We've received several reports of popular games such as Amorphous+ going missing, which I'm sure must have been most distressing for many of you!
Fear not, I think we've figured out why this has been happening. As you know, more developers have recently been working on optimising the site so that it doesn't 'lag so much' and 'break' (both common and valid complaints we hear about), after which the administration will be able to implement changes to the site much more easily.
A side-effect of this is that certain game files might go missing. As far as I know, they were not intentionally deleted, nor is it a permanent loss, as we should be able to recover them as soon as we figure out precisely what's going on.
In short: your favorite game missing? It's not gone forever: We'll get it back soon!
Actually guys, just a thought: if any games have gone missing for you (and that means missing, not just a super long loading time!), please post their names here (or in the other thread that Flipski created in the flash gaming section)! We need to keep track of them!
Hello everyone. What happened to Now Boarding Episode 1? Can anyone else load this game up? It's been over a week and the game still will not load for me. I would appreciate it if other people told me whether or not they had the same problem or is it just me. I have flash and shockwave wave. All other games on this site work for me.
Sorry. I honestly thought everyone was ignoring me. Which they probably were. All I needed wanted was someone to answer whether or not the game was working and if they ever experienced a game crashing their browser, and they never had that problem before.