Hello! And welcome to the elections of 2009, Armorland! In this competition/tournament, the point is to convince the most possible audience and judges (me), to vote for them! How? Well that is the challenge! Use art, make posters, badges, make poems, stories, speeches, do whatever it takes (as long as you follow the Armorland rules) to be the next pretendesident of Armorland!
This is how it works: There will be different rounds. Each round lasts a couple of days/weeks. This rounds consist making speeches, shows, marches, whatever it takes too complete the challenge! You can use yourself as a candidate or one of your characters.
Rules: Use only your own content. Be appropriate, and don't flame, spam anything. Don't use actual political campaigns/sides, to evade discussions and offense. Follow the Armorgame rules. Be cool.
The First Round: The first round is simple, just post a short description of your character/persona/whatever, and post a picture (not needed, but preferred). Be ready to accept the rules and realize that you will have to complete small challenges, containing art/writing, speeches, and answering questions, for example. Eventually the people votes will be important - but also the judges (who is currently just me, but I will add more later if I can), who are the most important part (to keep it fair). Go nuts.
I liked where Fst6's was going, it was just a little too short.
UT's was brilliant, and I fond great humor in it, whether it was meant to be there, I don't know.
Crimson's was a tad short as well, but I liked it.
Cenere's entree is slightly different from the others as from where I stand, he was serious. Depending on how the rest of this goes, she may have the right idea.
Ricador's made me laugh. It was a good mix humor and acctual campaigning.
JAN 13 =O its 13/1/09 for me rite now 1:04 AM - Dont ask. Im still in it rite?
Speech - Sasuke My fellow ArmorGames citizens. I know that not all of you are ninjas. And that is totally cool with me. I know i have greater powers than you and all but you can be taught them. I have the strength of skill to lead you. I mean... its not like you can do this. *Katons nearest bodyguard* Erhm... Whoops. Plus... i have the sharingan. So yea, also. I hope by leading you all, i can achieve my dream. To kill a certain person. So yea. Vote for me. Allright now, if anyone wants to learn how to katon... we will just um... hang up that guy thats burnt... yeaa.. naruto and sakura will teach you how so um.. great xD
Today is the last day! It doesn't end today, but it's the last day. So by tomorrow I won't take any entries. The 16th will be the second challenge, because I have a birthday (little brother) and school starting. Hurry up, candidates! : D
Challenge 3: Posters. The candidates will need to make a poster, about their campaign, and more. They can use any art program. The point is that they use anything available to make a nice poster. Use slogans, pictures (no real pictures), drawings, logos, anything! This is a bit unfair for those with less art skill, but remember that itâs not about the art, itâs about convincing people, so use your creativity!
Armorgames Needs a hero! Do you know who that hero is?! I think you do, yes, it's....HARVEY DENT. No but really, my humour has encouraged at least 20 other people to live (despite myself) and we need one to clean up the "ghetto's" of the AG forums/community! Vote for Pedro! And Thoadthetoad! because always remember... WE NEED YOU, TO join the ZSC.