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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Moderation Wars (Download/View Parts 1-20 on page 96)

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It was a sad day for was maybe 6 months ago. Our founder, and something of god, Daniel McNeely, had passed away. Of what? Well, Prostate Cancer (because he was too stubborn to get an exam), and about 1 million spam bots, and another 1 million ghosts, that haunted ArmorLand. Daniel went out in a blast, however, he had slaughtered almost all of the spam bots, and revoked half of the ghosts. He did it all by himself, how was he killed? The 3 spamlords, had destroyed him.
His sucsessor, Carlie, was then put in charge in the ArmorCastle (Most of the places I will be talking about is Here Thank you strop for the well illustrated map), and hunted down the 3 spamlords whom killed our honest and great king.
Carlie Ruled over ArmorLand for another 3 months, it was quiet, but she had ignored the hauntings, especially fluent in the Tavern. Many Drunks were possessed and killed during her Term. We thought that it was still okay, however. We praised Carlie. Sadly, her term was not as long as we had hoped, she soon died. Of what? Murder.
Crowds of people came to the meeting hall, and the ArmorCastle, ranting, raving, rioting, and hatespamming of this terrible crime. "Who could have murdered Carlie?!" Everyone shouted. Indeed, it was a sad time.
After this, the Mods had done something they almost NEVER done before, they argued with each other. The arguments and debates never ceased, and then, it turned to flames. War broke out in ArmorLand! Some people flee'd to the gates, but using their mighty ban-tools, the Moderators crushed the fleeing users, and captured those who might survive the mighty blow. Those who were captured were either brainwashed, raped, or enslaved.
Oddly, Ubertuna had never went into the moderation wars, he stayed at the ArmorCastle, completely unknowing of this terrible instance! He had been too busy fighting off several armies, some of which from the moderators themselves, trying to either defile or conquer the Castle, taking it for themselves.
Zoph had been fighting with Strop for the Imaginarium and the other artistry sectors of Armorland, mainly composed to the south. Strop took over alot of the North, and some of the west as well.
Moegreche had completely exiled and pushed back strops efforts to capture the debate area of ArmorLand. Using large, mechanical constructs of stone and powerful Logick (majick + logic), that crushed the users mind with pure sense, and that won every debate. Moegreche has two, extremely large Contructs, which he calls the Sentenials that stand guard out his Mansion.
Zoph has a castle made entirely out of paintings and sculptures, and has a garden/field of mazzelhs, which tend to sleep with her. Her good friend Cenere is her right hand man, and has a regemin of warriors modeled after her character Kai.
Ubertuna stays at his post, constantly fighting in a valiant battle against the riots of the ArmorLanders. He is a great soul, indeed.
There was but one force to stop the madness (SPARTAAAAA) of the Moderation wars. That was called the Syndicate, a group of long time users that go into the tavern for secret meetings, telling each other of the moderators plans. Most of the people in the Syndicate are club members. Sadly, clubs were the first to be enslaved.
The Moderation wars have just begun.

WHOO, I've been thinking of this concept of the Moderation Wars for a couple days, I hope you guys all like, since ArmorGames themed stories seem to be pretty popular nowadays.

  • 1,054 Replies
4,196 posts

Lol...I am not going to leave....I couldn't do that...

I can't be the Last Active Beta Tester that isn't a Mod if I leave....

And....I can't break my addictions....

5,642 posts

How dare you! It is not emo that wills me to write! Since when has darkness and angst pervaded my writings! I am just POWERED BY PASSION <3<3<3

Good sir! I have not seen such a marvelous and powerful speech since I was but a child! I slice off my index finger and write for you. Here, take my card so that I may sleep in my bed with no sorrow, but instead hapiness to hear such a GODLY speech.
|thoadthetoad |
|profesionall overreactor |
| |

Ok, I'll write the new segment, I got an idea of what to do next.
5,642 posts

I ran into danks house with Skater, and to no surprise at all, there was several pieces of furniture dedicated to the penicorns he held close. Somehow, I started to only see them as a cawk (excuse the cuss, but it's a little needed) joke. Skater eventually became unconcious on a couch made of a fine brown coat, and mohogany frame. I took a few of Danks penicorn furniture and put it in the back rooms, including a gross little stuffed penicorn on a pedastal with the words "Old Faithful" on a brass plate. The reason it was on a pedastal? Probably because there was about 15 inches of horn on it.
I hurled a little in my mouth as I shoved it in the back room with all the other stuff. I walked back into the "living" room and slumped on a chair. With all the penicorn themed things out of Danks house, it was pretty empty.
Dank looked at the scurry he had heard in the corner of the unicorn stables. "What's this?" he asked a penicorn to his left, named Stamper. He picked up what looked like a small trinket. It was a necklace, on a brass chain and a gold setting. Inside the gold setting there was a beautiful Sapphire gem. It was the highest karat possible, almost completely see-through. "How beaufiful," he said with a bright smile, putting it on.
A swirl of screams and laughter came around him, seeing blue ghost like entities and smoke like humans circling around him. His eyes filled with terror as a blue man looking smoke ghost came up to him. "You're mine now, Dank," he laughed and grabbed Danks face, lifting him off the ground. Dank pryed and kicked his grasp but it worked to no avail. The smokey entity continued to laugh, ferociously this time, and it went through into Dank, taking over his bodily functions. Danks eyes turned a deep sea blue.
Zophia was sharpening a sword in base #2, grunting several things to herself. "Ezekiel you bastard..." She mumbled, when she jolted up in her seat, the grinding of the whetstone quieting. Zoph felt somethign abnormal in the air, something that wasn't normally here. 'the twins...' she thought, getting up and looking around the small room that she was in.
A hum came from all around her, singing in a childrens voice, 'We are here, we're always here, we came to give you a preeeesent~' Zoph continued looking around, with her half dull sword at the ready.
"Show yourselves!" She yelled, her voice turning manly.
'Look for the tavern, Zophia. there are many things you do not know' the voice continued, giggling. Zoph continued to be alert, but went into a more relaxed position. The twins came out of the wall, their dull faces giggling. The twins were both girls, constantly holding hands. 'You want to go to the Tavern, Zophia.' the continued giggling, retracting back into the wall and coming out of another one, as if it was a loony tunes cartoon. The twins dissappeared after a simple, 'There's a traitor, Zophia/'
Moegreche was still in his study, looking at a book of ArmorLands history. Trying to find any possible way to get into the castle of ArmorLand. He could grab the artifact he came for. He paused from reading and looked up. He thought of what the artifact might be. Even Ezekiel, Lucie, and Rafael didn't even know about the artifact we were looking for. All we did know was that it was valuable, and extremely powerful. More powerful than the creator of this site itself, some say. He continued reading of many sewer systems, where they lead, and the several rumoured underground passages. If there was a place to look for the underground, it would either be 1 of 2 places. The abandoned Amusment park (which was destroyed, by Strops hammer about 3 weeks ago), or the Tavern. Both were ridden with gossipers, and a few wraiths as well.
Strop sat in his room, meditating there with several incense and candles. He may have lit a little too many incenses, because his nostrils were burning by the intense smell. he let a small gruntish exhale out and continued to think in his controlled enviornment. The first thing that came to mind was the tavern, he needed answers and you could find close to anything there.
Cenere limped to another piece of paper, pulling out a large 24x18 inch paper. He scribbled the base #2 area, the best he could, and drew an optic eye in the corner. He drew a small line connecting the optic eye to another piece of paper, and it worked as a camera. He looked all around and saw a small piece of Zophia's hair. "Ok," He told himself, knowing she would have to be OK if she was at base #2. It was the safest base they had.

5,642 posts

I'm glad you like it, it took a couple hours to write and I'm glad I did it

1,843 posts

Nice toad the toad i like it and it finnaly came haha so when is the next one coming tomorow i hope =)

5,642 posts

Nice toad the toad i like it and it finnaly came haha so when is the next one coming tomorow i hope =)

most likely, might be another delay, though. lol.
9,821 posts

I'm thinking that if the artifact is more powerful than dan, it must be Adobe Dreamweaver. . .

5,642 posts

I'm thinking that if the artifact is more powerful than dan, it must be Adobe Dreamweaver. . .

The world may never know...

then again, I still totally don't. lol.

*epic idea* got it.
4,375 posts

YEAHHHHHHH! I love it Thoad! To bad i'm dead....or close to.

5,420 posts

hmm more powerful then Dan...oh I know....

This photo of the president of the internet

5,642 posts

YEAHHHHHHH! I love it Thoad! To bad i'm dead....or close to.

Nah, you're just extremely hurt.
1,843 posts

most likely, might be another delay, though. lol.

Well that sucks i look forward to these storys or watever i like them =)
5,642 posts

I looked around me, after waking up from a much needed instant nap. I glanced to my left to see that skater was still unconcious, but his wounds had completely scabbed up. There was always something good, no matter where I was. I stood up and went into the kitchen of Danks cabin. There was a larder (I think that's what it's called...and old style fridge) with several meats. All of them had spices, such as Cilantro, Salt, and all sorts of other nice spices to keep it preserved. Nothing out of the ordinary. I saw something that I never wanted to see again, however.
I picked up a hammer in a nearby utility drawer (lucky guess) and looked at the small hole in the wall. "Mazzelh hole," I told myself with a gruff expression, kicking the hole in to show several of the little green rodents. They greeted me, though a little freightened. They must have not known that I betrayed Zoph...technically, I betrayed Cenere after he made a bad move.
Dank smashed through the wall of the stable, killing one of his own penicorns while doing so. Why he did it? He thought it would be fun, despite that the door was only a few feet to his left. He laughed malevolently, and walked through the fresh hole in the wall. He had only done it with his bare fist. "This body can hold up nicely, I see," He said, only abnormally malevolent.
On his trip out, a piece of clothing got caught, and was ripped apart from his casual clothing. He continued walking, not even thinking about it. He saw several pedestrians making the best of it, and a few of the users working on random buildings or threads that were a WIP. He saw all the people enslaved. "Now it's my turn," He chuckled, running towards a slave driver, to punch him and his teeth out. Dank turned and kicked another man in the face, who was actually a starved slave. He didn't care, and laughed anyways.
He turned again, and ran towards what seemed to be the leader of the faction, punching him in the groin, then headbutting him. After that, he stuck his fingers in the leaders eye sockets, pulling them out with a brutal fashion. The leader fell down, and Dank took the flag of Strop and snapped it in half. "This faction belongs to ME now, GET BACK TO WORK," he yelled at the confused slave drivers and slaves. They did as they were told. No matter which faction or area you were in, there would always be low morale and even less care.
Zophia was in a heavy run, her feet trampling the dusty ground of armorland as she made her way to the Tavern. She passed the Imaginarium and the Amphitheater, taking a left to near the tavern. She was almost sure that there was something to be known there, considering that the twins told her. The twins were almost all-knowing, but extremely malevolent. More malevolent than the wraiths, even. They killed and ghosted for no reason, they didn't search for the artifact of power like the rest of us. We wonder only, "Why?".
She hooked a corner and saw the entrance of the tavern, it's brass sign swinging in the slight wind of ArmorLand. It looked more abandoned than it should be. Sure, it was late at night, but all of armorgames is open...24/7. Why is it that it seemed so clear? She walked in and her eyes grew wide.
Moegreche chuckled as he picked up an armorgamer, his new mech design a sheen, new color. It was a Lojimech, about 6 feet tall, and a small, most likely plexiglass window between him and the outside world with many mechanical devices inside. Moe had an aviator hat, with the goggles up.
He looked to his left, dropping the gamer, who was trembling and screaming out "WAAALRUUUUS, WHERE ARE YOU!?" in what seemed to be insanity, but could have been from shock. He saw none other than Zophia, her green fur like a gelatin or toothpaste. Her eyes were a deep, emerald green. Moegreche turned the mech towards her. He pulled down the microphone from the ceiling of the relatively small mech, and looked at zoph, speaking into it. The voice came out of two speakers in a marvelous hum. "Well, hello there Zophia, have you come for answers too?" He asked, laughing a little.
She only nodded, and pulled out the small broadsword from her sheathe strapped to her belt. Moegreche looked at her with a malevolent smile and ruby red eyes. He pulled out a small book from his pocket. "Modus-" Before he could finish his spell, Zophia charged at him and threw the sword through the window, cutting into the book Moe had in his hands. He pushed the sword out, and spoke into the microphone again, "That's how you wanna play?! SO BE IT," he yelled, making his mech interior turn into something anew.
The black leather chair slid back into the wall, as two extensions came out and gripped his arms and legs. He now had complete control over the mech. He set the hands and feet into a battle ready position.
Zophia charged and slashed at the window conceling Moegreche's body. Each shot had barely scratched the surface of the plexiglass, and moe threw the large stone fists at her. She dodged every shot. It was a dance of combat, and every 30 seconds or minute an actual punch would be exchanged. The Tavern dwellers stood or ran terrified, some jumping out of windows or hiding in bathrooms.
Moegreche finally got a decent grab on Zophia, and threw her out the window. She pulled out a gun from a holster as Moegreche pulled down the microphone, he knew one Lojick that was one of the worse. Zoph pulled the trigger and Moegreche yelled into the microphone, "WHAT DOTH LIFE?!". All around Zoph, the world crumbled at her feet, and the tavern dwellers had it the same. Moegreche looked as if he was floating in the air, and a slight ricochet of a bullet was heard. The floor of the tavern broke piece by piece, revealing a large portal at the bottom, swirling around with colors of black and red.
"Does the power of Lojick astound you!?" He yelled at the people around him, some of their heads collapsing in on themselves, the blood gushing out of their eyes. Zoph had a trained mind, and wasn't able to be so easily thwarted, however, she had a massive headache and a vein had recently appeared on her forehead.
'Make it stop!' she gasped within the confinds of her mind, having all functions of the body being taken over by the Lojick. She lost feeling in her left leg and right arm.
"DAMN YOU EZEKIEL!" She yelled in a manly voice, before collapsing on the ground.
"I better cheese it..." Moegreche said to himself, punching the door open and running out.
Cenere heard the screams and crashes, and limped towards the exit, hoping to get to the aristocracy, or at least where the crashes came from. He took along with him a few kai clones, clad with swords and light chainmail. "You'll die Thoad...I'll see to that," he grunted under his breathe, limping towards the aristocracy as he drew a cargo vehicle with his thumb, which he slathered in ink.

I double posted for you guys, props go to Zoph for tha curing of my lonliness, allowing me to complete this biznatch of a segment.

5,642 posts

Wow! Awesome,, Is that 2 in a day?

Yeah, to make up for the 2 day delay...or was it 3...either way, you guys get 2.
Also, tell me anything that confused you so I may explain.
5,420 posts

Also, tell me anything that confused you so I may explain.

yes is the artifact more powerful then Dan the picture of the president of the internet or not?
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