I've been thinking about what happens to someone when they die a lot recently o_O Not to throw anything anywhere but I'm, what is it called, agnostic or something like that, I think there could be a god/heaven/hell and stuff like that, so I don't quite absolutely think there is nothing, but I don't believe there is something as well. Anyway, I have been debating against myself not the possibility that there is a heaven but what if there isn't, yeah, it's what I do during History and English class XP
I've tried to imagine what it would be like if you ceased to exist, since all we've ever known is being in one form doing whatever we please all the time, thinking, eating, and such. It's impossible for me to think of not being able to exist O_O So in my opinion, because I cannot imagine it, there must be some sort of continued existence in which you could think and see, er maybe not see, but definitely be aware of your existence =o
[/pointless ramble] [a thousand apologies for the ramble here]
dont apologize its a good idea. there could be a possibility that u were aware that u were dead but u weren't completely aware of the things around u and would be confused with ur surroundings.
Death is simply your matter on the floor. We should be appreciating the here and now, what we have, and what life is all about; which in my opinion isn't waiting to for death come along. And considering that all of you out of millions of sperm cells made it into birth, you're all really lucky to be here.
Yakooza if science said you should comit suicide wouold you do it? Just bacause you don't want to ecxept the truth you don't need to get mad at others.
Ever hear how you can't use the word you're using to define itself? Well guess what, you can't prove that the bible is acurate by referring to it as the facts