I love god and hate the church. I hate the concept of a church. Everyone believes that you most go to a church to worship god i think thats total BS. You dont have to go to church to worship god. YOu can be anywhere too worship God. But then there are people would fell that they would be judged because they got shit in there life thats not "normal" by the churches standards. Maybe there a drug addict, a prostitute, alcoholic, homeless person,homosexual, maybe a guy thats lonely,suicidal, or maybe just an average joe who wants to go to church but they feel they wont be excepted, and in most cases that would be true. The church puts labels on everyone especially people that have things going on in there life's that is "damaging" to the community. I think thats wrong, if God wanted us to reject people from the church he wouldn't have preached (when he was alive) to ALL men rich, poor, sick,not sick. It didn't matter to him so why does it matter to us. All Christians have to strive to be more like God so why do we judge people and cast them away from the church. The fall of the church will be the church itself.
Also, why does the church spend million upon million of dollars to prevent homosexuals form getting married, this just proves that church is judgmental and dosent welcome all people like some churches preach about. I don't see why someone else being homosexual would effect another persons life i just don't see that. Who cares that there gay but the church obviously cares that there gay because they wasted all that money to take a basic human right from homosexuals. That money could have gone to much better causes that would have affected the lives of many people that truly need help. Those reasons are why my dad wants to start a church that really would let anyone go. Prostitutes,drug addicts,Homeless, whoever wants to come. I know this kinda contradicts the statement i said earlier when i said that you don't need a church to worship god. But this church would let those people that are broken to have a place where they can find them selves. Even if there in a million pieces we would help them if they wanted help.
**************Post your comments and opinions If your atheist Please don't post*****************
You seriously can't just walk in and no one will notice?
well when i go to church i definetly get noticed........in a bad way. iv actually been "asked" to leave the church. when all i did was walked in looked around at the charity booth things than went and sat down.
u should be excommunicated via damned to hell for not going to church. Its put here or a reason. To hear the word of god. Says so in the 3rd commandment. decipher it and you'll have to be an ignorant idiot not to know what gods saying
lol i said that so ignorant ppl like you wouldnt be like "GOD dosent excist" or stupid **** like that. caus most of the atheists on here would just argue with me that god dosent excist
I believe in God. I also hate the church. You assume that I was an atheist out of pure ignorance. I was not attacking your views on the church, I was attacking your argument. But you were apparently too ignorant to understand. Also, please work on that spelling and grammar. It's atrocious.
I like church it has become a place where I can be myself and not worry about other peoples opinions only Gods. The church and the members are different. What members of a particular church say does not speak for the church God does. A lot of people become self righteous and tend to judge people but forget the reason why they attend church is to draw themselves closer to him. That is why we are here on earth it's a test of worthiness. God knows we are only human and pointing out others faults instead of our own is our weakness. bottom line What you feel in your heart is more true than what others tell you is right.
I'm generally sympathetic to certain ideologies embodied by the Church: at least they mostly endorse community spirit, a notion sorely lacking in major present-day societies.
What you feel in your heart is more true than what others tell you is right
However from this derives a quandrary, for it is but a few steps from the above...
A lot of people become self righteous and tend to judge people
I have certain beliefs but I don't impose them on others because people don't like being told what's wrong and what's right. I am christian and i get where Bobitho is coming from. To have authority is one thing but setting an example is another Jesus himself taught to love one another in a brotherly kindness context. You can disagree with ones opinions but under no circumstances should one forbid a person to attend church or look down on others for their short comings. Jesus came to earth to redeem us of our sins that is why there is church. Not once did he reject the woman who committed adultery when she came to him at the feed and ask for forgiveness neither the tax collector who took too much tax from the people. What my point is that we have to understand that we are all human and we make mistakes but the short comings of particular members of one church doesn't represent the church itself.
My church welcomes those who have drug and alchohol problems in fact we will pray for them and heal them. My youth pastor runs a charity for group home kids who have been orphaned. Our church helps out and we are always reaching out to them; being there for them. You can worship God anywhere there is just power in numbers and other things you can do as a church community. People dont just one day say 'hey i like members of the opposite sex' from what ive experienced something tramatic happened. Well through the power of prayer and God's name they can be healed. Not all churchs are as unaccepting of people and their history. I go to a church that is not traditional like many churches we usually just go in the direction of God.
Humans were made as a social being. God created us to have relationships, with Him and with other people. Nobody can struggle through life alone. We need the help of God and the encouragement of others. If you don't feel comfortable with churches, use a small group instead. Christians do not need to go to a big church; a small one is just as good. As long as we interact/encourage/learn the word with other Christians on a regular basis, life will go on better.
They also hate people who think too much about life, which is why I disowned the Catholic faith. They excommunicated me when I was 17. Yeah, a bit extreme, I know. I have friends in other faiths of other towns and I respect that, but you know what? I can't go in. It's a giant thorn in my side. That turned me away from Christianity and into Atheism. So yeah, here are my few cents about churches. They hate other religions, they hate people of different sexualities, and they hate people that are "different" and people that think that they "are harmful to others". Now you know why I'm such a thorn in Christianity's side.
so, let me get this straight: you turn away from Christianity because you hate people who you don't think really represent Christianity anymore? you hate the Church, and I must say that I am displeased with it also, so you turn away from the real faith? The Church shouldn't be hating on anyone, I mean, if they aren't doing their best to love everyone, they aren't doing what they are suposed to. Also, I haven't gone to a church where they actually hated on other religions/homosecuals, but there is some inherent hostility toward people who go against what they teach, which is the height of irony, since they are supposed to be teaching love. I think that overall, there aren't a lot of churches that have fallen away from what they are supposed to be teaching (what's actually in the Bible) to instead hate on people they disagree with *cough*westboro baptist*cough*.
now on to what I was actually going to post, since I've already made enough of a fool of myself with a single post....
my opinion is that if they are hating on anyone, they aren't a real church and you shouldn't take them as a good representation of God, because they are nothing like him. They have every right to express their opinions about anything, but they shouldn't be hating, they should be giving an honest presentation of the facts and why they think whatever it is they are against (why do I keep wanting to put an apostrophe in there???) is wrong. Actually, hating on other peoples religions is no way to get them to change their ways, so if you're hating with the intention of changing their mind, you are an idiot as well as a jerk. I say this with the full knowledge that I hate on things, so I am basically admitting that I am an idiot, but I don't care.
As an Atheist, I must say, I'm a little irritated by your outright assumption that I would throw the whole topic out the window and just complain that God doesn't exist. I have no problems with people believing in God, and I agree with you totally. God and religion are good concepts on paper, but when you make an entire hierarchy with higher levels telling people what to believe, I think that that's just asking to be corrupted and made something different than what it was inteded to be.
The real faith? There is NO such thing. And if there were, it would be whatever the first actual evolved religion was.
There is. Constantine the man who started the Roman catholic church claimed that he received revelation from God but it was never recorded in the bible. All other churches except for one protested against the Roman Catholic church and Its teachings therefore they were called protestants.