ForumsArt, Music, and WritingAlt's Assorted Authorings

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Just wanted a place to post some other stuff I've written, namely poetry and little nothings, and things of that nature.

I Dislike Poetry

writing poetry is just so cruel
rhyming, meter and rhythm too
writing poetry is something I absolutely rue

villianelles, rime royals, and terza rimas
trochaic, spondaic, iambic and anapestic
why can't words be drab and rustic?

SpasMoDiC PoEtrY is EveN MoRe diFficUlT
sonnets make me sob.
Poetry would be the first thing I'd attack if I were an angry mob.

you say
I'm writing poetry
well I must protest

if I'm writing poetry
I am scarcely at my best
I quite dislike poetry

and won't pen a word at your behest.
I won't give poetry a cent.
And at the side of the deathbed of poetry
I certainly won't lament.

Something about the main character from the "Publishers" stories.
Henry Crestview was a regular man. His light blond hair spilled subtly over his somewhat stocky forehead; his vivid aquamarine eyes showing to their fullest under the awning of his bangs. His eyebrows were barely visible, his countenance stolid; yet appearing to hide a razor wit and a light of life. He was not a chubby man; his legs lanky; his arms thin. These limbs concealed a deceptive strength, born from years of safaris and marathons. He was by no means ancient. Yet nor was he terribly young; in his thirties, he has seen life at it's best and worst, the only thing left for him to discern which was which. His mouth was radically serene, his nose well-shapen. All-in-all, he was definitely a mundane-seeming person. Mundane situations, however, were just not his style.

  • 144 Replies
9,821 posts

Summer piece, winter puzzle box
the right placement is downside up near away, how it mocks
chained to the spot by tight padlocks
you cannot answer the door no matter how many knocks

no identification found
empty notion is there, but offers no satiation
they and you just ponder and frown
they say there's no proof, but you know you're lost in translation

there's something there, you don't know what
there's a tear, a rift, a paradox, a prime final cut
a sinking feeling in your gut
not lost, not found, it's an unexplainable mental rut

no identification found
empty notion is there, but offers no satiation
they and you just ponder and frown
they say there's no proof, but you know you're lost in translation

it's time for a paradigm shift
to bask in the light of acceptance would be quite a gift
more time to rest, less weight to lift
and through these shifting sands you will sift

no identification found
empty notion is there, but offers no satiation
they and you just ponder and frown
they say there's no proof, but you know you're lost in translation

you acclimate, see the bright side
it is minuscule, but in nothing you'll have to confide
noone to befriend, none will chide
it is a cold comfort to have the loneliness, you'll find

no identification found
empty notion is there, but offers no satiation
they and you just ponder and frown
they say there's no proof, but you know you're lost in translation

I'll be adding a verse and maybe a refrain until I think it's done.

9,821 posts

I think I'm using the refrain too much > >

Summer piece, winter puzzle box
the right placement is downside up near away, how it mocks
chained to the spot by tight padlocks
you cannot answer the door no matter how many knocks

there's something there, you don't know what
there's a tear, a rift, a paradox, a prime final cut
a sinking feeling in your gut
not lost, not found, it's an unexplainable mental rut

no identification found
empty notion is there, but offers no satiation
they and you just ponder and frown
they say there's no proof, but you know you're lost in translation

it's time for a paradigm shift
to bask in the light of acceptance would be quite a gift
more time to rest, less weight to lift
and through these shifting sands you will sift

you acclimate, see the bright side
it is minuscule, but in nothing you'll have to confide
noone to befriend, none will chide
it is a cold comfort to have the loneliness, you'll find

no identification found
empty notion is there, but offers no satiation
they and you just ponder and frown
they say there's no proof, but you know you're lost in translation

9,821 posts

Alt uses bad revival excuse!

It's super effective!

Fear poem, won the poetry comp: (still not merit'd!!!111!1!!)
It's intentions blood-soaked
forlorn, devoid of hope
no man or woman knows the reach of it's scope

it's a rotten denizen, untellably old
the warm ember that leaves you cold
the story we all know that remains untold

you need your senses, but they've deserted
every ounce of strength you have perverted
your mature psyche has been reverted

it's the man in the corner with the bloody knife
it's hesitant, pensive and pure strife
the gut-wrenching lurch that pervades your life

the feeling of falling and drowning on land
the feeling of can't when you already can
the feeling of sinking in quicksand

fear, the lurking shadow in the light
the indescribable shock and fright
against this foe, the strong have no might

the mark on everyone, the empty desolation
the living death that offers no reanimation
silently slow live cremation

as it raises the knife to pierce you
so it's being goes in, around and through
shrinking back, there's nothing to do. . . .


14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I'm at least tied with Nich imo, and Gantic, wistress, and zoph are definitely better. :/

But I have depression artillery like you never seen before. Guess what? I have the most Goth-like poems, that I will not post on AG.
9,821 posts

But I have depression artillery like you never seen before.

You have no idea >.>

I have the most Goth-like poems, that I will not post on AG.

You have no idea >.>
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

You have no idea >.>

Apart from deer, all my animals have no eyes. I took them out in a fit of rage, and fed them to my shadow. And what did that ungrateful swine do? Swallowed me whole.
9,821 posts

Apart from deer, all my animals have no eyes. I took them out in a fit of rage, and fed them to my shadow. And what did that ungrateful swine do? Swallowed me whole.

I destroyed a planet once. . . .

I was as if a million tiny souls screamed out in terror, and there was sudden, blood-choked silence.

It was awesome.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I destroyed a planet once. . . .
I was as if a million tiny souls screamed out in terror, and there was sudden, blood-choked silence.
It was awesome.

I killed a million kitty cats, and took their fur. Then I made the fur into a carpet, which I promptly used for my toilet.

Then I recorded their cute screams, and listened to it as a soothing lullaby.
9,821 posts

I killed a million kitty cats, and took their fur. Then I made the fur into a carpet, which I promptly used for my toilet.

Then I recorded their cute screams, and listened to it as a soothing lullaby.

I took the tails of a billion puppies, cut them off with a rusty chainsaw, tied them together into a noose, hanged each one individually with that noose, then I untied the noose and to this day use it as a whip to keep my tortured slaves in line.
14,990 posts
Grand Duke

I took the tails of a billion puppies, cut them off with a rusty chainsaw, tied them together into a noose, hanged each one individually with that noose, then I untied the noose and to this day use it as a whip to keep my tortured slaves in line.

Huh, I did all that. PLUS I finished all the cookies on AG. Beat that!
9,821 posts

Huh, I did all that. PLUS I finished all the cookies on AG. Beat that!

I did that.

then, after that and eating all the cookies, I ate all the shrimp cocktail, then nuked the Moon to F**k up the tides.
9,821 posts

I spent less than 4 minutes on this poem. . . .

Poor Excuse

Nothing but a poor excuse
a pale barrier of protection
a neon sign would be of better use
a weak tool of attraction, reflection

you don't need glasses to rob someone blind
or a crutch to be crippled
divinity to be kind
or a pond to make a ripple

don't need fire to make a spark
don't need dynamite to light a fuse
don't need to be naked to be stark
and you don't need a reason when you have a poor excuse

50 posts

hey you famous yet?

6,800 posts

then, after that and eating all the cookies,

(creepy voice) the cookies are a lie! OOhhh!

nice 4-min poem. I like it, though I would add soemthing to it. Or you can walk away while your on top.
9,821 posts

Chill's expression betrayed nothing. His messy hair and dully pensive countenance placed an embargo on emotion, and his cold stare didn't help either.

Slender and rather tall, he wasn't as athletic as he appeared. His arms held little strength. His speed made up for it. His face held some gauntness, though not enough to look vampiric - his head was full enough to counteract it.

He was swathed in a blue hoodie sweatshirt, an undershirt which was invisible due to aforementioned sweatshirt, jeans and shoes. If needed, he could hide his eyes almost completely with his hood - a handy way to withdraw.

He almost always had a mug of tea in hand, steaming and comforting. It helped soothe his migraines. A ubiquitous comfort in also ubiquitous nights of little sleep, it helped wake him up because he knew he wasn't going to get another second of rest if he opened his eyes after sleeping on any given night. . . .

Among other things, he had a domain over majick. Proficient in the use and manipulation of water, (thanks to George) it was his main method of defense.


I could practically write a book to describe my character. . .but this is good for now.

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