Thanks for the vote of confidence, but how? I kow it is a long way away but didi anyone see the Spain game last night? We were awful. and yet again Calamity James dropped the ball.
I think we should care about the 2010 cup first. The first world cup on African soil! Let's hope this event will stimualte its economy and help Africa! But yeah I think Brazil stands a good chance of winning!
I really hope Sweden wins but it will be hard for us.
It is a long way a way. Who knows by then you could have a youngster that makes Zlatan look poor.
Let's hope this event will stimualte its economy and help Africa!
I see what your saying but 2010 is in South Africa. It has many problems but it is a world away from some of the thigs going on in that continent.
Anyway since football changes quite quickly (who had heard of Pato a few years ago and just wait a while and remember the Henri Saivet) it is hard to make sound predictions. Despite all the recent media hysteria I still think England has a sound youth system and should do ok (either that or we won't qualify; stupid Steve McLaren).
Yeah course I knew that <cough>. Sorry for the misunerstanding <feels sheepish>, but yeah you're right. I think it will be a very significant world cup. Hopefully for all the right reasons.