I think it's pretty important in the aspects of not having an oligarchy (church runs the country) but some of the things it entails and the extremes some people take it to are rediculous.
Well, there's other aspects of church and state to talk about. For instance, taking the oath in court. I shouldn't have to swear to a God that I don't believe in that I won't lie; it should be my duty as a citizen of the United States of America to be honest when testifying in order to make the court process easier and more efficient.
I shouldn't have to swear to a God that I don't believe in that I won't lie; it should be my duty as a citizen of the United States of America to be honest when testifying in order to make the court process easier and more efficient.
Theres something I agree with however the ten comandments outside said courtroom shouldn't bother you either.
NO BADDD NOOOO, in music yes life no well atleast not to me AT ALL
Why do you need it in all aspects of life. If you are a true beliver and you go to church and all shouldn't that be enough? Why make it mandatory for everyone living in your country regardless of their faith to have it in all areas of state life?
Why do you need it in all aspects of life. If you are a true beliver and you go to church and all shouldn't that be enough? Why make it mandatory for everyone living in your country regardless of their faith to have it in all areas of state life?
Not mandatory, but I blame mass secularism for the decline of morals, that i see in this country.
Not mandatory, but I blame mass secularism for the decline of morals, that i see in this country.
It would be mandatory if the church and the state were separated there is no way around it.
As for moral degenration that is a completely separate issue. How can you be sure that is down to secularisation and that one variable caused the other. I can name many different highly religious civilisations that were just as 'degenerate' if not more so than now.
It would be mandatory if the church and the state were separated there is no way around it.
As for moral degenration that is a completely separate issue. How can you be sure that is down to secularisation and that one variable caused the other. I can name many different highly religious civilisations that were just as 'degenerate' if not more so than now.
I agree. Moral degeneration is a separate issue and is not caused by the separation of church and state. Even religious civilizations were morally degenerate.
The separation of church and state IS necessary. Even in old times, the church had too much influence over state and could pressure the state into doing their bidding. It is also necessary for the freedom which is stated in the constitution. Also, if a church has power in the government they can use their influence and power unfairly like churches did before.
i think the church and state should be separate but only to a certain point i mean i remember years ago i had a teacher who got suspended because she wore a cross around her neck in class there's a point where the separation of church and state can become radical and destructive
i think the church and state should be separate but only to a certain point i mean i remember years ago i had a teacher who got suspended because she wore a cross around her neck in class there's a point where the separation of church and state can become radical and destructive
Suspended for wearing a cross? WTH? That is extremely ridiculous.
The phrase "separation of church and state" is derived from a letter written by Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to a group identifying themselves as the Danbury Baptists. In that letter, referencing the First Amendment to the United States Constitution, Jefferson writes:
[ Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church & State. ]
Basically saying that there will be no Government in Religion. Some people think this means there is no Religion in Government, but that is a false claim.
Also, the US is NOT a Christian country, nor is it our national religion. There are some countries that DO have national religions were religious law are part of their government.
doesn't the UK have a national religion? Anglican or something like that?
The Church of England or the Anglican Church IS the dominant religion of the UK. However, Talo was talking about the US constitution, not the UK's. I don't know much about the UK constitution though.