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ForumsArt, Music, and WritingThe Moderation Wars (Download/View Parts 1-20 on page 96)

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5,642 posts

It was a sad day for was maybe 6 months ago. Our founder, and something of god, Daniel McNeely, had passed away. Of what? Well, Prostate Cancer (because he was too stubborn to get an exam), and about 1 million spam bots, and another 1 million ghosts, that haunted ArmorLand. Daniel went out in a blast, however, he had slaughtered almost all of the spam bots, and revoked half of the ghosts. He did it all by himself, how was he killed? The 3 spamlords, had destroyed him.
His sucsessor, Carlie, was then put in charge in the ArmorCastle (Most of the places I will be talking about is Here Thank you strop for the well illustrated map), and hunted down the 3 spamlords whom killed our honest and great king.
Carlie Ruled over ArmorLand for another 3 months, it was quiet, but she had ignored the hauntings, especially fluent in the Tavern. Many Drunks were possessed and killed during her Term. We thought that it was still okay, however. We praised Carlie. Sadly, her term was not as long as we had hoped, she soon died. Of what? Murder.
Crowds of people came to the meeting hall, and the ArmorCastle, ranting, raving, rioting, and hatespamming of this terrible crime. "Who could have murdered Carlie?!" Everyone shouted. Indeed, it was a sad time.
After this, the Mods had done something they almost NEVER done before, they argued with each other. The arguments and debates never ceased, and then, it turned to flames. War broke out in ArmorLand! Some people flee'd to the gates, but using their mighty ban-tools, the Moderators crushed the fleeing users, and captured those who might survive the mighty blow. Those who were captured were either brainwashed, raped, or enslaved.
Oddly, Ubertuna had never went into the moderation wars, he stayed at the ArmorCastle, completely unknowing of this terrible instance! He had been too busy fighting off several armies, some of which from the moderators themselves, trying to either defile or conquer the Castle, taking it for themselves.
Zoph had been fighting with Strop for the Imaginarium and the other artistry sectors of Armorland, mainly composed to the south. Strop took over alot of the North, and some of the west as well.
Moegreche had completely exiled and pushed back strops efforts to capture the debate area of ArmorLand. Using large, mechanical constructs of stone and powerful Logick (majick + logic), that crushed the users mind with pure sense, and that won every debate. Moegreche has two, extremely large Contructs, which he calls the Sentenials that stand guard out his Mansion.
Zoph has a castle made entirely out of paintings and sculptures, and has a garden/field of mazzelhs, which tend to sleep with her. Her good friend Cenere is her right hand man, and has a regemin of warriors modeled after her character Kai.
Ubertuna stays at his post, constantly fighting in a valiant battle against the riots of the ArmorLanders. He is a great soul, indeed.
There was but one force to stop the madness (SPARTAAAAA) of the Moderation wars. That was called the Syndicate, a group of long time users that go into the tavern for secret meetings, telling each other of the moderators plans. Most of the people in the Syndicate are club members. Sadly, clubs were the first to be enslaved.
The Moderation wars have just begun.

WHOO, I've been thinking of this concept of the Moderation Wars for a couple days, I hope you guys all like, since ArmorGames themed stories seem to be pretty popular nowadays.

  • 1,054 Replies
5,642 posts

Great segment, thoad. I just hope that there won't be a ton more penicorn talk. . .lol

Dank murdered one, that's good, righ?
9,821 posts

Dank murdered one, that's good, righ?

Sure, I guess. BTW, I noticed that the name of dank's wraith was never mentioned. Still, can't wait for the next one. Hwo many segments do you think there'll be? My bet is about 25-30, but you decide
4,375 posts

Eh, ggood job thoad. Nice to know I am not dead...and that i'm scabbing over. DUDE! I can be like a walking scab soon! YEAHHHH!

5,642 posts

OOGA BOOGA. New segment.

Dank was on top of a large thread building in construction, one of the largest he had ever seen. It was somewhere near 3 stories high, and most threadsd were only about as big as a news stand. This was as large as an office building! The slaves went about their work, adding &quotosts" in the form of boards and pipes. It was fully functioning. You could only wonder what it was for, though.
Cenere had been running with a limp, but since his wounds scabbed up, it was a lot easier to to run than normal. He came up to his best friend, Zophia, cringing on the ground and screaming something about a monkey on a unicycle. Her head hadn't exploded like all the others, but the scene of all the blood and brains around him started to get to him. His face turned from spite to terror, his pupils shrinking in their sockets.
He slumped down his knees and swung his arm, telling the kai clones to circle around and make a perimiter. He turned zoph over, and she was still cringing. As Cenere did this, Strop was rounding the corner.
Strop came running fast, thinking he'd find answers through the Tavern. He rounded a corner and saw the tavern in shambles, with a perimeter of kai clones surrounding a small scene of ... someone crying over another person. Strop, being unwise at the moment, charged headfirst at the first group of kais, grabbing the first head and throwing it at another, making them both get crushed. The first was dead, and the other seemed knocked out. He turned and kicked the other one across the face, knocking him out as well.
Running through the breach in defense, he saw Cenere crying over a body. He laughed, staring at him. "Little Cenere crying again? What a shame," Strop laughed at him, kicking a rock in his direction.
Moegreche had a succsessful retreat, and dove into a thread which served as a factory and repair facility, not even 5 blocks away from the tavern. "Quick, I want this suit up and ready in 10, no, FIVE minutes, GO" he yelled at the slaves and personell in white doctor and scientist robes.

Sorry for such a small segment, I was really procrastinaty :P

10,816 posts

Running through the breach in defense, he saw Cenere crying over a body. He laughed, staring at him. "Little Cenere crying again? What a shame," Strop laughed at him, kicking a rock in his direction.

D: D'aww, that was completely the opposite of what I would do under any circumstance...and it doesn't seem like I'm possessed now...

4,196 posts

I think the last one was better than this...and there hasn't really been an excellent one since I was last in it....

Good work though...

*finds photoshop 4 disk cover...opens...FINDS IT EMPTY!! *

5,642 posts

D: D'aww, that was completely the opposite of what I would do under any circumstance...and it doesn't seem like I'm possessed now...

*epic evil eye*
I think the last one was better than this...and there hasn't really been an excellent one since I was last in it....

Yeah, this one was kinda wimped out, srry :P
1,463 posts

Warning: Awesomeness overload



That was amazing. I just read every single one over. Epic. Pure epic. This one was a little bit less awesome than all the others, but it was still epic good. At least its not phail.

5,642 posts

Skater had awoke in a daze, hearing some shuffling and the clank of pots and pans coming from his left. He sat there and looked at his body, which was heavily wounded. Just then, a searing pain came to his side. He grunted and held it, his face cringing from the shooting pain. Whatever had happened before, it hadn't been nice. "Damn," he murmured under his breathe as he looked to the right, seeing a nightstand with a large....proboscis on it, with a glass of old water beside it. Skater looked at the proboscis and felt sickened, as if he was going to throw up. Then he happily took the water and drank, guzzling it down in mere moments.
I got a large pan and some eggs from the larder. "I'm gonna need something to eat if I intend to go back tomorrow," I told myself, cracking the first one oopen with just a little trouble cracking the shell to the wanted extent. I pulled another one out when I heard some shuffling near skaters position, I looked through the doorway to see he guzzled some water with a nice gasp for air afterwards. "Someone drank well, I see," I chuckled, cracking another egg and putting it in the pan. "You're badly hurt, you're going to need to stay here, but I'm going back tomorrow," I told him, sizzling the eggs in the pan. "Whether or not you like 'em your eating the eggs, they're scrambled," I grunted, putting some Lawyrey's seasoning salt in them when they were still mushy and raw.
"Little Cen going to cry?" Strop said in a womanly voice, his eyes amythyst purple. "Are you? You can't even fight for this furry worthless wretch!" Strop continued, smiling under his black mask. Cenere looked up at strop, with a deep frown, staring up at strops concealed face. He kept silent, however. Lucie, who was inside Strop, took it as a challenge. "Why so quiet Cen? Are you upset by the truth? Look at her, she's weak, YOU'RE weak!" Strop laughed in a womanly, yet stroppish voice again. Cen started breathing heavily, the rage building inside him, a few tears even started to form in his eyes. He kept saying in his mind, 'It's a mod, don't fight back, it's a mod, don't fight back,' but the rage was getting strong.
"What's the matter Cenere, are you finally going to cry? Going to cry, get drunk and pop some more pills? Pathetic," Strop spat, kicking another rock in his direction, this time hitting him on his left hand. Cen finally broke out of his silence, with a small battlecry pulling out a small dagger from his pocket, lashing out at Strop.
Strop was startled, and pulled back from the razorblade going towards him. It was safe to say that Cenere was in a rage, and obviously fed up. He continued thrashing and throwing his fists at Strop, who dodged most of them, but due to it being a rage, it was hard to predict what throw/punch he'd attempt to do next, and was having trouble dodging his random attacks because of it. Eventually, he caught a pattern.
Cen pulled another dagger out of his pants (why he keeps so many daggers, the world may never know), and strop grabbed both hands before they could hit him. "Pathetic," he spat, headbutting Cenere right on the forehead. Cenere let out a yelp as he went to the ground, and pulled out a green (on) messenger stone. "Meet at midway point, GO" he yelled into it. 4 Kais came from the vicinity, in less than a minute, all attacking at Strop. They were much more organized in their fighting, but Strop had a better time fighting them than Cenere. A Kai threw his fist straight at Strops face, hitting him, while the other two were trying to restrain his arms the best he could. Cenere got up and wiped a little bit of blood off his mouth, and charged back at Strop, yelling "Get away" at the kai clones. He charged at Strop again, and hit his left bicep.
Strop got fed up with this tomfoonery, and elbowed a kai, throwing him at yet another. With swift movement, he tripped Cenere and kicked his ribs. "I won't get any information this way, say hi to Raf when I'm done," Strop said, Lucie accidentally blurting out the bit about Rafael...he saw Zophia as Rafael, instead of the body. Strop walked away from the scene, punching a confused (most likely defective) kai clone in the face, blood gushing out of every hole possible. Cenere layed there defeated, and picked himself up, to crawl towards his best friend Zophia.
Moegreche walked into a large building with what seemed to be a warmech. It copied the style of the Senteniels, which guarded his mansion. This one wasn't automated though. It stood about 30 feet high... the part of the facility must have been underground. "It's almost complete....UberTuna will have a hard time protecting the castle from THIS!" He let out a cheesy evil laugh, one you might see in a TV show or movie.

1,463 posts

Whoah. I'm digging the evil cheesy laugh man. This story is sick! You are an insanely epic writer. Someday, someone will buy a story from you and turn it into a book. This is making me want to get back in to the wrighting biz again.


Just Wow.

1,843 posts

great segment man I love it haha =)


5,642 posts

heh, I'm glad that all of you like the moderation wars, also, if any of you want/have aim, my screenname is thoadthetoad (I tend to give sneak peeks while writing the segments)

20,591 posts

Very descriptive...and random...
Anyways, is there any limit to who can be in the story?

5,642 posts

Anyways, is there any limit to who can be in the story?

no, not really. However I am focusing on the people that I know.
9,821 posts

That was my favorite segment so far
Your writing style is interesting. The language is somewhat colloquial, but in a good way. You have some great voice and word choice, too, and you sure aren't starved for ideas. You have some spelling and grammar errors, though, but that is really one of my only criticisms. You kind of shy away from describing the environments, and instead have the location be more gradually revealed by the character's exploration. This is somewhat of a double-edged sword, because it is more immersive, but leads to some confusion during the big fights when there isn't time to describe it. Still great though.

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