Well basically that, what do you think..is it right to kill 1 or 2 innocents people to save the lives of hundreds more..??
here's a scenario-- A Carrier of an airborne strain of Ebola is about to board a plane where he will share the same stale air with scores of strangers. Do you allow him to risk infecting fellow passengers or do you kill him if that is the only way to prevent him from getting on the flight?
...oohh and..would this be put here in world event, politics, religion, etc...i wasnt really sure..
The original scenario has a simple solution. Strap said infected person to the fuselage with a bit of gaffer tape. Tell the pilot to fly at relatively low level say about 5000m (to stop said infected dying from lack of O2) and Bob's your uncle.
dont u think that would be a little unfair for the guy with the disease.
Remember kids, whenever you aren't sure, suicide is always the answer.
lol that a nice thing to teach kids...*LA TIMES: more kids between the ages of 10 and 16 are committing suicide..turn to page 3 for the article* *turns to page 3* *According to a new research conducted by (insert name of conductor here) kids are committing suicide....* *isn't sure if he should read the article or not...so goes and commits suicide*
u could do that. but when ur taking them to the island they will infect anyone they come into contact with. also since the virus is airborne everyone will get infected anyway.
u could do that. but when ur taking them to the island they will infect anyone they come into contact with.
its called a hazmat suit for some reason they're quite trendy which i'm sure is immensely important in a bio-hazard situation anyways...
also since the virus is airborne everyone will get infected anyway.
also ebola only affects chimps through the air not humans and its not like if its airborne it will spread through the whole world a virus can only spread so far by the air if you put em on an island as long as no one travels close to it by boat it won't be able to spread through the air
To the original scenario. Apparently that is a very contagious and life threatening disease would will kill many if you didn't do something. I think I would have to kill the person with the disease to save the life's of so many. It would be hard but in the end I think I might have to.