BAD dude, killed more people then Hitler and we were allies with him, *almost hurls*.
But you have to remember, allying with the Soviets was the only way to defeat Fascism. Not only that, no one really knew the sheer number of deaths Stalin caused. Everyone knew he was a dictator, and that he had caused an insane number of deaths, but the numbers at the time said one million or so. No one in the West really knew that the number of deaths was much higher.
Plus, the West has allied with dictators before. Stalin is not an exception at all. Pinochet, Reza Shah, the Sandanistas, and other brutal people/parties have all been US allies.
BAD dude, killed more people then Hitler and we were allies with him, *almost hurls*.
You forget Stalin fought with the allied powers BOTH world wars (the second one is debatable)
For those of you who say he's bad, and not good, please learn more vocabulary. Stalin was initially a very good leader, during that time when he was leading the USSR, the Olympic gymnastics not only improved due the strict training regime, also capital within the Russian economy boomed. Although he was a dictator he was still and man for his country, unlike other dictators, he was one of the few the United States has ever worked with.
You forget Stalin fought with the allied powers BOTH world wars (the second one is debatable)
Not true. The Soviets took over in 1917, and immediately signed a peace treaty with Germany. The Communists worked against the Russian war effort in WWI.
No. After the February Revolution, in which the Tsar was overthrown, the Provisional government pledged to continue an aggressive war with Russia (see Milyukov note). The Bolsheviks however distanced themselves from this new administration offering 'eace,land and bread'. Part of Lenin's April thesis detailed how WW1 was unjust and that if in power the Bolsheviks would end it.
I think you're getting confused with WW2. The Nazi-Soviet Pact was a 10 year long peace agreement signed between Russia and Germany. Hiter invaded in 1941, effectively going back on his word.
The Bolsheviks has ALWAYS been against WWI. Tsarist Russia fought in the war, along with the provisional government. The Provisional Govt was formed after the February Revolution. The Bolsheviks took over in the October Revolution. The Bolsheviks had preached against WWI from the beginning. They were never a part of the Allied forces.
Good job list man ! You can copy all the information from the interenet! Try coming up with your on oppion will ya.
I think he was an idiot , ruthless , maniac! I don't know if everybody all ready knows this , but I heared he knew about when , where , and what was going to hit pearl harbor . But he never told US.
I don't know if everybody all ready knows this , but I heared he knew about when , where , and what was going to hit pearl harbor . But he never told US.
I thought that was supposed to be Churchill not Stalin. There's certainly no concrete evidence for this claim, but I wouuldn't put it past him, especially after the Sunderland dilemna.
Good job list man ! You can copy all the information from the interenet! Try coming up with your on oppion will ya.
Or it's because I've taken 3 college classes on Soviet History and read books on the Soviet Union everyday that I came up with that stuff. Nothing that I posted was copied.
I don't know if everybody all ready knows this , but I heared he knew about when , where , and what was going to hit pearl harbor . But he never told US.
Maybe you should stick to copying off the internet. You apparently have no clue about history.
I don't know if everybody all ready knows this , but I heared he knew about when , where , and what was going to hit pearl harbor . But he never told US. Maybe you should stick to copying off the internet. You apparently have no clue about history.
That is the funniest thing i've heard from two enemies in time here!!