ForumsWEPRAdam and Eve

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If Adam and Eve were the first to people on this earth and make the first kids wouldn't the kids have to have it with each other? Because it couldn't be that another Adam and Eve making more kids it wouldn't techicaly be possible without one day that the kids when they grew up that they would have to do it with each other.

  • 109 Replies
13,657 posts

Is she in the original bible? Because I have 3 bibles and none of them record such a person. It's only natural that I forgot her *sob*
She got cropped out during the collection of texts for the Bible.. Every Atheist I know know about her, but I am not sure how many Christians who do.
It is said that she was the siamese twin of Adam, and that she was dominant and generally all the stuff Christianity hates about women. She was banished by God, and Adam got Eve.
446 posts

If Adam and Eve were the first to people on this earth and make the first kids wouldn't the kids have to have it with each other? Because it couldn't be that another Adam and Eve making more kids it wouldn't techicaly be possible without one day that the kids when they grew up that they would have to do it with each other.

Yes.Technically we are all brothers and sisters in a broader sense.

It is said that she was the siamese twin of Adam, and that she was dominant and generally all the stuff Christianity hates about women. She was banished by God, and Adam got Eve.

According to the bible she was made for Adam from one of his ribs which explains why men have one less rib than women.Adam and Eve were told not to partake of the fruit of the tree of knowledge but Eve was tempted by the serpent. After partaking of the fruit they became like God knowing good from evil.They were warned by God that once they partook of the fruit that they would surely die(he meant they would become mortal beings). Once they had partook of the fruit they disobeyed God and were driven out by an angel. Eve was punished for this and was given the burden to bear children. Adam was to labour and till the earth till they died. This is known as the fall of Adam. Partaking of the fruit from the tree made Adam and Eve mere mortals.

I believe the most precise Bible is The King James version. Many Bibles differ because they have been translated by different people throughout the ages and some have lost the true meaning and gospel in their translations. Note that the bible was written through instruction from God by man and there fore can only be translated through divine assistance. If you read the Bible It will become apparent that it is not a fabrication of multiple exaggerated stories. Adams fall is also known as his transgression which had to come to pass in order for our own existence.
348 posts

Cain murdered abel because cain was jealous that abel was respected by the gods what he offer but cain doesnt respected by the gods because he didint give everything he just give god a some few soil and few fruits

13,657 posts

According to the bible she was made for Adam from one of his ribs which explains[...]

Uhm, I was not refering to Eve there. I was refering to Lillith.

why men have one less rib than women.

Men and women have an equel amount of ribs. So technically men must have had an extra rib for the Bible to be true.
5,838 posts

So technically men must have had an extra rib for the Bible to be true.

Some religio-scientists (like that exists pff) have been doing research and have come to the result that God actually used a penis bone. Humans obvioulsly don;t have them but most primates do also our raphe is apparently the scar left from when God removed adams penis bone to make eve. (I don;t like the idea but it is funny)
446 posts

why men have one less rib than women.

Scratch that lol I was kinda sleepy when I typed that.
I meant that's why eve is called woman because she comes from man.

Lilith is a screech owl in the king James bible.

Some religio-scientists (like that exists pff) have been doing research and have come to the result that God actually used a penis bone. Humans obvioulsly don;t have them but most primates do also our raphe is apparently the scar left from when God removed adams penis bone to make eve. (I don;t like the idea but it is funny)

That is funny. The penis is not a bone.
4,682 posts

hahahaha he used a penis bone that is hilarious

446 posts

You should read the wicked bible. It's bound to give you a chuckle.

5,838 posts

That is funny. The penis is not a bone.

No the penis isn't a bone but a &quotenis bone" is real. It is called a Baculum and id reasonably common in mammals.

There is a link to the wiki page if you need it...

9,821 posts

Anyway, penile bones aside, I think Adam and Eve is preposterous.
Noe, many modern-day Christians forget the symbolism behind God using Adam's rib to create Eve. Back in biblical times, women were considered property, much like cattle. It was actually believed that women were some sort of sub-species created from men to use as engines for procreation. The Bible, of course, had God create Eve by playing into that belief exactly--by pulling the woman out as coming from the man. So, by that, we know that the creation of Eve was manufactured by the people who wrote the Bible so as to get more people to believe it. Also, there is absolutely no evidence of any kind towards Eden even existing, or of Adam and Eve, so unless the evidence was destroyed by the Romans or something, then the writers of the Bible made it up.
Also, it says in the Bible that God gave humans the entire earth for themselves. But, when they exercise their supremacy and have an apple from a magical tree at the behest of a snake that's really God's favorite angel, God reveals some hidden clause in the Humans get Everything" clause, toss them out of Eden, and he throws his favorite angel into hell for proving him wrong.
How about I give a quick explanation of the story.
After God created the Universe, he took a mound of dirt and made a man out of it. Then, he decided that he would be lonely, so he took one of his ribs and made a wife. Then, God's favorite/head angel turned into a snake, went into a tree, and had them eat an apple. Then, God put the angel in hell and threw them out of Eden because Adam and Eve ate an apple. That is how the Bible says humans got here. I think that sounds a lot less crazy than evolution.

5,838 posts

I think that sounds a lot less crazy than evolution.

Wait a minute!! That wouldn't be sarcasm would it?

Anyway I agree the "Story" needs to be looked at rather than being taken at face value.
9,821 posts

Whoops, a typo. I meant way more crazy

4,871 posts

After God created the Universe, he took a mound of dirt and made a man out of it. Then, he decided that he would be lonely, so he took one of his ribs and made a wife. Then, God's favorite/head angel turned into a snake, went into a tree, and had them eat an apple. Then, God put the angel in hell and threw them out of Eden because Adam and Eve ate an apple. That is how the Bible says humans got here. I think that sounds a lot less crazy than evolution.

Not if you believe in God in fact it makes perfect sense. There's a lot of symbolism behind it as well but it also has a literal meaning. Also the odds for either evolution or creation are astronomical something like 10x10^70
93 posts

If you go by the strict biblical history, the Earth is only about 5,000 years old, so there would be no time for something like evolution to happen. However, if you actually look at all of the evidence that has been found so far, the Earth is really 4.6 billion years old, which is more than enough time for life to randomly appear.

588 posts

Samy...10x10^70 = 10^71...

Why can't any of you wing nuts realize math...

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