When I die i believe God/Jesus will question all of my sins and all of the things that i have done in my life. He will see if i am ready to come to terms with all the horrible and lovley things i've done in my life and he will forgive me if i am truley sorrowful for the deeds that i have done wrong. Then i will be sent to heaven and live with my family for eternity in the afterlife... atleast i hope thats what will happen to me, i've nothing else to believe
Caucasianfro They were froma all differnet parts of the world so it would be impossible describe it the same way. Alt accont be nicer seriosly just cause you are mistaken about God doesn't mean to critisize. Napolien is right.
I'm a Christian and I believe that we will be judged by God when we die. Religion aside, I think there is some form of afterlife and some kind of creator waiting there. Some people may disagree since a higher being has no logic, but my feeling is that it is only logic we can't understand yet, and that we might be patting ourselves on the back too much to think we are the highest being (unless you believe in other intelligent life, like aliens or something). Plus I'm kind of hoping there's something else after we die. Brightens my morning a little.
I think that if there is in fact a heaven, it will not matter what religion you were in life.
Then again, I believe that religion is merely psychological. Something that humans convince themselves of. I try to pretend I'm not from Earth, and then look at our society and customs. Religion just seems like one of those crazy ideas that would be seen as pointless.
The catholics believe that if you are baptized you will goto heaven.
weird but true.
some sects of the Christian faith believe that we only have this one life to live and when we die, we are basically rotting flesh returned to the earth.
I'm not catholic. but I know that You can get to heaven without being baptized.You need Jesus Christ John 14:6 I am the way the thruth and the life no one can get to the fatehr accept through me.
You don't understand, YOu have to be baptized if you are Catholic, I was a Catholic turned Christian turned Atheist turned Agnostic.
Catholics believe once you are Baptized you are saved, which is why they generally try and baptize all the children.
Frank, you should also read about Catholics, because they would probably hunt you down...
Christians believe you can get into heaven without being baptized, because Jesus Christ sacrificed himself to save everyone, He removed the need for a priest to confess your sins to.
Catholics believe in people who do good deeds can become saints, which is why they have a whole slew of saints and stuff, Christians think otherwise.
Please look up information before actually making an argument.
Catholics believe once you are Baptized you are saved, which is why they generally try and baptize all the children.
I'm a Catholic, so I wanted to clear this up a little. Catholics believe that Baptism is welcoming into the way of Christ. Not having known if before, it would be considered your first commitment to God, forgiving all your old sins. But it doesn't make you automatically saved, and it certainly doesn't mean you have to be Baptized to go to heaven.
Catholics believe in people who do good deeds can become saints, which is why they have a whole slew of saints and stuff
That's true. It takes a lot to become a saint, though, usually martyrs, extremely faithful Christians (or seriously reformed converts) become saints. Although if it makes you feel better, when I pray I usually only pray to God or Jesus. I hope you respect all branches of Christianity, though. We all believe in the same Savior, just different traditions.