Steroids, it seems to be everywhere but is it ruining sports because it seems like haters like to see people go to jail for use of steroids in sports.(comments?)
steroid aint wrecking sports, it's the dipshits who use em. i guess people don't care about having zitty backs and acorn nuts if they get alot of power.
Haters? It sounds like you condone the use of steroids.
Steroids give a player an unfair advantage over another. Steroids enhance the growth of muscles... and I'm sure you can see why it's a big issue. Tell me how steroids aren't ruining sports. Unless of course everyone was using them.
I think professional athletes ruin sports. If people weren't training all year for a sport, I think it would be more interesting. So Steroids mean nothing to me.
steroids are horrible and are ruining sports, wats the point dont be lazy and work for it
I believe the use of anabolic steroids do ruin the purpose of fair play of sports.
I think professional athletes ruin sports. If people weren't training all year for a sport, I think it would be more interesting. So Steroids mean nothing to me.
What is wrong with pro athletes?
They train hard to master their skills and anyway they compete against each other.
Oh, yeah that sucks. You either have to play against someone who's at the same level that you are or don't play at all. If a professional athlete, which has a clear advantage over beings like us cheats with steroids, that is still unfair to his/her fellow athletes. Anyway, I am not among those who feel hurt because I am not an athlete and I am not a sports fan.
Hmmm I think that they should make steroids legal so that nobody has an advance over anyone else. People will keep using them no matter what, so why not make them legal?
Steriods ARE ruining sports Barry Bonds took steriods and broke the home run record. Now it will be hard for non steriod takers to beat that record. Also if a whole sports team takes steriods they probably will win the championship. Getting good at ANYTHING takes hard work and determination NOT by taking a drug that helps you become strong while everyone else is working their butts off. If athlets take steriods, I think they should be kicked off their team for 1 year at least.
Texico, steriods should NOT be made legal. Making them legal is like letting the Lions into the playoffs, instead of a team that did well, because you feel sorry for them because they lost all of there games.
I guess that's me. I mostly ment the cycle racing, where to many people are using steroids or are accused of using steroids. I'm not saying that steroids are good, but if they use them anyway why not make it fair for everyone.
It would be perfect that once the steroids are legal, that everyone realizes that it it useless to take steroids because everyone is even now. But that probably will never happen...
I think it was on Mock the Week that the best solution for the drug abuse problem came up. For all those people that don't do drugs, let them have the olympics. For all thsoe who want to pump themselves full of drugs let them have a special olympics. I for one want to see the 100 metres run in under 3 seconds or the javelin thrown a few miles. (nb I know these values are slightly over the top).
I love sports, but the court system is no way to solve the problem. Why are my tax dollars going to a committee to find out if someone injected themselves with HGH? There are infinitely more important issues in the world (the economy, Iraq, Darfur, Afghanistan, Nuclear proliferation, etc). Any logical person should see that these issues are more important than a game.
anabolic steriods should stay illegal because they cause brain tumors and premature deaths
people who take them are generally doing everything they can just to win but will pay the consequence with an addiction, swapped hormones testosterone and estrogen (males produce milk and women get moustaches) Also your tendons become brittle compared to your muscles and usually break causing you very expensive medical bill
Health class last semistar is all comin back to me