I have a feeling that our current president, Barack Obama, is not going to survive one full term. Stepping up to office, he is now vulnerable to assassination, more than any other president so far. Since he's the first non-white president, there will be more racist criminals after him; I'll be amazed if he survives two full years in office. I think he won't last that long, but I've been known to be a rather pessimistic fellow. What do you think?
I figure that as a general rule racism is a very ignorant thing. Most people that are that rasict are generally not too bright either. I know, Hitler was smart and racist but that's generally not the way it is.
Anyway, my point is the atempts will either be made entirely by morons or planned by a smart guy not willing to take the fall and then executed by morons. Either way if they are attempted I'm not thinking there is much chance for success.
every presidant have got a chance for assasination, Obama to. if a rascist will try to kill Obama it will be a amateur impact. BUT if someone with very much influence going to hire a bounty hunter, it's a whole other story. the world is very corrupt, and poeple with power who loses some of their power will do everything they can to protect it.
Though i dont't think he will be assasinated because i dont have a idea who would profit and is capable of killing him.
On the contrary, a lot of people hated his policies
Out of all the assasination stories none of them reported in England were realted to policies. Every few days you would see a different Nazi or KKK guy getting put in a truck or something.
No ignorant redneck conservative is going to have the guts to shoot him. He would end up dead rather quickly if the US citizens could get their hands on the assassin.
I agree with fire_cracker, this thread sickens me. Obama will not die in office. The fact that he is in office proves how far we have come as a country.
THIS THREAD IS SICK Very sick. Obama has given this country a great leader. When he gets us out of this economy they will add him to Mt.Rushmore over the secret passage so nobody can find the City of Gold. If McCain was president he would have been assasinated. Besides, Obama has the tricked-out limo that will protect him from a nuclear bomb.