im christian, i probably have read the bible 5 times, i know lots in it, believe in pretty much everything in there and my dad is a "astor" so iv been christian my whole life. but i DONT go to church, why because i dont believe that the church is right a corrupt judgmental place. THE FALL OF THE CHURCH WILL BE THE CHURCH ITSELF. Thats why my dad wants to have his own church that would actually let anyone go to the church drug ddicts, homo's(not trying to be offensive sorry),Alcholics, hookers, or just average joe's, Not like churches now where if you have someone go to the church that looks a little "different" veryone freaks out and puts a 666 before his name and says hes not of the GOD's Design.
Yor all not making sense. To be a christian means believing their beliefs. Otherwise your a hypocrite. 3rd commandment: Keep the day of rest holy: What does this mean: We should fear and love gos so that we do not despise preaching and his word but hold it sacred gladly hear and learn it.
Im hoping your not dumb enough to decipher that god wants you in church to hear his word. Also ever christian should go to church, either their not or their just lazy.
Dragonball05 im .not rlly getting what you were must not know alot on the subject
Look at my post on page nine. Mormonism is not a form of Christianity because Christians don't believe that. Being a Christian is to be set apart and to worship God. And Mormons do worship God, but they are not Christians, does everybody understand this? It makes me mad when, like, 3 people(it might have been more or less but it has been said allot and that is really emphasizing it.) say that Mormonism is "form of Christianity" but it's really not and if you think that visit a Baptist Christian Church(I'm a Southern Baptist and believe me there is a difference) and then go to a Mormon temple, just do 1 service, tell me they are the same.
Not like churches now where if you have someone go to the church that looks a little "different" veryone freaks out and puts a 666 before his name and says hes not of the GOD's Design.
Well somers, you might not have understood what I said because of the sentence with Christian separated by one word in a sentence. If you read it right, it makes sense. Everyone other than you is saying that you can be Christian and go to church, I think you should change what you said and say something along the lines of all Christians should go to church, not you must go to church to be a Christian. And deth, lol. Someone considering you to not be of God's design?
This thread makes my head hurt, if you wish to argue at least do it properly:
Mormonism is not a form of Christianity because Christians don't believe that. Being a Christian is to be set apart and to worship God. And Mormons do worship God, but they are not Christians, does everybody understand this?
No, because your argument is self-fulfilling and doesn't at all justify any of what it claims. You need to explain how Christianity might differ from Mormonism.
To be a christian means believing their beliefs. Otherwise your a hypocrite.
I must stress that the source of the controversy that surrounds the Christian faith is an uncertainty as to exactly what the body of beliefs should entail. In light of that, the above statement is both meaningless and possibly misleading, for was it not Jesus himself who chastised the Pharisees for their obsession with the word of the law?
Try reading Matthew, Chapter 15.
im .not rlly getting what you were must not know alot on the subject
I hope that was said in jest because...well, to paraphrase, fools don't recognise their own folly (Proverbes 12:15).
And for some lulz:
I have a mark on my forehead but when I look in the mirror it's just 999 so I'm good :P
That must be one heck of a funky mirror! Since 6 and 9 share a rotational symmetry, not an axial one :3
The mark of the beast is 999 we see as 666 because hell is a reflection of earth.
I remember reading that the mark of the beast was 999, but inverted. Funny how the only numbers used at the time, the 9 looks more like b when inverted. And the number 6 looks more like a 7.
Yeah strop, it's one of those flippidy-reverse mirrors. They're actually all the rage right now. (Lol) And to CubanFrog, I'd be scared if I were you, that's kind of creepy. Even though I'm agnostic and don't believe in Heaven and Hell for certain, 666 is still an ominous number to me. People say 13 is an unlucky number, but they never talk about 666...