I think Obama will win, that is what the numbers are pointing towards anyways. And that is what I hope will happen. At this point, I think Clinton is just fighting a losing battle. And it is sad, because the longer she stays in the race, the less chance either of them (if she miraculously got it) in actually winning the election. She is just trying to steal away thunder from Obama. With the democrats so split, and the Republicans unified behind McCain, the way things are going McCain will probably end up in the White House.
I think that if Clinton dropped out now, at least we would have a chance at getting a democrat into the White House.
It's pretty close, and if Florida gets its "do-over" (which I think might have already been granted) then Clinton has got a shot. I'd really like to see them on the same ticket, with Clinton as Pres and Obama as veep.
A do-over for Florida? Screw. That. Neither one campaigned there, and Clinton is only raising hell about it because she 'won' it due to the fact her name was the only one on the Dem. ballot.
I like what Obama's side wants: Just split Florida's and Michigan's delegates down the middle. Otherwise, that would be one helluva time. Having to get both to go to each state, do their things...Clinton is just pissed off that she is not winning and looking for anything to help her.
dang, obama and hillory are neck and neck, I just hope that florida will keep us waiting -_- (no offence florda peoples) I hope that obama will win too, then again, I am not so worried on who will win so long as another REPUBLICAN doesn't come round.