I love god and hate the church. I hate the concept of a church. Everyone believes that you most go to a church to worship god i think thats total BS. You dont have to go to church to worship god. YOu can be anywhere too worship God. But then there are people would fell that they would be judged because they got shit in there life thats not "normal" by the churches standards. Maybe there a drug addict, a prostitute, alcoholic, homeless person,homosexual, maybe a guy thats lonely,suicidal, or maybe just an average joe who wants to go to church but they feel they wont be excepted, and in most cases that would be true. The church puts labels on everyone especially people that have things going on in there life's that is "damaging" to the community. I think thats wrong, if God wanted us to reject people from the church he wouldn't have preached (when he was alive) to ALL men rich, poor, sick,not sick. It didn't matter to him so why does it matter to us. All Christians have to strive to be more like God so why do we judge people and cast them away from the church. The fall of the church will be the church itself.
Also, why does the church spend million upon million of dollars to prevent homosexuals form getting married, this just proves that church is judgmental and dosent welcome all people like some churches preach about. I don't see why someone else being homosexual would effect another persons life i just don't see that. Who cares that there gay but the church obviously cares that there gay because they wasted all that money to take a basic human right from homosexuals. That money could have gone to much better causes that would have affected the lives of many people that truly need help. Those reasons are why my dad wants to start a church that really would let anyone go. Prostitutes,drug addicts,Homeless, whoever wants to come. I know this kinda contradicts the statement i said earlier when i said that you don't need a church to worship god. But this church would let those people that are broken to have a place where they can find them selves. Even if there in a million pieces we would help them if they wanted help.
**************Post your comments and opinions If your atheist Please don't post*****************
Oh I didn't state it clearly in my previous post. In my opinion the Roman catholic church isn't the true church. Constantine only formed it to convert many Jewish people during the time to expand his empire. he also integrated pagan beliefs into the R.C church so the Romans and the Jewish wouldn't fight. This explains why there are statues of saints. It clearly states in the bible "thou shalt not worship idols. I did some research about origins of different churches but it's difficult to explain through forum chat. ( I don't mean to offend any religions and beliefs if I have done so please forgive me)
People dont just one day say 'hey i like members of the opposite sex' from what ive experienced something tramatic happened. Well through the power of prayer and God's name they can be healed
see why if someone is homosexual do they have to be "healed" why cant they stay gay and stay in the church."GOD LOVES THE MURDERER" and all sins are equal in the eyes of GOD so "GOD LOVES THE HOMOSEXUAL"
God loves them, but He cannot love sin, so they cannot stay in the church
Isn't the reason to attend church to repent and become better as individuals? Church is made for the sinners even Jesus taught that. He mingled with sinners, healed the sick and forgave the people who sinned.
"GOD LOVES THE MURDERER" and all sins are equal in the eyes of GOD so "GOD LOVES THE HOMOSEXUAL"
God loves the person but not what he did (sin) and is willing to forgive him when he truly asks for it ion humble prayer with a heavy heart and contrite spirit feeling true remorse for what he has done.
I enjoyed reading your post and I thought you were intelligent... until the last sentence.
Don't post if you're atheist? It's a public forum, thank you very much. I wasn't going to post until I read that! You talk about rejection and labelling, and then you go about saying that. You sir, are a charlatan.
caus most of the atheists
Why do you assume that? Atheists are not better nor worse than you, and their beliefs don't matter. That's like saying "Don't post if you're black."
The most humorous sentence I read all day (and I've been reading jokes on the internet, in a bad mood :\\) is:
What did they do, take away your church pass? You seriously can't just walk in and no one will notice?
When the church you used to go to was a community church, and the pastor is STARING STRAIGHT AT YOU, it's kind of a wonder to see how they COULDN'T see me. Believe me, I tried. It didn't happen. And now when little children don't want to go to church, the families blame it on me, because they generalize that "I told them that God didn't exist" and nonsense like that.
So I left, but not without rearranging the letters on the board to say "Pastor Hancock doesn't wash his hands before baptizing". And this can go both ways, if you're creative.
You don't like church (the organization) or you don't like the other church (buildings). What church specifically do you hate? Do you hate all churches? Or do you just hate attending church?
You don't like church (the organization) or you don't like the other church (buildings). What church specifically do you hate? Do you hate all churches? Or do you just hate attending church?
It's like....a media station, and those that blindly follow it. They will say anything they could, and they will follow it like a nursling sheep.
Some churches are fine ; some have great people, and greater still pastors. It just so happens that most of them are just too orthodox about their religion and will banish those that don't follow rules or influence. The irony is, the pastor influences the community, and they will blindly agree with them if they are dependent enough and if they just want to fit in and not get in trouble themselves. You can see how this all turns out to be another Witch Trial that constantly repeats itself.
Iâm an agnostic so I have nothing against religious ideas like belief of god, because I donât know, but churches often can become corruptible (in the middle ages the church used to charge money for letters of forgiveness is an example) and when a religion becomes widespread and have organized churches they often push there ideas like the existence of a certain god, which can never be proven or disprove, on other and shun or kill those who donât agree with them (crusades, Spanish inquisition, there are may examples in history).