I have a feeling that our current president, Barack Obama, is not going to survive one full term. Stepping up to office, he is now vulnerable to assassination, more than any other president so far. Since he's the first non-white president, there will be more racist criminals after him; I'll be amazed if he survives two full years in office. I think he won't last that long, but I've been known to be a rather pessimistic fellow. What do you think?
Maybe the security around him has been beefed up. Already during the elections some guys were caught gathering guns and planning to kill him. I certainly hope nothing will happen to him, chage!
idk but me and my frinds got a pot going on that. I got this and next month. For my sake something better happen.
Oh and nichodemus nothings gonna change. Almost ever president says "Its time for change" Yet nothig happens. I wouldnt depend on this guy to much. The aryan nations probably gonna be the one to take him out. The kkks not gonna do crap there to scared