ForumsGame WalkthroughsSeven Deadly Sins

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105 posts

Ok i wrote this on the beta site so im moving it over here.

Ok I don’t know if this is a real difficult game but here is my walkthrough for it.

For the first deadly sin I would recommend greed. To complete greed go to the largest building in the town. This is where you can make money to buy stuff. First you want to click on the computer. You play a mini game called Myfirer. The point is to get rid of the bad rated people and get new good people. You start out with five or six people in boxes with two bars around them the higher these bars are the better the person. So you click on anybody in the team to fire them if they have bad bars and click on anybody in the moving line if they have good bars. If you hire a good enough team you will get paid then receive a note on screen saying you’ve been promoted. After several times of this it gets harder and harder and finally you are brought into a room and you are asked to fire your co-worker. Accept and you will have completed your first sin!

Now that you have some money we will work on your second sin gluttony. So exit the office building and head over to Mc Trevor’s. Here you will use your new found money to buy a whole bunch of fat in a jugs. This takes awhile but don’t give up. Buy the fat in a jug and keep feeding it to yourself. If you run out of money you can always go back to the office to get more.

Next we shall work on sloth. Go to your house which is the close up building on the right. All you have to do for this one is sleep. Keep doing that until you get the message about sloth.

Now we shall work on wrath. To do this go to the bar which is the close up building on the left. Inside you’ll see a man with his back turned. Talk to him to find out that it is the man you bet. He will say "Still haven’t committed the sins?". Then you’ll get a option of two things to say. Choose the top one. He’ll say that you suck. Again choose the top option of what to say. He will say you suck some more. Then choose the top option "attack". Press a key and s key to throw right and left punches. If you don’t win the first time don’t worry. I would recommend going to the gym first and buffing up to Olympian to make the fight easy.

To get lust you have a pick of three girls. The one I chose was at Mc Trevor’s. First you want to buy a ton of beers like twenty but not all at once. Then you go up to the skinny girl and click on her. Choose the I have something for you option and give her the beers one at a time. The lustometer at the top of her talk screen with go steadily up. Once it is near the end go to your house. It will show you three girls and tell you to choose one. Choose the one with the highest lustometer. Then go back to Mc Trevor’s and talk to her. Ask her how she is and she’ll ask you if you want a drink. Say yes. Then you will have a drinking game where you have to pick up seven shot glasses this gets harder as you go along. If you fail to do this too many times you will have to go to sleep and the girl will move to a new place so find her again. After getting all the shot glasses successfully you will have committed the sin of lust.

Now we will commit envy. To do this go to the woods at the side of town. You can pick up the leaf but I haven’t found a use for it. Click on the dude and he’ll ask you if you love nature. Tell him no and you’ll get in a fight with him. The controls are the same as the bar fight so win and you’ll get binoculars. Go to the mansion that is above the gym. Get out your binoculars and you will see all the lights go off except for one. Look at that and your envymeter will go up. Then the light will switch to another room. Quickly look at that room to keep your envymeter going up. You must hurry because you are timed. If you fail the first time just try again. Get the envymeter to the top to have commited envy.

Finally we will do pride. To do this go to the hair salon and get makeovers until you get your looks up to 30. Remember if you need money you can always go back to the office and play Myfirer. Now at night go to the bar. In the right corner there is a guy. Click on him and enter the contest. First you get graded on your looks. You will get 30 points for that. Then they will ask you some questions answer the controversial ones about your hair, and the others the obvious choice. You’ll get points for that, then you’ll have to play dance dance revolution computer style. Get as many points as you can. Then you’ll get your total and maybe you’ll win. If you don’t you can always try again the next day. Once you win you will have completed all the sins!

Watch the cutscene and you will then get the credits of the game.

  • 14 Replies
42 posts

looks good, however I would just like to comment that it is a relatively easy game.
I play it a lot and have not run out of time once.
i did lose on purpose once though.

105 posts

give me a thumbs up if i did good. Or a thumbs down if i didnt

3 posts

Thumbs up! Used your guide and was done really fast! Thanks dude!

6,823 posts

Awesome! Looks good to me And I think a walkthrough is helpful for this game. I needed one to figure out envy!

670 posts

2 thumbs up! really needed help with lust

229 posts

Thanks gwoodruler! Your game FAQ has been added to the 'Seven Deadly Sins' game.

Good Work!

475 posts

Thx!!! It was helpful!

18 posts

sweet as, i finished the game, thx

105 posts

for all of those who need it i shall bump this back up. i am starting to see other seven deadly sin game walkthroughs but there was already one. MINE

3,041 posts

a fun game i bet it but without knwoledge!

1,166 posts

Wow thanks I could only get one sin done beofore but now I got 5 of them.

114 posts

nice man. i never knew how to do envy.

6 posts

pretty good dude

1,447 posts

Wow looks really fun Imma try it

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