I have a feeling that our current president, Barack Obama, is not going to survive one full term. Stepping up to office, he is now vulnerable to assassination, more than any other president so far. Since he's the first non-white president, there will be more racist criminals after him; I'll be amazed if he survives two full years in office. I think he won't last that long, but I've been known to be a rather pessimistic fellow. What do you think?
Its is possible that an assassination might be attempted, but for the attempt to be successful it probably would have to be undertaken by a very experienced, ex-military person, and its unlikely this kind of person will attempt such a thing.
If obama is killed i won't be sure if i'll be happy or sad. Coming from the perspective of succession of course, I don't think he deserves to be assassinated, yet. If obama is killed, then biden would become the new president. I think the correct thing to say at that time would be "god help us", Biden is definitely not a great orator.
Obama is a horrible predisdent. He just has speaking skills. Obama won't get asasinated, they've got all these troups protecting him. The SWAT team wouldn't even have a chance.
He did already pass my bet... But with the way he's starting to run things maybe not long. Bush dug us into a hole, why dig the already deep? I am considering the possibilities of him getting assassinated. I doubt it, security is most likely tripled (At least) since he has "stepped up to the plate". I recently saw a news documentary that showed a thick, bullet proof glass, window I guess you could say. In the demonstration a guy (Forgot his name...) shot at it with a high powered (It looked pretty powerful) sniper. The person behind it without a scratch. The glass protective only let the bullet go about 1/4 through. If new things like this continue to come out the possibility will continue to go smaller, and smaller. So that's what I currently think on the subject.
I believe that Obmam will be assassinated. I mean, there are so many racist people out in the world that it is to much to have a black President. So, it is just a matter of time before some racist will come up, pull out a gun, and kill Obama.
So, to sum it up, I think that Obama will be in office for about 1 year. Then he will be assassinated.
theres only been like two presidents pluse the undercover agents our alot more skilled than they were back when jfk and lincoln were assasinated not saying that obma is a good president i think he should of waited uintill he had expereance in the senate before becoming president
theres only been like two presidents pluse the undercover agents our alot more skilled than they were back when jfk and lincoln were assasinated not saying that obma is a good president i think he should of waited uintill he had expereance in the senate before becoming president
You're uninformed and misinformed to the point of hilarity.
I don't think the economy will be "sound" enough for the masses to vote for a high spending republican president.
That didn't make one bit of sense. I believe it's other way around. I mean look, obama's been president for four months, and what do you hear in the news? Bailout, bailout, bailout, stimulus, bailout. You fail to realize that we're already trillions of dollars in debt, and a trillion dollars more is just going to make things worse. Lower taxes, minimal government, and complete freedoms.
I don't wish death upon anybody, despite how much I dislike him, and I find it unlikely that he will get assassinated, but it is a real possibility. Every president ever has been targeted by some deranged character somewhere, just most didn't go through or even get to the planning part.
....people need to stop listening to Rush.... The Secretary of the Treasury, and the Top Economic Advisor, as well as dozens of think tanks and study groups have all predicted that the recession will end within the year. Thanks to who's economic policies? OBAMA'S Obama is doing fine, and you cant expect him to fix two wars and a shattered economy in less than six months. things are already getting better, but give his administration more time.