I have a feeling that our current president, Barack Obama, is not going to survive one full term. Stepping up to office, he is now vulnerable to assassination, more than any other president so far. Since he's the first non-white president, there will be more racist criminals after him; I'll be amazed if he survives two full years in office. I think he won't last that long, but I've been known to be a rather pessimistic fellow. What do you think?
Quite cocky for a guy that just got a tongue lashing.
i never said it had to be in our universe
I KNOW. What I was saying with the Multiverse example is that there is no evidence that it is possible in this universe of any other that a human would be able to fly.
Any laws that held that universe together (be it gravity, the strong nuclear force, or the weak nuclear force) would make it impossible with us to fly without any kind of wings. And as we know, the only things that have wings are birds and bats.
Birds are non-mammals. So if we had wings and were then classified as birds, we would not be human.
Bats are mammals, they give birth to live young like us. The thing is, they are also a lot smaller than us. And as we know with ostriches, you need to be relatively light to fly. Even if we could pull off this feat while still being mammals in some other universe, we would need to be smaller and resemble a bat in some way, shape, or form. This would make us inhuman.
I'll say it again, Humans cannot fly.
I love how this started off as a debate about whether or not Obama was going to die in office.
Graham, I am going to leave the thread now. If you want to continue this, we can do it on our profiles.
He wont survive a term 1 racist guy is all it takes He will go to a place to see the president act all nice then boom blow himslef up or someone will put a bullet in his head. There is no such thing as bullet proof glass
He's doing alright isn't he? It seems as though by the title of this thread that he's ill and isn't expected to make it. I hope that that's not the case here.
I honestly can't see why all you guys are so caught up on the race thing... We are not in the 60's, and for the most part, the country has grown a lot more accepting. We obviously agreed to vote him into office [ think about it, a good majority of voters voted for him, yet bush could only get an approval rating of what? 20%?? and nobody ran out and shot him (although many wished they could :P)] Personally, I think it will take him a while to get the wheels of the nation moving, but feel that he will turn out to be a great help to the nation.
The only people who really want to assassinate Obama are just the people who can't stand having a black president. I didn't vote for him, and I disagree with him on almost everything, but I don't want him assassinated. There's not as many racists out there as it seems. I don't think he will be assassinated, but it is possible.
the president i give him one year 18 months at the tops if the KKK gays don't kill him sooner or the Aryen brotherhood or the NeoNacees or the Skinnheads
Skins eh? Skinhead isn't a political movement in the slightest. Some neo nazis are skin heads but Skinhead is a sub culture. It's about as racially driven as Emo or Punk, I'd know. I am one and all.
There were 3 attempts to assinate Obama while he was running for president. They all failed miserubly. The point is I think there will be many more attempts to kill him and one of those attempts will get lucky and kill him.