If Adam and Eve were the first to people on this earth and make the first kids wouldn't the kids have to have it with each other? Because it couldn't be that another Adam and Eve making more kids it wouldn't techicaly be possible without one day that the kids when they grew up that they would have to do it with each other.
Not if you believe in God in fact it makes perfect sense. There's a lot of symbolism behind it as well but it also has a literal meaning. Also the odds for either evolution or creation are astronomical something like 10x10^70
Not necessarily. There are many people who believe in the Christian God who reject Adam and Eve. Also, if you think about it, we'll never be able to tell where the symbolism stops and where the literal meaning begins, if at all. Unless we resurrect the guy who wrote Genesis and hold a book club with him or something, we'll never really know, so I don't see blind faith in something that we'll never be able to fully interpret is a good idea.
I don't see blind faith in something that we'll never be able to fully interpret is a good idea.
Are you kidding!? Blind faith is great! It's taught us all kinds of great things like how the Earth is flat, 5,000 years old, and the center of the universe!!!!!
The problem with saying that we'll never be able to fully understand something is that there have been plenty of things we do understand that we do now. Things like the origins of weather and disease were thought for a long time to be caused by god(s), but now we know exactly where they come from. Human understanding is constantly expanding, and it seems like it's only a matter of time before we know almost everything.