington, watch the latest season of 24. It's about how a corrupt regime has infiltrated all levels of government, all the way up to the president's cabinet and the Secret Service.
So, what are YOU going to do with your extra $13 a week?
You could buy 13 songs from iTunes. Or order 13 things from the $1 menu at McDonalds. Or you could put half-a-tank of gas in your car.
I'm breathing easier already. You?
I'm still unable to discuss the Spendulous biill w/o excess f-bombs.
Sarah Palin was right. Or, at least whoever wrote her speech was right:
What does he actually seek to accomplish, after he's done turning back the waters and healing the planet? The answer is to make government bigger... take more of your money... give you more orders from Washington... and to reduce the strength of America in a dangerous world. America needs more energy... our opponent is against producing it.
Victory in Iraq is finally in sight... he wants to forfeit.
Terrorist states are seeking nuclear weapons without delay... he wants to meet them without preconditions.
Al-Qaeda terrorists still plot to inflict catastrophic harm on America... he's worried that someone won't read them their rights? Government is too big... he wants to grow it.
Congress spends too much... he promises more. Taxes are too high... he wants to raise them. His tax increases are the fine print in his economic plan, and let me be specific.
The Democratic nominee for president supports plans to raise income taxes... raise payroll taxes... raise investment income taxes... raise the death tax... raise business taxes... and increase the tax burden on the American people by hundreds of billions of dollars.