well i want obama to win 1. hillary is a liar also the only reason mcain got the nomination is because he was a war hero and got tortured for being a patriot and stuff. and then hillary thinks, well if he got the nomination by bein a war hero, then ill lie about gettin shot at by sniper fire. and my dad was the guy who flew the blackhawk that she was in most of the time, and as a matter of fact the only thing he recalls is her bein a bitch!
1. we got enough of the clintons from that fagget bill clinton with no war experince 2. obamas a black trying to ban guns wiht no war experience 3. McCain the only 1 with war expeirience, and so if we pull our troops out its gonna Viet Nom All over again! so even though all of them suck a big one, the one i think should be pres is McCain cuz he wont make it Viet Nom all over again.
Of all the canadates Obama seems to be the only one I don't have a problem with. Clinton has a MAJOR problem with video games, so if anyone on this site is favoring her needs to re-evaluate things. McCain is a radical. Very very radical. Everything I've heard from him has been troubleing.
McCain stinks he just sits back talking crap while Obama and Clinton are going at it! I like what Clinton is going to do when she gets to be a president but I don't know why I like Obama better then Clinton...
Oh I forgot to say one thing and this is one of the main reasons why i picked Clinton. Obama if he gets into office is going to take nuclear warfare of the table so that makes us even a bigger target to terrorists.
I prefer Obama's stances on foreign policy, healthcare, and ethics. I don't think Hillary has good stances in any of those. McCain, on the other hand, is a war hawk that has horrible economic ideas and social mores that I can't agree with. So, While I strongly support Obama, I could deal with a Clinton presidency. Not happily, but deal with it. A McCain presidency might find me looking for a job overseas