Do you feel that grammar is important online? or not important? I feel grammar is especially important in forums its annoying reading posts(dat luk liek dis). Though I am not downing anyone if they make a mistake everyone once in a while but deliberately messing up isn't fun.
Discussion points: 1. Is grammar important online? 2. Do you strive for proper grammar on IMs, forums, online games, etc...? 3. Does it annoying you when someone else using text speak or something? or do you just deal with it?
1. so-so 2. not really 3. i can understand most of it
the only problem i have with grammar is if a foreign person or a dumb person doesn't know how to spell, i don't care much for capitalizations or periods
ArmorGames is where i got to understand how important grammar is in forums. In forums like this one, you have enough time to write your post, read it for grammar errors and stuff, and post your reply. Before the day i got to know AG i usually strived to leetspeak and supposed it was cool to go around saying some quick stuff.
On things like MSN, i still dont use capitals at the first letter and final dots, though i now type you instead of u. Thats good.
I agree with all of them! I mean how many times have you come across this?
"I r teh ROxXzERZ 1337 u iS teh nt rOXxoRz"
This is not realted to the people who make a few spelling mistakes, I mean that is ok, but people who type like (Above).....Really? And don't even get me started on youtube......
I do think grammar is important. Communication is all about using a common base that we all understand relatively easily. Letting each person decide how they want to spell words and use them can only lead to disaster. It also prepairs high schoolers and such for the real world. When your boss asks you to type of a report.
OMG, 2day we pwned those GUYS!
Is not going to cut it.
Text speak annoys me in forums that are suppose to be at least a little serious. I like to discuss things, and having to decipher a paragraph frustrates me.
I have to think a lot more about typing out text speak then I do typing out whole words and sentences, even when I'm texting on my phone. It just doesn't work for me.
I have to think a lot more about typing out text speak then I do typing out whole words and sentences, even when I'm texting on my phone. It just doesn't work for me.
I have a full QWERTY keyboard on my phone so I just spell all my words out.
hmmm.... I don't really remember the order but I believe that good grammar is important online, espeacially in forums. Chatspeak is acceptable in an mmo where saying what you have to say fast is a neccessity, but in a forum nobody is going anywhere so take the time to type everything out.
Also, if you are making a game, please check the spelling/grammar in the game! Lots of games are good but have poor spelling or bad grammar and it irks me.
does it bother me when others use chatspeak? Only in forums when they could do better and then only a little.
also, someone on the first page said defiantly instead of definitely =D
PS: sometime I talk in 1337 purely to mock people that do... or just for fun. try this: go into a crowded mall and scream at the top of your lungs: "I R 73h 1337 H4><><0r!" you get odd looks.
I think grammar is important to a certain extent. A simple typo like tihs isn't really a big deal, but if someone is constantly misspelling words, it becomes an issue when you're trying to think about what they're saying. I usually double-check my writing before putting it in, but occasionally I'll miss something. When people use things such as lol, it really doesn't bother me that much, unless the whole message is in IM talk.
I use 1337 to confuzzle people. 1 4/\\/\\ 73|-| 1337 |-|4><><0r!!!!1111!!1!!!11! 1 p\\/\\/|\\| _|00 |_|r 73|-| |\\|00|35!!!1!11111!!1111! ----------------- I throw in lols and atms and stuff like that a bit, but grammar and spelling are desperately important.