I have a feeling that our current president, Barack Obama, is not going to survive one full term. Stepping up to office, he is now vulnerable to assassination, more than any other president so far. Since he's the first non-white president, there will be more racist criminals after him; I'll be amazed if he survives two full years in office. I think he won't last that long, but I've been known to be a rather pessimistic fellow. What do you think?
Only criminals (and certain government agents) have them. I'm not a criminal, and I don't know any criminals, but if I come across one, I'll let you know...
Only criminals (and certain government agents) have them. I'm not a criminal, and I don't know any criminals, but if I come across one, I'll let you know...
y does everyone think obama is gonna be assasinated?
There is an assassinator for mostly every president. Even one for Bush Jr., but that failed. There can be many different ways to why they would want to kill a president. For instance, they don't agree with his views, in Obama's case, there could be the instance of racism, or just probably a member of the opposite party. Either way, there was a threat of an assassination before his term, and if the security wasn't so tight on the inauguration, then there probably would have been more.
dude that was not me it was my friend he is an idiot but biden is alright he can be a little off at times but trust me all this time obama is president he wont be assassinated his plan is gonna work
russian they dont kill president because they arent a nice guy it is because they are either racist or just plain stupid with the way they are running the country